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Products>Patrologia Syriaca (vols. 1–2) and Orientalis (vols. 1–14, 16)

Patrologia Syriaca (vols. 1–2) and Orientalis (vols. 1–14, 16)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $339.66
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Delve into the rich and profoundly important life of the ancient Eastern Church with the Patrologia Syriaca and Patrologia Orientalis. These important texts of Scripture and the Church Fathers in Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Greek, Georgian, Slavonic, and Syriac contain a vast wealth of invaluable material for anyone interested in textual criticism, the original languages, and especially Patristics. For those interested in church history, historical theology, or systematics, the theological writings, homilies, and letters of the first Fathers of the Eastern Church provide a firsthand understanding of the heresies and related controversies that raged in the Church’s most formative years.

In 1886, Professor Rene Graffin embarked on the enormous task of compiling the writings of the Church Fathers not included in the monumental works of J. P. Migne—the Patrologia Latina and Patrologia Graeca. This resulted in the Patrologia Syriaca which provided the writings of the Syriac Church Fathers with Latin translations on facing pages. In 1897 at the Oriental Congress, a decision was made to begin the work of the Patrologia Orientalis which would include the Syriac writings of the church as well as texts in Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Greek, Georgian, and Slavonic. While new volumes of the Patrologia Orientalis are still in progress, this Logos collection of the Patrologia Syriaca and Patrologia Orientalis offers 17 vols. and provides nearly 12,000 pages of important early church documents and histories, theological and homiletic works, and critical editions and translations of Scripture and the Apocrypha in several ancient languages along with Latin or French translations on facing pages. Read texts by Athanasius preserved in Ethiopic, the history of John attributed to Mark, the life of Luke and other biblical figures, or the Armenian version of Irenaeus. Along with these important original texts, helpful introductions and notes are also included in Latin and French.

With the Logos edition, you get vols. 1–2 of the Patrologia Syriaca and vols. 1–14 and 16 of the Patrologia Orientalis. This collection will provide you with a searchable text integrated into the rest of your Logos library to expand your corpus of original-language writings. (Morphological tagging may be added later depending on interest.) You will be able to compare the original text of the Bible to its ancient translations with a click for deeper understanding of its historical interpretation and transmission. Enhance your exegetical and theological studies by being conversant with these important historical writings in their original languages.

Be sure to also get Migne's monumental works on the Latin and Greek Fathers, the Patrologiae Cursus Completus: Series Latina (221 vols.) and the Patrologiae Cursus Completus: Series Graeca (167 vols.).

Key Features

  • An extensive collection of writings from the Fathers and Doctors of the Eastern Church in their original languages
  • Over 12,000 pages of primary source documents in Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Greek, Georgian, Slavonic, and Syriac with translations
  • Introductions, discourses, and critical apparatuses for the writings of the Eastern Fathers

Praise for the Print Edition

Scholars fluent in the original Greek and Latin and other languages have long enjoyed and benefited from the high quality of textual work in . . . Patrologia Orientalis, and Patrologia Syriaca.

The Rebirth of Orthodoxy: Signs of New Life in Christianity, by Thomas C. Oden

Exegetes have paid astonishingly little attention to this collection.

Apocryphal Gospels: An Introduction, by Hans-Josef Klauck

Product Details

  • Title: Patrologia Syriaca (vols. 1-2) and Orientalis (vols. 1-14, 16)
  • Editors: René Graffin, Francois Nau, Max de Saxe
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Volumes: 17
  • Pages: 12,725

Individual Titles

Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 1

  • Editor: René Graffin
  • Series: Patrologia Syriaca
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1894
  • Pages: 647


  • Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstationes, Part 1

Patrologia Syriaca, vol. 2

  • Editor: René Graffin
  • Series: Patrologia Syriaca
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1907
  • Pages: 737


  • Aphraatis Sapientis Persae Demonstatio, Part 2
  • Bardesanes, Liber legum Regionum
  • S. Simeon Bar Sabbae
  • Liber Apocalypseos Baruch Filii Neriae Translatus of Graeco in Syriacum
  • Testamentum Patris Nostri Adam
  • Apotelesmata Apollonii Tyanensis

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 1

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1904
  • Pages: 706

Contains texts in Ethiopic and Arabic, including:

  • Le livre de mystères du ciel et de la terre
  • History of the patriarchs of the Coptic church of Alexandria (S. Mark to Benjamin I)
  • Le synaxaire arabe jacobite (rédaction copte)
  • Le synaxaire éthiopien : les mois de sanê, hamlê et nahasê

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 2

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1907
  • Pages: 690

Contains texts in Coptic, Ethiopic, Greek, and Syriac, including:

  • Vie de Sévère d'Antioch, par Zacharie le scholastique
  • Les apocryphes coptes: Les évangiles des douze apotres et de saint Barthélemy
  • Vie de Sévère, par Jean, supérieur du monastère de Beith Apithonia
  • Les versions grecques des actes des martyrs persans sous Sapor II
  • Le livre de Job: version éthiopienne

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 3

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1909
  • Pages: 646

Contains texts in Arabic, Syriac, and Ethiopic, including:

