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Products>CSB Study Bible (notes only)

CSB Study Bible (notes only)

, 2017
ISBN: 9781430076452

Digital Logos Edition

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The CSB Study Bible offers the award-winning Holman study system, which includes over 15,000 study notes, tools, word studies, and articles from respected Bible scholars. The result is a study Bible that helps the reader better understand and apply the life-transforming message of God’s written Word.

The CSB Study Bible represents the work of more than a hundred scholars who have devoted their lives to living and teaching the truths of Scripture. They come from different denominations and diverse backgrounds. The contributors reflect a broad sampling of evangelical scholars whose ministries are based at seminaries, colleges, and churches. They have sought a balanced approach on controversial issues, and each note and essay has been pored over by a team of theological editors.

This resource does not include the Bible text. For the text itself, check out the Christian Standard Bible.

Resource Experts
  • 15,000+ study notes
  • 315 word studies
  • 141 photographs
  • 62 timelines
  • 59 maps
  • 24 articles
  • 16 illustrations/reconstructions
  • 15 charts
  • Book introductions and outlines

Top Highlights

“and let the visual proof of his healing take the place of verbal testimony before a Jewish priest.” (Page 1612)

“These two sins (sheds bloodmakes idols) summarize the violation of the Ten Commandments, which legislated stipulations about a person’s relationship to God as well as to his fellow man. Rather than loving God, the city had turned to idolatry. Love for fellow Israelites had been replaced by treachery. The city’s pouring out of blood is countered by God’s pouring out of wrath (v. 22).” (Page 1277)

“That is, criminal activity can destroy you, but so can honest work. The Teacher did not intend to discourage honesty but to say we have no guarantee of safety in this life. Even wise behavior can end in disaster. Ultimately, we must trust not in wisdom or in ethical behavior but in God for our security.” (Page 1015)

“Paul commonly used the indicative mode of speech to make statements about what God has done for us before using the imperative mode to outline our proper response (e.g., ThereforeI urge you). The order of presentation is doctrine first, and then duty. Our true worship entails offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, which means dedication of the total person to living for God’s honor. Christians are to be different from non-Christian society. We should experience a progressive transformation of life by the renewing of our mind. The mind is changed by prayer, by reading and reflection on God’s Word, by worship, and by meditation on God’s acts as the Holy Spirit works in us.” (Page 1800)

“Worry is anxiety (Mt 6:25–34). Prayer is the antidote for worry. Three words express different aspects of prayer: prayer, a worshipful attitude; petition, a need; and requests, the specific concern. Thanksgiving shapes prayers with gratitude. In response, the peace of God brings power to endure. The peace surpasses knowledge, calming a troubling situation when explanations fail. Further, peace guards by keeping anxieties from hearts (choices) and minds (attitudes).” (Pages 1888–1889)

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Edwin A. Blum is the general editor of the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible) translation. He holds degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM, ThD) and the University of Basel (DTheol).

Trevin Wax is Bible and Reference Publisher at LifeWay Christian Resources and managing editor of The Gospel Project.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


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  1. Jisung Lee

    Jisung Lee


  2. Thomas



  3. Bruno Petrocelio dos Santos
    Tem na versão em português?
  4. Jeff King

    Jeff King


  5. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  6. Darren Bradley
  7. Nicholas Moore
  8. Phillip Mathis
  9. joe_bourne1951@hotmail.com
  10. Dr. Gordon Arthur


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