Digital Logos Edition
These volumes provide a comprehensive treatment of the whole Bible, as well as exhaustive analyses of several individual books in the Old and New Testaments. Written by the most respected scholars in the field, this collection includes works that have set the standard by which all other commentaries are measured. For those wanting the best in Bible commentary, this collection is essential.
Edited by James D. G. Dunn and John Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible provides pastors, students, and interested laity with the finest, most up-to-date single-volume Bible handbook available. With Jack Lundbom’s exhaustive Deuteronomy commentary, explore the linchpin of the Old Testament that connects the Pentateuch with the Former and Latter Prophets. A Commentary on Jeremiah by premier Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggeman presents a combined and updated version of his classic two-volume work. Bruce Waltke’s masterful commentary on Micah displays an unprecedented exegetical thoroughness, an expert understanding of historical context, and a keen interest in illuminating Micah’s contributions to Christian theology. Arland J. Hultgren’s The Parables of Jesus provides comprehensive commentary on these rich, yet often enigmatic lessons. The Letter to the Romans from The Bible in Medieval Tradition series offers an invaluable analysis of the book’s history of interpretation from eight representative medieval interpreters between the ninth and fourteenth centuries, as well as substantial translations of key medieval commentaries.
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No one familiar with the Bible needs to be told that it is a truly remarkable work. But it takes help to understand this ancient collection of diverse forms of literature written by different people across many centuries. The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible (ECB) is the finest, most up-to-date single-volume Bible handbook now available.
Written by world-class Bible scholars, the ECB encapsulates in nontechnical language the best of modern scholarship on the 66 biblical books plus the Apocrypha. The only one-volume Bible commentary to cover all the texts (even including 1 Enoch) regarded by one or more Christian churches as canonical, the ECB provides reader-friendly treatments and succinct summaries of each section of the text that will be valuable to scholars, students and general readers alike.
The primary objective of this work is to clarify the meaning of each section of the Bible. Rather than attempting a verse-by-verse analysis (virtually impossible in a one-volume work), the ECB focuses on principal units of meaning—narrative, parable, prophetic oracle, section of argument, and so on—highlighting their interconnectedness with the rest of the biblical text. The volume also addresses and answers major issues—including the range of possible interpretations—and refers readers to the best fuller discussions. Beyond providing reliable, informative commentary, this hefty volume also includes thirteen introductory and context-setting articles that do justice to the biblical documents both as historical sources and as scriptures.
The 67 contributors to the ECB come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are acknowledged leaders in the field of biblical studies. Their contributions stand out either for their fresh interpretations of the evidence, or for their way of asking new questions of the text, or for their new angles of approach. While the translation of choice is the New Revised Standard Version, many of the contributors offer their own vivid translations of the original Hebrew or Greek.
Cutting-edge, comprehensive, and ecumenical, the ECB is both a fitting climax to the rich body of interconfessional work undertaken in the latter part of the twentieth century and a worthy launching pad for biblical study in the twenty-first.
Comprehensive and ecumenical in scope and reader-friendly in format, the ECB is the finest, most up-to-date single-volume biblical commentary now available. Written by well-known scholars, the ECB encapsulates in nontechnical language the cutting edge of modern scholarship on the 66 biblical books of the Protestant canon plus the Apocrypha . . . Its succinct interpretations of the sacred books will be helpful to scholars, pastors, students, and general readers . . . An invaluable ‘one-stop’ guide.
—Catholic Biblical Quarterly
The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible will be a rich and enduring resource for all who seek to understand the Bible in its literary, historical, and theological dimensions. The essays on biblical books are written by highly respected scholars and present the best fruits of recent research in ways that are engaging and persuasive. Moreover, the wide-ranging introductory articles will serve everyone from beginning students of Scripture to scholars wanting to refresh their knowledge. Recommended for churches, students, pastors, and scholars.
