Digital Logos Edition
The Evidence Bible was created to strengthen and encourage believers and to help them evangelize nonbelievers. It contains in-depth study notes, hands-on training for preaching and witnessing, and answers to one hundred commonly asked questions about the Christian faith—equipping readers to share the Gospel confidently. It includes fascinating quotes about God, the Bible, and faith from key historical figures such as Presidents, scientists, and notable evangelists. With The Evidence Bible you’ll learn how to share the gospel effectively and biblically in today’s world.
“Homosexuality. Despite claims to the contrary, no scientific evidence has been found that homosexuals are born that way. In fact, God’s Word is clear that sexual activity is to be only within the bounds of marriage, between one man and one woman. Homosexuality goes against God’s created order and expressed will. If a homosexual claims to be born that way, gently explain that all people are born with a sin nature, but that our nature makes us children of wrath. (See Jude 7 comment.) See also 1 Timothy 1:8–10 comment.” (Page 1454)
“Bill Bright, founder of the international ministry, Campus Crusade for Christ, in his book, The Coming Revival, reports that ‘only two percent of believers in America regularly share their faith in Christ with others’ (p. 65). I believe one reason for this tragedy is that the Body of Christ hasn’t been suitably equipped. What soldier is going to run into the heat of battle, facing modern warfare, but armed only with a feather duster?” (Page ix)
“God bless the Christian who is able to obtain ‘sinless perfection.’ He is a better man than most Christians.” (Page 1464)
“In 1999, I had the incredible experience of floating in the Dead Sea. It is impossible to sink into its waters due to the high salt content and rich mineral deposits. The contemporary Body of Christ has become too much like the Dead Sea because there is insufficient outlet from the Church to the world. So the Body of Christ (though rich in many ways) is evangelistically dead because it has stopped giving out what it has received.” (Page x)
“One hundred fifty years ago it would have been thought insane that a jumbo jet, filled with people, could fly. The law of gravity made it impossible for even a feather to remain in the air. Yet, we know that when a certain object moves at a particular speed, it moves out of the law of gravity into a higher law, the law of aerodynamics, even though the law of gravity still remains. The world thinks the Christian is insane to live for Jesus Christ. But we know that, even though there is the law of sin and death, we live in a higher law the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” (Page 1465)