Digital Logos Edition
Pointing to the lives of the disciples—twelve ordinary men through whom God worked extraordinary things—John MacArthur presents a pattern that modern disciples can follow.
In spite of—and sometimes because of—weakness and imperfection—God can and will use his believers to accomplish His work. This hands-on, practical workbook, divided into 12 chapters based on the 12 unique disciples, offers the tools needed to train as a true disciple of God. This workbook will help Christians uncover and unleash the power of His word and will in their own lives and the lives of others.
“What similarities do you see between those conditions and the present state of the Christian church?” (Page 4)
“What God-given fabric would you say He wove into your personality from the very beginning of your” (Page 33)
“According to MacArthur, why is there such a fascination in” (Page 19)
“which one do you already identify with most closely? Why?” (Page 1)
“How would you explain that claim to a brand-new believer who wonders where he or she fits in the church?” (Page 5)
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2 ratings
Rodney A. Fry
Gary Smith