—Susan R. Garrett, dean of the seminary and professor of New Testament, Louisville Seminary
Utilizing the considerable talents of scholars representing a broad theological spectrum, the Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible provides readers with a concise, stimulating, sometimes provocative reading of the biblical text. I commend this volume to all who want a handy scholarly resource as they grapple with the meaning of the text.
—Tremper Longman III, professor of biblical studies and chair of the religious studies department, Westmont College
The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible contains scholarship that is both international and ecumenical, including contributions from Catholics as well as Protestants. Most of the contributors have well-established international reputations, and several are at the top of their field. Especially welcome is the inclusion of the Apocrypha, two essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls, an introduction to the Pseudepigrapha, and even a commentary on 1 Enoch, which may be unique to a Bible commentary of this kind. The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible is a very useful resource for college and seminary students and those who teach them.
—John J. Collins, Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Yale Divinity School
James D. G. Dunn is Lightfoot Professor Emeritus of Divinity at the University of Durham in England. His many books include Jesus Remembered and Beginning from Jerusalem and commentaries on Romans, Galatians, and Colossians and Philemon.
John Rogerson is professor emeritus of biblical studies at the University of Sheffield in England.
This milestone commentary by Jack Lundbom is intended for any and all readers who want to better know and understand the key Pentateuchal book of Deuteronomy, which has had a huge influence on both Judaism and Christianity over the centuries. For Jews, Deuteronomy contains the Decalogue and the Shema—“Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one” (6:4)—supplemented by a code of primal legislation.
Deuteronomy is much cited in the New Testament and has come to occupy an important place in the life and doctrine of the Christian church. It lifts up important wisdom themes such as humane treatment and benevolence to the poor and needy and is rich in theology, calling repeatedly on Israel to reject other gods and worship the Lord alone as holy.
Besides drawing on language, archaeology, and comparative Near Eastern material, Lundbom’s commentary employs rhetorical criticism in explicating the biblical text. Lundbom also cites later Jewish interpretation of the book of Deuteronomy and makes numerous New Testament connections. An appendix contains all citations of Deuteronomy in the New Testament.
Deuteronomy, though still relatively unknown, is now at the center of the discussion of biblical theology. The great merit of Lundbom’s commentary is that it will make accessible to a broad scholarly readership theological themes that are essential for both Judaism and Christianity.
—Dominik Markl, adjunct professor of biblical studies, Jesuit School of Theology
This exhaustive work includes a fresh translation kept close to the Hebrew so as to bring out rhetorical structures lost in English since the King James Version. Each passage is accompanied by commentary, along with abundant referrals to further scholarship, focusing especially on delimitation, framing, keywords, chiasms, and inclusios determined both from the rhetorical criticism Lundbom is known for and from evidence in the ancient manuscripts. The extensive supplementary material at the start of the volume lays out moderate, cautious positions, conversant with the latest critical scholarship.
—Robert D. Miller III, associate professor of Old Testament, Catholic University of America
Jack R. Lundbom is a life member at Clare Hall, Cambridge University. Among his prior publications are Jeremiah Closer Up and The Hebrew Prophets: An Introduction.
This commentary is the eighteenth published volume in The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL)—a series that aims to present a form-critical analysis of the books and units in the Hebrew Bible. Serge Frolov’s valuable study of Judges, addressing both synchronic and diachronic perspectives, offers the first full-scale form-critical treatment of Judges since 1922 and represents an important application of form criticism as practiced today.
Fundamentally exegetical, Frolov’s work examines the structure, genre, setting, and intention of Judges. Focusing on the canonical Hebrew text, Frolov argues that what we know as the book of Judges is not a literary unit but rather a series of interconnected units that are for the most part closely linked to adjoining books. In particular, he shows how the sequence “apostasy-oppression-repentance-deliverance’ traverses the boundary between Judges and Samuel. Frolov also analyzes the history behind the form-critical discussion of this book and exposes the exegetical process so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of Judges.
Serge Frolov is Nate and Ann Levine Professor of Jewish Studies and associate professor of religious studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.
