Digital Logos Edition
In an age of lawsuits and red tape, legal issues can present a unexpected minefield for churches and ministry organizations. This timely book offers a glossary of legal terms, clarification of recent changes in legislation, sample contracts and sample agreements for arbitration and mediation making it an invaluable resource for every pastor, Christian school administrator and ministry leader.
“The source of law is ultimately God. One should not think it odd that law is of divine origin. Rushdoony is correct when he avers that ‘law in every culture is religious in origin,’ and the ‘source of law in any culture is the god of that culture.’ Much of the discussion today about pluralism in society reflects the movement from one orthodoxy to another, for when law fundamentally changes in a society, in reality there is a change of religion; the separation of law and ethics is a myth. In any given society, either the laws will reflect the character of God as reflected in nature or in the Scriptures, or they are, to use the words of Jesus, ‘the traditions of men which pervert the law of God.’” (Page 16)
“There has hardly been a more important time in the history of the United States for Christians to be aware of the nature and function of law and government. Law is the skeletal structure of society, and Christians must work within that structure every day. Jesus said that we are not to be of the world, that is, we are not to adopt its values and ideology. He continues, however, by saying that we are in the world, surrounded by it and interacting with it. The problem is that many Christians in that contact are not having an impact on the world; rather, they are merely bombarded by its values and often succumb to its pressures. To interact with and have an impact on the society in which we live, it is important that we develop a biblical view of the purpose of law and government.” (Pages 15–16)
“Why has God given us law? First, he is a God of order. The creation is to follow naturally from the Creator. The intrusion of sin has distorted that ideal so that man is not as willing to obey the will of God. Second, since creation is to reflect the character of its Creator, God has privileged us to magnify his character through obedience to his will. Third, obeying the law of God will result in benefits to humanity. As the psalmist said long ago, it is he who has made us, not we ourselves. He knows the ways in which our lives will be more enriching to ourselves and others; he knows what will bring devastation and how we may avoid it.” (Pages 16–17)