  • Histoire d'Ahoudemmeh et de Marouta, métropolitains Jacobites de Tagrit et de l'Orient; traité d'Ahoudemmeh
  • Réfutations d'Eutychius, par Sévère, évêque d'Aschmounaïn
  • Le synaxaire arabe Jacobite
  • Sargis d'Aberga, controverse Judéo-Chrétienne

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 4

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1908
  • Pages: 727

Contains texts in Arabic, Ethiopic, Greek, and Syriac, including:

  • Les "Homilies Cathedrales" de Sévère d'Antioch
  • Les plus anciens monuments du Christianisme écrits sur papyrus
  • Histoire nestorienne inédite : (chronique de Séert). Première partie. (I)
  • La cause de la fondation des écoles, par Mar Barhadbsabba `Arbaya
  • Histoire de S. Pacome
  • Histoire de Saint Jean-Baptiste attribuée à Saint Marc l'évangéliste
  • Le miracle de S. Michel à Colosses
  • The conflict of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, by Athanasius

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 5

  • Editors: René Graffin, Francois Nau, and Max de Saxe
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1910
  • Pages: 808

Contains texts in Arabic, Armenian, and Syriac, including:

  • History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic church of Alexandria
  • Histoire nestorienne: (chronique de Séert)
  • Le synaxaire arménien de Ter Israël
  • Kitab al-`unvan = Histoire universelle, écrite par Agapius (Mahboub) de Menbidj
  • Les légendes syriaques d'Aaron de Saroug, de Maxime et Domèce, d'Abraham, maître de Barsoma et de l'empereur Maurice

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 6

  • Editors: René Graffin, Francois Nau, and Max de Saxe
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1911
  • Pages: 706

Contains texts in Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Greek, and Syriac, including:

  • The Hymns of Severus and others in the Syriac Version of Paul of Edessa as Revised by James of Edessa (I)
  • Le synaxaire Arménien de Ter Israël
  • Les trois derniers traités du livre des mystères du ciel et de la terre
  • L'histoire des conciles de Sévère ibn al Moqaffa (second livre)
  • Vie d'Alexandre l'Acémète

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 7

  • Editors: René Graffin, Francois Nau, and Max de Saxe
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1911
  • Pages: 803

Contains texts in Arabic, Coptic, and Syriac, including:

  • Traités d'Isaï le docteur et de Hnana d'Abiabène sur les martyrs, le vendredi d'or et les rogations, et de foi a réciter par les évéques nestoriens avant l'ordination
  • Histoire nestorienne (Chronique de Séert). Seconde partie (I)
  • Le synaxaire Éthiopien: les mois de sanê, hamlê et nahasê
  • Kitab al-'Unvan = Histoire universelle, écrite par Agapius (Mahboub) de Menbidj
  • The hymns of Severus and others in the Syriac version of Paul of Edessa as revised by James of Edessa (II)

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 8

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1912
  • Pages: 781

Contains texts in Arabic, Greek, and Syriac, including:

  • Jean Rufus, Évëque de Maïouma - Plérophories, c'est-a-dire témoignages et révélations (contre le concile de Chalcédoine)
  • Les homiliae cathedrales de Sévère d'Antioche, version syriaque de Jacques d'Édesse. Homélies LVIII à LXIX
  • Kitab al'Unvan. Histoire universelle, écrite par Agapius de Menbidj. Seconde partie. (II)
  • La version arabe des 127 canons des apotres
  • La didascalie de Jacob, première assemblée

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 9

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1913
  • Pages: 678

Contains texts in Coptic, Ethiopic, and Syriac, including:

  • Le livre d'Esther, version éthiopienne
  • Les Apocryphes coptes: II, Acta Pilati
  • Le testament en Galilée de notre-seigner Jésus-Christ
  • Le syntax Éthiopien: les mois de sanê, hamlê, nahasê et pâguemên
  • La seconde partie de l'histoire ecclésiastique de Barhadbesaba 'Arbaïa et une controverse de Théodore de Mopsueste avec les Macédoniens

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 10

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1915
  • Pages: 675

Contains texts in Arabic, and Syriac, including:

  • Un martyrologie et douze Ménologes syriaques
  • Les Ménologes des Évangéliaires coptes-arabes
  • Le calendrier d'Aboul-Barakat: texte arabe, édité et traduit
  • Les fêtes des melchites, par Al-Bîrounî; Les fêtes des coptes par Al-Maqrizi; Calendrier maronite par Ibn al-Qola'i
  • History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic church of Alexandria. IV, Mennas I to Joseph (849)
  • Ammonii Eremitae epistolae

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 11

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1915
  • Pages: 861

Contains texts in Arabic, Greek, and Syriac, including:

  • Kitab al-'Unvan. Histoire universalle écrite par Agapius (Mahboub) de Menbidj. Première partie. (II)
  • La vie de saint Luc le Stylite (879-979)
  • Histoire d'Isaac, patriarche Jacobite d'Alexandrie de 686 à 689, écrite par Mina, évêque de Pchati
  • Ammonas, successeur de saint Antoine
  • Le synaxaire arabe Jacobite: (rédaction copte). III, Les mois de toubeh et d'amchir