The Hebrew book of Job is by all accounts an exquisite piece of literary art that holds its rightful place among the most outstanding compositions in world literature. Yet it is also widely recognized as an immensely difficult text to understand.
In elucidating that ancient text, this inaugural Illuminations commentary by C. L. Seow pays close attention to the reception history of Job, including Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Western secular interpretations as expressed in theological, philosophical, and literary writings and in the visual and performing arts. Seow offers a primarily literary-theological interpretation of Job, a new translation, and detailed commentary.
The appearance of Leong Seow’s marvelous, eclectic commentary on the book of Job is an occasion for celebration. It is the first critical commentary to give proper weight to reception history along with the philological and literary analysis necessary to support judicious interpretation. Seow is a thorough and learned commentator with a keen eye and ear for ambiguity and nuance. In addition, his lucid and elegant writing is a pleasure to read.
—Alan Cooper, Elaine Ravich Professor of Jewish Studies, The Jewish Theological Seminary
As in his masterful commentary on Ecclesiastes, Seow brings to the book of Job a rare combination of historical knowledge, linguistic expertise, patient attention to details, and a sense of existential and theological perspective. . . . The result is a commentary that is bound to become a classic in Job studies.
—J. Gerald Janzen, MacAllister-Petticrew Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Christian Theological Seminary
This is easily the most comprehensive commentary available on the book of Job. From detailed textual analysis to artistic and poetic interpretations, Seow provides a rich avenue into one of our most complex biblical books. The breadth of scholarship is matched by the clarity and attractiveness of presentation. This will be a standard work for a long time to come.
—Patrick D. Miller, professor of Old Testament theology in the Department of Biblical Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary
A lucid, extraordinarily erudite commentary.
—Michael V. Fox, Halls-Bascom Professor of Hebrew, University of Wisconsin
An outstanding masterpiece of philology, exegesis, and theological interpretation.
—Thomas Krüger, professor of Old Testament, University of Basel
One of the very best commentaries in the last hundred years. . . . Much of Seow’s work will not need to be redone.
—Michael D. Coogan, lecturer on Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Harvard Divinity School
C. L. Seow is Henry Snyder Gehman Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature at Princeton Theological Seminary. A recognized expert in Old Testament studies and the general editor of the Illuminations series, he is also the author of the Anchor Yale Bible commentary on Ecclesiastes.
Jeremiah’s poignant lament over Judah’s social and religious disintegration reflects God’s own pathos-laden yearning for his disobedient covenant people. In this widely praised expository commentary Walter Brueggemann, one of the premier Old Testament scholars of our time, explores the historical setting and message of Jeremiah as well as the text’s relevance for the church today.
Offering a fresh look at the critical theological issues in the Jeremiah tradition, Brueggemann argues that Jeremiah’s voice compels us to rediscern our own situation, issuing an urgent invitation to faith, obedience, justice, and compassion.
This combined edition of Brueggemann’s original two-volume work, published until recently as part of the International Theological Commentary series, is an essential resource for students, pastors, and general readers alike. It is reprinted here with a new introduction by Brueggemann that surveys the current state of Jeremiah studies.
The pastor and the seminary student will find this book a very welcome addition to their library. Brueggemann’s exposition of the text is adequate in its detail, and always lucid. Helpful footnotes direct the reader to further reading on historical background and scholarly viewpoints . . . This book is a very readable guide to Jeremiah and will appeal to a broad section of the market.
—Hebrew Studies
The author challenges us to explore the voice of Jeremiah that is so powerful and compelling, so passionate and uncompromising in its anguish and hope, that it requires our submission to the text for a fresh discernment . . . A standard work for seminary students and pastors in parish contexts.
—Religious Studies Review
The author of a good book is a good partner in conversation. Brueggemann has made a major contribution to the extraordinarily complex continuing conversation with the author of the Book of Jeremiah. He consistently argues that this must be a theological conversation, and his comments repeatedly increase the theological depth in which the book is understood . . . For this lively and provocative commentary Brueggemann is to be applauded.
