Digital Logos Edition
Grow your research and devotional library with seven core reference books from Liturgical Press! These dictionaries and encyclopedias will connect you with articles that dig deeply into the word or topic you’re exploring—even the Latin words and phrases in the liturgy of the Church. Get extensive theological, ecumenical, and liturgical answers for your questions and take your exploration further with the exhaustive cross-references within.
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This authoritative encyclopedia combines a wealth of information with an attractive, easy-to-read format into a reference of value for professionals, parishes, and families alike. A generation has passed since Vatican Council II, and the enthusiasm and euphoria which exhilarated Catholic life in the years that followed the council are misted memories now. The council handed down to us new hopes, new dreams, new challenges; but, above all, it gifted us with a fresh vision of the Church as a pilgrim people.
This second edition of The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia gives a succinct and contemporary view to the beliefs, practices, and history of this people. It contains many revisions and over 150 new entries, over 1,300 cross-references, from Abel to Armageddon, from feminism to the zealots. Also included are black-and-white maps, drawings, and photographs. Over 200 such illustrations provide valuable visual information and add to the attractiveness of this volume.
. . . The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia would make an excellent resource for middle or high school classrooms as well as for college students. This book should be on the shelf of every Catholic school, elementary through college, as an informational resource. It would be useful for everything from researching reports to evangelizing the most universal teachings of the Church, to establishing a strong foundation for catechesis.
—Catholic Books Review
Ecumenical in scope and cross-cultural in its perspective, Worship Music focuses on the worship music of English-speaking North Americans. Its over 2,500 entries range across every major denomination within Western Christianity, the Byzantine/Slav tradition, and Judaism. It includes brief descriptions, histories, and explanations of musical-liturgical terms and personnel. Bibliographies and extensive cross-referencing can be found throughout the volume.
Concise, yet comprehensive, this dictionary is easy to use, thanks to abundant cross references and selective bibliographies. It deserves a place in libraries, churches, synagogues and homes.
—Carol A. Pemberton, Editor, The Hymn
For liturgical musicians, this is a particularly welcome and handy resource for the reference shelf. It’s also a procrastinator’s dream come true, since its entries are generously cross-referenced, enabling easy hours of wandering through the historical content of sacred music. Most highly recommended!
—AIM: Aids in Ministry
. . . it should be in every church musician's library.
—Brock W. Downward, President, Presbyterian Association of Musicians
Designed to give readers a simple but accurate idea of a Latin expression, this dictionary compiles, translates, and briefly explains the phrases found in theological writings and canon law that may puzzle readers unfamiliar with Latin or the theological meaning and nuances of these terms.
Consecrated phrases refer to expressions which are used, often in shorthand manner, to express a certain theological position or thought, which express a significant position of Roman Catholic sacramental theology as defined at the Council of Trent. Often these terms appear in a given theological text with little or no translation or explanation. Consecrated Phrases provides that explanation in concise and understandable language.
Entries are listed according to the form most likely to be used in the expressions themselves as found in theological writings. Each entry begins with a "literal" translation of the Latin term or phrase and then provides a brief explanation on the theological meaning or significance of the term. While most of the entries contain theological, liturgical, canonical, or philosophical terms primarily from the Roman Catholic tradition, important expressions in the various Protestant traditions are also included, as well as a number of common classical aphorisms, Latin titles of many Church documents, and some common scholarly abbreviations.
James Bretzke’s Latin theological dictionary should be in every theological student’s basic reference library. . . . The definitions are clearly and concisely written and Bretzke uses excellent examples to illustrate some of the more difficult concepts.
—Robert E. Manning, S.J., president, Weston Jesuit School of Theology
This new reference work fills a void as no other theological work has in a very handy, accessible and satisfying way. Students have been asking for a book like this for years. This new dictionary should become a standard resource in every theological student’s reference library.
—Richard M. Gula, S.S., professor of moral theology, Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley
For anyone working in Christian theology who lacks this degree of linguistic sophistication, Consecrated Phrases is a welcome desk aid.
—Catholic Library World
The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought brings together writers from around the world, writing on present-day social issues as well as historical issues and movements that have shaped our current views. Included are articles on the great social encyclicals, from Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum to John Paul II’s Centesimus Annus, and the Vatican II documents and various episcopal documents that relate to social concerns and the field of social ethics. The articles on fundamental human rights include such issues as poverty, homelessness, exploitation, and feminism. Also included are articles dealing with economics, industry, labor, political systems, and environmental concerns, as these impact and influence modern Catholic social thought. Theological concerns, liturgical movements, and scriptural foundations are well represented.
From its first pages, this overview of Catholic social thought makes one grateful for the careful and insightful work undertaken; in many ways, this is a testimony to a discipline ‘come of age.’
I thought the volume was simply outstanding. When I received it I could not put it down, but kept on reading and reading. I found so many of the articles to be interesting and exciting. With the plethora of dictionaries around, I think this is one of the finest and most readable.
—Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, Stillman Professor of Roman Catholic Theological Studies, Harvard Divinity School
I really was most impressed with the Dictionary. . . . I think it will fully deserve the kind of rave reviews which greeted its predecessors in the series.
—Gerard J. Hughes, chair, Department of Philosophy, Heythrop College, University of London
This is as monumental and as exhaustive as the earlier volumes and equally as valuable.
—The Priest
The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought belongs in all libraries in which there is serious interest in religion in general and contemporary Catholicism in particular.
—Academic Library Book Review
Structured as a theological and pastoral resource, New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship covers a wide range of activities that are constitutive of a sacramental Church. The entries include the strictly theological, the practical liturgical, the pastoral, and the social. Contributors to this dictionary have been selected from all over the English-speaking world, and it is to the concerns of the English-speaking churches that these essays are primarily addressed.
. . . well conceived and executed . . . a must for every serious library of religious topics.
—The Priest
I am impressed by its over-all plan and what I have read of individual contributions.
—The Furrow
This dictionary truly lives up to its declared aim of being a ‘theological and pastoral resource’ and must claim a place on the shelves of all those who have any concern for what constitutes a sacramental Church.
—Doctrine and Life
The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, with a parallel aim and purpose, is intended as a companion to he New Dictionary of Theology and The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship. This is a collaborative attempt to take stock of the remarkable developments in the Church and the world since the Second Vatican Council, but with a specific focus on the reform and renewal of Catholic spirituality that the Council set in motion.
The dictionary is intended to serve as a reliable theological and pastoral resource, not just for experts, but for all those interested in spirituality: teachers at all levels, writers, preachers, and students. In addition to the over 500 entries, the dictionary includes alphabetical and topical indices, and cross-referencing that connect to source material throughout your library.
The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality is a project long overdue. It is in effect the answer of the [English-speaking] church to the great Dictionnaire de Spiritualité.
—Terrence G. Kardong, O.S.B., Editor, The American Benedictine Review
This reliable, informative work is destined to become a classic.
—Bernard Treacy, O.P., Editor, Doctrine and Life
The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality signals our arrival on a plateau from which we may glimpse a horizon in which spirituality will be a key component in articulating a new theological vision for the century ahead.
—Lawrence S. Cunningham, University of Notre Dame
New Dictionary of Theology, a 1,120 page book, includes the expert knowledge of 165 pastorally concerned contributors who are the elite of the theological and biblical worlds. An invaluable reference work.
. . . a valuable and much-needed reference work.
—Theological Studies
A library under one cover. . . . It is undoubtedly one of the most important works in theology to come out in this [past] decade.
—Kenneth O’Malley, C.P.