Digital Logos Edition
In a world where war is a persistent reality in media and in film, there is a larger, consequential war being waged everyday that is often neglected: the Spiritual war inside of us. Written in the English Puritan era but just as powerful and inspiring today, William Gurnall’s timeless epic The Christian in Complete Armour serves as a beautifully written and action-packed spiritual guidebook
A call to arms for Christians, Gurnall’s expounded sermons on Ephesians 6:10–20 are as practical as they are illuminating. With stunning prose and page-turning excitement, the battle for the soul and the descriptions of the God-given protections and weapons ascribed to the believer are detailed and explained. Gurnall’s masterpiece has been inspiring Christians since the 17th century, and has never been as applicable and urgently needed as the present day.
“Secondly, Be intimately acquainted with thy own heart, and thou wilt the better know his design against thee, who takes his method of tempting, from the inclination and posture of thy heart.” (Page 56)
“What speak such passages in the hearts of men, but a carnal confidence in their armour to their ruin? Many souls, we may safely say, do not only perish praying, repenting and believing after a sort, but they perish by their praying and repenting, &c., while they carnally trust in these.” (Page 32)
“Use 3.—Study his wiles, and acquaint thyself with Satan’s policy. Paul takes it for granted, that every saint doth in some measure understand them: ‘We are not ignorant of his devices,’ 2 Cor. 2:11.” (Page 56)
“Second, The Christless state is a state of ignorance, and such must needs be naked and unarmed. He that cannot see his enemy, how can he ward oft the blow he sends?” (Page 27)
“Secondly, When the saint is beset with some great affliction; this is as some blind lane or solitary place, fit for this thief to call for his purse in.” (Page 47)
If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete Armour.
—John Newton
Peerless and priceless; every line full of wisdom.
—C. H. Spurgeon
A beautiful feature in Gurnall's book is its richness in pithy, pointed, and epigrammatical sayings. You will often find in a line and a half some great truth, put so concisely, and yet so fully, that you really marvel how so much thought could be got into so few words.
—J. C. Ryle
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William Gurnall was born in King’s Lynn, Norfolk in 1617. Receiving his B.A. and M.A. from Cambridge, in 1644 he was made rector of Lavenham in Suffolk. Most known for his book The Christian in Complete Armor, Gurnall died in 1679, the year his book would be published in its sixth edition.
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