—Catholic Biblical Quarterly
This commentary will challenge all who use Jeremiah in preaching and teaching. Brueggeman challenges us to understand the prophetic writing in new ways that will have an impact on our use of the text in sermons and on our understanding of the contemporary situation of the church.
—Sharing the Practice
Walter Brueggemann is the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. He is the author of numerous biblical commentaries and scholarly works, including A Social Reading of the Old Testament, The Threat of Life, Theology of the Old Testament, and The Prophetic Imagination.
In this masterful commentary, respected biblical scholar Bruce Waltke carefully interprets the message of the prophet Micah, building a bridge between Micah’s ancient world and our life today.
Waltke’s commentary on Micah quickly distinguishes itself from other commentaries on this book by displaying an unprecedented exegetical thoroughness, an expert understanding of historical context, and a keen interest in illuminating the contribution of Micah to Christian theology. Tackling hard questions about date and authorship, Waltke contends that Micah himself wrote and edited the nineteen sermons comprising the book. Waltke’s clear analytical outline leads readers through the three cycles of Micah, each beginning with an oracle of doom and ending with an oracle of hope, decisively showing that hope wins over doom.
Learned yet amazingly accessible, combining scholarly erudition with passion for Micah’s contemporary relevance, this book will well serve teachers, pastors, and students alike.
If you are planning to preach or teach Micah, then by all means buy this commentary! It will be money well spent!
—Haddon W. Robinson, Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching and president, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
No one knows the prophecy of Micah more thoroughly than Bruce Waltke. No one is more deeply ingrained in the secondary literature that discusses and debates this prophet. No one is better positioned to be a helpful guide to the correct interpretation and application of this marvelous book. It’s rare when a commentary is helpful to scholars, clergy, and laypeople alike, but Waltke has accomplished this masterfully.
—Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College
Bruce K. Waltke is distinguished professor of Old Testament at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and professor emeritus of biblical studies at Regent College, Vancouver. He is the author of numerous books and Old Testament commentaries, including works on Genesis, Proverbs, and Micah.
This inaugural volume in the Bible in Its World series offers a comprehensive commentary on the parables of Jesus. Arland Hultgren’s outstanding work features fresh translations of the parables in the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of Thomas, followed by interpretive notes and commentary on the theological meaning and significance of each parable for readers today.
After an introductory chapter on the nature of parables and their interpretation, Hultgren studies the 38 parables of Jesus thematically, exploring in turn “parables of the revelation of God,” “parables of exemplary behavior,” “parables of wisdom,” “parables of life before God,” “parables of final judgment,” “allegorical parables,” and “parables of the kingdom.“ He also discusses how the three evangelists used the parables within the literary framework and theological interests of their Gospels. The book ends with a close look at the parables of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas.
Distinctive in the field for its scope of coverage and its goal of addressing the widest possible audience, this volume will be a valuable study resource for classrooms, churches, and general readers.
A readable and useful addition to both the student’s and the preacher’s library. Making thorough scholarship accessible to a very wide readership, this is a book to be strongly recommended.
—Theological Book Review
A solid piece of critical, exegetical, and theological work . . . Students and scholars alike will find this study very useful.
—Bulletin for Biblical Research
Hultgren, a seminary professor, shows his familiarity with Christ’s parables in this critical commentary. His exegetical comments are instructive and insightful, his style straightforward, and the argumentation easy to follow for advanced or novice students . . . This is a superb reference work for anyone wanting to study Christ’s parables seriously.
—CBA Marketplace
The particular quality of this book, among the multitude of books on the parables, is the crispness of its presentation and of its judgments . . . Anyone who handles the parables in preaching or teaching will find the book an ideal resource.
An encyclopedic study of the parables of Jesus . . . There is something to learn (and probably something to challenge) in each of these contributions.
