Digital Logos Edition
In the 6-volume Keith Drury Collection, author, pastor, and teacher Keith Drury addresses pastoral calling, spiritual disciplines, worship, and other relevant church leadership topics. Drawing from his experience as a pastor and his position as a professor of practical ministry, Keith Drury offers sounds advice and wisdom for pastors, teachers, and ministry leaders. This collection contains a volume on the creeds, confessions, and articulating clear Christian belief in an age of skepticism and doubt, along with a helpful volume on worship practices—from preaching and music, to finding common ground in today’s “worship wars.” The Keith Drury Collection also contains books on practicing the spiritual disciplines, women in ministry, ordination, and developing a high view of ministry in your congregation.
The Logos Bible Software edition of the Keith Drury Collection is specially designed for pastors and church leaders. From advanced search features, to detailed tagging to the Bibles and other books in your digital library, Logos gives you the tools you need to be an effective ministry leader.
Keith Drury teaches practical ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana, and writes extensively on Christian spirituality.
2 ratings
Scott J Sherwood
James Whited