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Products>The Christian in Complete Armour

The Christian in Complete Armour

Digital Logos Edition

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In a world where war is a persistent reality in media and in film, there is a larger, consequential war being waged everyday that is often neglected: the Spiritual war inside of us. Written in the English Puritan era but just as powerful and inspiring today, William Gurnall’s timeless epic The Christian in Complete Armour serves as a beautifully written and action-packed spiritual guidebook

A call to arms for Christians, Gurnall’s expounded sermons on Ephesians 6:10–20 are as practical as they are illuminating. With stunning prose and page-turning excitement, the battle for the soul and the descriptions of the God-given protections and weapons ascribed to the believer are detailed and explained. Gurnall’s masterpiece has been inspiring Christians since the 17th century, and has never been as applicable and urgently needed as the present day.

Resource Experts
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Original Introduction by the Author

Top Highlights

“Secondly, Be intimately acquainted with thy own heart, and thou wilt the better know his design against thee, who takes his method of tempting, from the inclination and posture of thy heart.” (Page 56)

“What speak such passages in the hearts of men, but a carnal confidence in their armour to their ruin? Many souls, we may safely say, do not only perish praying, repenting and believing after a sort, but they perish by their praying and repenting, &c., while they carnally trust in these.” (Page 32)

“Use 3.—Study his wiles, and acquaint thyself with Satan’s policy. Paul takes it for granted, that every saint doth in some measure understand them: ‘We are not ignorant of his devices,’ 2 Cor. 2:11.” (Page 56)

“Second, The Christless state is a state of ignorance, and such must needs be naked and unarmed. He that cannot see his enemy, how can he ward oft the blow he sends?” (Page 27)

“Secondly, When the saint is beset with some great affliction; this is as some blind lane or solitary place, fit for this thief to call for his purse in.” (Page 47)

If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete Armour.

—John Newton

Peerless and priceless; every line full of wisdom.

—C. H. Spurgeon

A beautiful feature in Gurnall's book is its richness in pithy, pointed, and epigrammatical sayings. You will often find in a line and a half some great truth, put so concisely, and yet so fully, that you really marvel how so much thought could be got into so few words.

—J. C. Ryle

  • Title: The Christian in Complete Armour
  • Authors: William Gurnall, John Campbell
  • Publisher: Thomas Tegg
  • Print Publication Date: 1845
  • Logos Release Date: 2010
  • Pages: 827
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Christian life
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-06-01T01:57:57Z

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William Gurnall was born in King’s Lynn, Norfolk in 1617. Receiving his B.A. and M.A. from Cambridge, in 1644 he was made rector of Lavenham in Suffolk. Most known for his book The Christian in Complete Armor, Gurnall died in 1679, the year his book would be published in its sixth edition.


19 ratings

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  1. David Anfinrud
    Yes the English is old. Yet the truths found within it are Treasures to behold. Here is the AI summary of the first Chapter. If you do not like reading the old English. the AI can give you a good summary. But I recommend reading to catch the depth of who this Book covers the Subject. In the first chapter, the author emphasizes the necessity of courage and resolution for Christians, asserting that every act of faith requires valor. The text cites biblical references, urging believers to muster their strength to obey God, which is deemed more challenging than leading armies. The author illustrates that prayer, often perceived as simple, demands a bold spirit, contrasting the genuine prayer of a Christian with the hollow attempts of the unfaithful. The chapter outlines several challenges Christians face, including battling personal sins, maintaining a distinct lifestyle against societal norms, and persevering amidst the failures of others. It highlights the courage needed to trust in God during trials and to remain steadfast in faith despite external pressures and internal doubts. The author warns against the temptation to conform to worldly standards and stresses the importance of unwavering principles in the face of adversity. Furthermore, the text discusses the need for perseverance in faith, noting that many begin their spiritual journey but falter when faced with difficulties. The author calls for Christians to cultivate a heroic spirit, emphasizing that true faith is marked by resilience and a commitment to God, even when faced with shame or persecution. Ultimately, the chapter serves as an exhortation for believers to strengthen their resolve and remain steadfast in their pursuit of holiness and truth.
  2. David Schotoskey
    This book is terrible! It is written in 18th Century Elizabethian English on a post-graduate level that is both dry and monotonous. I find it hard to believe that any modern Christian can glean anything useful from this book.
  3. Peter O'Handley
  4. brenda gomez

    brenda gomez


  5. John McBroom

    John McBroom


  6. Daniel Caballero
  7. Thomas George

    Thomas George


  8. Everett Headley

    Everett Headley


    Perhaps the greatest exposition of Ephesians 6:10-20. As with any work of its age, it is very wordy, just look at the title alone: THE CHRISTIAN IN COMPLETE ARMOUR; OR, A TREATISE ON The Saints’ War with the evil: WHEREIN A DISCOVERY IS MADE OF THE POLICY, POWER, WICKEDNESS, AND STRATAGEMS, MADE USE OF BY THAT ENEMY OF GOD AND HIS PEOPLE A MAGAZINE OPENED, FROM WHENCE THE CHRISTIAN IS FURNISHED WITH SPIRITUAL ARMS FOR THE BATTLE, ASSISTED IN BUCKLING ON HIS ARMOUR, AND TAUGHT THE USE OF HIS WEAPONS; TOGETHER WITH THE HAPPY ISSUE OF THE WHOLE WAR. Still, it is very much worth the read, easy enough to follow and very, very quotable. If you are studying this passage or Ephesians, you would be remiss to not include this in your readings. William Gurnall and John Campbell, The Christian in Complete Armour (London: Thomas Tegg, 1845), i.
  9. Justin McCleskey
  10. Jeffrey




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