—Southwestern Journal of Theology
Hultgren . . . provides a comprehensive treatment of the parables in this quality volume . . . This fine book gives the biblical student or informed lay reader a thorough and judicious overview of the extraordinary richness of the parables.
—The Bible Today
Arland J. Hultgren is professor emeritus of New Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Among his other books are Paul’s Gospel and Mission: The Outlook from His Letter to the Romans, The Rise of Normative Christianity, and Christ and His Benefits: Christology and Redemption in the New Testament.
Recognized as a masterly commentary when it first appeared, Frederick Dale Bruner’s study of Matthew is now available as a greatly revised and expanded two-volume work—the result of seven years of careful refinement, enrichment, and updating.
Through this commentary, crafted especially for teachers, pastors, and Bible students, Bruner aims “to help God’s people love what Matthew’s Gospel says.” Bruner’s work is at once broadly historical and deeply theological. It is historical in drawing extensively on great church teachers through the centuries and on the classical Christian creeds and confessions. It is theological in that it unpacks the doctrines in each passage, chapter, and section of the Gospel. Consciously attempting to bridge past and present, Bruner asks both what Matthew’s Gospel said to its first hearers and what it says to readers today. As a result, his commentary is profoundly relevant to contemporary congregations and to those who guide them.
Bruner’s commentary is replete with lively, verse-by-verse discussion of Matthew’s text. While each chapter expounds a specific topic or doctrine, the book’s format consists of a vivid, original translation of the text followed by faithful exegesis and critical analysis, a survey of historical commentary on the text, and current applications of the text or theme under study. In this revision Bruner continues to draw on the best in modern scholarship—including recent work by W. D. Davies and Dale C. Allison Jr., by Ulrich Luz, and by many others—adding new voices to the reading of Matthew. At the same time he cites the classic commentaries of Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Bengel, and the rest, who, like Bruner himself, were not simply doctrinal teachers but also careful exegetes of Scripture. Such breadth and depth of learning assure that Bruner’s Matthew will remain, as a reviewer for Interpretation wrote, “the most dog-eared commentary on the shelf.”
Volume 1 of Bruner’s commentary is called The Christbook because the first 12 chapters of Matthew are focused on the nature and work of Christ. As Bruner proceeds through these chapters, he shows how Matthew presents, step by step, central themes of Christology: Jesus’ coming (chapters 1–4), his teaching (5–7), his miracles (8–9), his sermon on mission (10), and his person (11–12). Throughout the book there are also thoughtful discussions of significant topics such as baptism, marriage, Jewish-Christian relations, and heaven and hell.
Eminently readable, rich in biblical insight, and ecumenical in tone, Bruner’s two-volume commentary on Matthew now stands among the best in the field.
Often Bruner’s expositions are so apposite that the preacher will be tempted to lift them whole into the sermon, for they bring the biblical message explicitly into the life of the congregation.
An excitingly readable and innovative commentary on Matthew by one of America’s master Bible teachers.
—Samuel Hugh Moffett, professor emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary
The value of Bruner’s work is that what he is doing is so desperately needed and so rarely done at the level of sophistication reflected in his two volumes.
—Perspectives in Religious Studies
This is a practical commentary for preachers and teachers in congregations . . . Marvelously successful.
—Currents in Theology and Mission
Frederick Dale Bruner is George and Lyda Wasson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Whitworth University and scholar in residence at Fuller Theological Seminary. His other books include A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness and The Holy Spirit: Shy Member of the Trinity.
Volume two of Bruner’s commentary is called The Churchbook because Bruner sees Matthew 13–28 as concerned primarily with the life of the church and discipleship. Continuing his first volume (Christbook) exposition, Bruner shows here how the focus of Matthew shifts, from Jesus teaching about who he is to teaching mainly about what his church is. Bruner’s Churchbook commentary divides the second half of Matthew according to its major ecclesiological themes: the church’s faith (chapters 13–17), the church’s love (18–20), the church’s history (21–23), the church’s hope (24–25), and the church’s passion (26–28).