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 12

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1919
  • Pages: 804

Contains texts in Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, and Armenian, including:

  • Les Homiliae cathedrales de Sévère d'Antioche: traduction syriaque de Jacques d'Édesse (suite). Homélies LXX à LXXVI
  • A collection of letters of Severus of Antioch : from numerous Syriac manuscripts
  • Histoire des sultans mamlouks, par Moufazzal ibn Abil-Fazaïl
  • Les miracles de Jésus
  • Eis epideixin tou apostolikou kerygmatos = The proof of the apostolic preaching : with seven fragments : Armenian version par S. Irenaeus

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 13

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1919
  • Pages: 738

Contains texts in Ethiopic and Syriac, including:

  • Sargis d'Aberga, controverse Judéo chrétienne (fin).
  • Documents pour servir a l'histoire de l'église Nestorienne
  • Logia et agrapha domini Jesu : apud Moslemicos scriptores, asceticos praesertim, usitata
  • Histoire nestorienne inédite : (Chronique de Séert). Seconde partie. (II)
  • Le troisième livre d'Ezrâ (Esdras et Néhémie cononiques)

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 14

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1920
  • Pages: 856

Contains texts in Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopic, and Syriac, including:

  • A collection of letters of Severus of Antioch, from numerous Syriac manuscripts
  • The life of Abba John Kamé
  • Mufazzal Ibn Abil - Fazaïl. Histoire des sultans Mamlouks
  • Sei scritti antitreistici in langua siriaca
  • Les miracles de Jésus

Patrologia Orientalis, vol. 16

  • Editors: René Graffin and Francois Nau
  • Series: Patrologia Orientalis
  • Publisher: Firmin-Didot et socii
  • Publication Date: 1922
  • Pages: 862

Contains texts in Arabic, Armenian, Greek, and Syriac, including:

  • Le synaxaire arménien de Ter Israel: IV, Mois de tré
  • Le synaxaire arabe Jacobite: (rédaction copte). IV, Les mois de barmahat, barmoudah et bachons
  • Homélies mariales Byzantines
  • La perle précieuse: traitant des sciences ecclésiastiques (chapitres I-LVI), par Jean, fils d'Abou-Zakariyâ, surnommé Ibn Sabâ`
  • Les homiliae cathedrales de Sévère d'Antioche (suite). Homélie LXXVII

About René Graffin

René Graffin (1800–1875) studied at the French Seminary in Rome and then at Innsbruck. He then became professor of Syriac studies at the Institute Catholique in Paris and has contributed much to the study and editing of Christian texts in Eastern Christian languages. He was also editor of Revue de l’Orient chrétien from 1896 to 1940.

About Francois Nau

Francois Nau (1864–1931) studied at the Seminary of Saint Sulpice. He was ordained as a priest in 1887 and received his doctorate in 1897. From 1890 to 1931, he served as professor of mathematics at the Institute Catholique of Paris, where he was appointed dean of the School of Sciences in 1928. He studied Syriac and wrote extensively on Eastern Patristics. Alongside Rene Graffin, he served as the secretary and then director of Revue de l’Orient chrétien from 1905 to 1911 and 1911 to 1919, respectively.

About Max de Saxe

Max de Saxe (1870–1951) was a prince of Saxony. He studied law at Freibourg im Breisgau and Dresden and theology at Würzburg. In 1896, he renounced his rights to the throne and instead pursued pastoral ministry and teaching. He served as professor of liturgy at the University of Freibourg from 1900 to 1912. Interested in reunification between the Eastern and Western Churches, he learned Russian, Syriac, and Armenian and sought ecumenical inroads between the traditions. From 1921 to 1951, he served as professor of oriental civilization at the University of Freibourg.


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  1. Noy Jan

    Noy Jan


    At least prioritizing a "reader version" roll-out of this and the other Patrologia series (Graeca and Latina) should - IMHO - be a top priority for a company that has branded versions of their software for the Orthodox and Catholic communities. Please, please like if you agree.
  2. Zack Sweden

    Zack Sweden


    Please we need this, thank you!
  3. Bob Venem

    Bob Venem


    While gathering interest to gauge the potential market is a prudent business decision, how many people who have NOT shown interest would purchase this outright if it was already available?
  4. Safwat Shaker
    Do they have them in Arabic ?
  5. DarkiYahu - Anders Erichsen
    Do there exist an English Translations of all these texts? Like how many knows Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopic, Greek, Georgian, Slavonic, and Syriac.... Oh, so many writings there exits - not only is there the western collection and much outside and now all the eastern stuff.
  6. Jim McGarigle
    I think the per volume cost is a little high compared to the Greek & Latin sets. Those other sets are priced at about $1.13 per volume for the Latin set and approx $1.50 per vol for the Greek set. The Syriac / Orientalis set is going for about $8.25 per book.
  7. Columbcille Anthony Dougherty
    I would love to see this with English text as well!


Collection value: $339.66
Save $249.67 (73%)

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