Digital Logos Edition
Apostolic Tradition, as this text is best known, was identified in the early years of the twentieth century as the work of Hippolytus, a Christian leader from third-century Rome. The text provides liturgical information of great antiquity, and as such has been massively influential on liturgical study and reform, especially in Western churches.
Nonetheless, there have been a number of problems surrounding the text. The attribution to Hippolytus has never been universally accepted; much of the text remained obscure, published without commentary; finally, no adequate English version has been published since 1937. On the Apostolic Tradition seeks to solve these problems. The introduction brings the debate concerning authorship to a new level while the rest of the text is accompanied by lucid commentary. Together with a fresh translation, the book brings light to formerly obscure passages, clears critical impasses, and provides new discoveries. It is a significant and important piece of research, enlightening and eminently readable.
In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
“You are to baptize the little ones first. All those who are able to speak for themselves should speak. With regard to those who cannot speak for themselves their parents, or somebody who belongs to their family, should speak.” (Pages 110–111)
“though in its current form it dates from the third century at a time around 235.2” (Page 12)
“been recognized as one of the earliest liturgical manuals in existence” (Page 12)
“Do you believe in Christ Jesus, the son of God, who was born of the Holy Spirit and Mary the virgin and was crucified under Pontius Pilate and was dead [and buried] and rose on the third day alive from the dead and ascended in the heavens and sits at the right hand of the Father and will come to judge the living and the dead?” (Page 111)
“And then let the oblation be brought at once by the deacons to the bishop, and let him give thanks over the bread as the antitype of the body of Christ; and the cup mixed with wine on account of the likeness of the blood which was shed for all who have put their faith in him.” (Page 112)
Stewart-Sykes has produced a timely and highly significant contribution. . . . Unravel[s] the complexities . . . surrounding the foundational Western liturgy, and produce[s] a very compelling solution to the Hippolytan problems.
—Allen Brent, senior member, St. Edmund College, Cambridge
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Hippolytus of Rome (AD 170–235) was perhaps the most important theologian of the third century. He was a presbyter of the Church of Rome, where he came into conflict with Popes Zephyrinus, Callixtus, and Urban I, and was elected as a rival bishop of Rome—thereby being considered by some as the first antipope. He was exiled to Sardinia in AD 235, and likely reconciled to the Church before his martyrdom later that year. He is venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches. Philosophumena is considered his principal work, and he is also credited with the earliest Christian interpretation of the Song of Songs.
Alistair Stewart-Sykes is a leading scholar of Christian liturgical origins. The author of numerous books and articles on early Christianity and its liturgy, he had retired from teaching and is a vicar in the Diocese of Salisbury, England.