Eminently readable, rich in biblical insight, and ecumenical in tone, Bruner’s two-volume commentary on Matthew now stands among the best in the field.
This is the kind of commentary that I most want—a theological wrestling with Scripture. Frederick Dale Bruner grapples with the text not only as a technical exegete (although he also does that very well) but as a church theologian, caring passionately about what these words tell us about God and ourselves. Here he places his considerable teaching gifts at the service of the Christian community, caring as much about us as he cares about the text. His Matthew commentary is in the grand traditions of Augustine, Calvin, and Luther—expansive and leisurely, loving the text, the people in it, and the Christians who read it.
—Eugene H. Peterson, emeritus professor of spiritual theology, Regent College
It is hard to think of another commentary that is more fruitful in terms of stimulating the kind of thinking about the meaning of the text that is the prerequisite for good preaching and teaching.
—Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
A hugely stimulating read . . . holds the reader’s attention better than many commentaries. Emphases on mission and formation of Christian character also make this an important and valuable contribution to scholarship on Matthew’s Gospel.
Bruner is concerned with Christian formation, with the daily task of living faithfully within today’s church. His applications of the Gospel of Matthew and his frequent excursions into contemporary dilemmas for the church, such as church-state relations, marriage, liberation theology, feminism, and war, provide many stimulating insights for contemporary Christians.
—William H. Willimon, bishop of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church
Frederick Dale Bruner is George and Lyda Wasson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Whitworth University and scholar in residence at Fuller Theological Seminary. His other books include A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness and The Holy Spirit: Shy Member of the Trinity.
Heralded as “an epoch-making book” by F. F. Bruce when it first appeared, Robert H. Gundry’s commentary on the Gospel of Matthew stands as a benchmark in biblical scholarship and modern methodology. No commentary in recent history has sparked such passionate discussion among evangelical scholars, and scholars of other persuasions have also paid considerable attentions to this work.
In response to the plethora of evaluations afforded this text since its publication in 1982, Gundry has issued this second edition. Included are an extensive new preface taking up criticisms that reviewers and other readers lodged against the first edition, a new appendix, and 225 new endnotes that expanded the commentary and provide fresh reflections on the text.
This bold, well-informed study retains the redaction-critical methodology of Gundry’s original work and the host of provocative interpretations that result. Elucidated afresh are Gundry’s conviction that Matthew relied on the Gospel of Mark and the document “Q” and Gundry’s arguments for a combination of historical data and theological embellishments in passages such as those that present the birth of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount and Peter’s walking on the water. The new preface offers expanded evidence that Jewish literary tradition was concerned more with theological development that with historical exactitude.
Gundry’s Matthew now provides not only truly engrossing biblical scholarship but also an excellent example of constructive professional dialogue between academicians, Students, pastors, and theologians will find here a wealth of scrupulous hermeneutical research and thought-provoking answers to many open questions in textual studies.
A remarkable commentary on Matthew.
—Frans Neirynck, professor of New Testament and Christian origins, Duke University
Robert H. Gundry is scholar-in-residence and emeritus professor of New Testament and Greek at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is the author of the bestselling classroom text A Survey of the New Testament.
The first full-length critical commentary on the Greek text of Mark to appear in English in a long time. Gundry says that Mark constitutes a straightforward defense of the apparently shameful manner of Jesus’ death, and as such Mark’s Gospel is essentially an evangelistic tract rather than an obliquely written handbook of Christian discipleship and church life.
A major contribution to Markan scholarship . . . An indispensable resource for scholars, students, and pastors.
—John R. Kohlenberger III, lecturer, consultant, and adjunct instructor in Bible and biblical language, Multnomah Bible College and Western Seminary
Robert H. Gundry is scholar-in-residence and emeritus professor of New Testament and Greek at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is the author of the bestselling classroom text A Survey of the New Testament.
Ian Levy, Philip Krey, and Thomas Ryan’s Letter to the Romans presents the history of early and medieval interpretations of Romans and gives substantial translations of select medieval commentaries. Written by eight representative medieval interpreters between the ninth and fourteenth centuries, these commentaries have never been translated into English before.
This valuable book will enhance contemporary reading of the Bible even as it lends insight into medieval scholarship. As Levy says, the medieval commentaries exhibit “qualities that many modern commentaries lack: a spiritual depth that reflects their very purpose, namely, to read Holy Scripture within the sacred tradition under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”
A judicious selection of medieval Latin commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans. . . . Will be especially illuminating to readers interested in the history of exegesis who do not have much background in medieval theology, for whom the interpretations may be surprisingly rich and sophisticated. A cogent preface places the texts in helpful historical, theological, and literary contexts. Levy, Krey, and Ryan deserve our thanks for making these texts available to students of the Bible at all levels, from undergraduates to professors.
—E. Ann Matter, William R. Kenan, Jr. professor of religious studies, University of Pennsylvania
This book is a labor of love and a gift given by three of the world’s leading interpreters and translators of medieval biblical exegesis. . . . The chronological span taken on is breathtaking, with translations from late antiquity to the dawn of the Reformation. . . . This work altogether successfully defies the stereotype that medieval interpretation was simply parasitic upon patristic exegesis. It will be extremely valuable as a teaching tool.
—Kevin Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History and associate dean for faculty and academic affairs, Harvard Divinity School
This intelligently presented volume is a model not only in its choice of texts but also for its readable (and learned) introductions and notes. The keen interest in Romans over the centuries explains why Paul’s letter is a classic: it provides a surplus of meaning both in the past and in the present day.
—Lawrence S. Cunningham, John A. O’Brien Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
One cannot understand patristic and medieval theology without careful attention to Romans. This volume, with its excellent introduction and well-balanced series of translated texts, is an impressive contribution to making the riches of medieval exegesis available to contemporary readers.
—Bernard McGinn, Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology, University of Chicago Divinity School
Ian Christopher Levy teaches theology at Providence College. He is also editor of A Companion to John Wyclif and coeditor (with Gary Macy and Kristen van Ausdall) of The Eucharist in the Middle Ages.
Philip Krey is Ministerium of New York Professor Early Church History at the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia.
Thomas F. Ryan is director of the Loyola Institute for Ministry in New Orleans and the author of Thomas Aquinas as Reader of the Psalms.
This theological commentary on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus by Robert Wall powerfully demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of the Pastoral Epistles for the church today. Wall uniquely employs an apostolic “Rule of Faith” methodology for interpreting these texts as sacred Scripture. Three successive historical case studies by Richard Steele vividly instantiate key themes of the Pastorals. This innovative yet reverent volume will help revive the interest of students, pastors, and other Christian leaders in the Pastoral Epistles.
I commend Rob Wall for offering us, and the wider church, his canonical readings of the Pastoral Epistles. Rob does not shy away from the many tough passages in these letters, always trying to present what he sees as the “plain sense” of the text in relation to other historical, ecclesial, and cultural understandings. The combination of commentary and reading by the ‘rule of faith’—supplemented by three interesting case studies—provides a thorough canonical understanding of these crucial letters from the standpoint of one who is immersed in what it means to understand the Bible as the church’s book.
—Stanley E. Porter, president, dean of theology, and professor of New Testament, McMaster Divinity College
Those of us who are long-standing admirers of Rob Wall’s work will recognize that the Pastoral Epistles, with all of their critical baggage, provide the perfect backdrop for his canonical approach to Scripture. Wall never shrinks back from crucial questions. Nevertheless, he carefully and confidently interprets the Pastorals as full members of the canon. His readings are theologically apt and lively, shaped and regulated by the church’s faith.
—Stephen Fowl, chair of the department of theology, Loyola College
Robert W. Wall is Paul T. Walls Professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies at Seattle Pacific University.
1 rating
Ralph A. Abernethy III
Suzanne Gorhau