Digital Logos Edition
Part of the Focus on the Bible commentary series, Joshua: Not Falling Words summarizes a passage of Scripture, including the intentions of the authors, the historical and cultural environment, and the questions and issues raised by a particular passage. But most importantly, each Focus on the Bible volume brings you into the heart of the Bible, by explaining Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living.
This exposition is rooted first in a thorough analysis of the Hebrew text, employing helpful insights from archaeology and linguistics, and second in the major theological and literary themes discovered in each section. Finally the author brings the fragments together in an expository treatment which addresses the important topics of application.
What’s more, with the Logos edition of Joshua: No Falling Words, Scripture passages are linked to your favorite English translation for quick reference, or to your Greek and Hebrew texts for original-language study! That gives you quick access to the message of the Bible as you study it! You can also read Joshua: No Falling Words along with your Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the wealth of other Bible study tools in your digital library. This commentary will serve as a vital aid for sermon preparation, for personal and group Bible study, and for anyone looking to apply the text of Scripture to practical Christian life.
“Yahweh’s standard method of retaining his people’s fidelity is not by frequent and dazzling displays of power but by faithful witness and teaching of those particular acts in which he had already demonstrated his care for his own.” (Pages 39–40)
“Faith is not just a warm, cosy feeling about God. Faith grows, if at all, out of hearing what God has done for his people.” (Page 27)
“God does not withhold the formula that leads to such obedience: ‘you shall meditate (mutter) over this torah document day and night, so that you will be careful to do according to all that is written in it’ (v. 8). Constant, careful absorbing of the word of God leads to obedience to it. Lack of study results in lack of obedience.” (Page 19)
“At least its primary function was not to give specific instructions but to bring about reverent submission. Sometimes we need to see that Yahweh is not so much partisan as sovereign, that it is more important to recognise God’s position than to know God’s plans. ‘We can easily become more interested in special guidance than in a right relationship with the Guide.’” (Page 53)
“Here the promise of Joshua 1:5 is applied to a Christian congregation. The promise of God’s abiding presence in Joshua 1 is also for you (note the ‘for’ in Hebrews 13:5b) and is the solution to the sin of covetousness and discontent, which in turn (note the ‘hence’ of Hebrews 13:6) leads to the great freedom of life without fear! There is nothing more essential for the people of God than to hear their God repeating to them amid all their changing circumstances, ‘I will be with you’ or ‘I will not forsake you.’” (Page 19)
A happy blend of exegetical and historical study on the one hand, and homiletical treatment and application on the other. Ideas pop out everywhere, even in the most unlikely places. New insights abound. No one who reads this book will ever find Joshua dull and tedious again.
—Richard A. Bodey, Professor of Homiletics, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
One of the reasons I enjoy Davis's exposition so much is that I feel confident that he has done his exegetical homework, and so is not just delivering blessed, unhistorical thoughts on the text.
—Themelios Journal
One of the reasons I enjoy Davis's exposition so much is that I feel confident that he has done his exegetical homework, and so is not just delivering blessed, unhistorical thoughts on the text. Yet at the same time, he applies the text so well.
—Simon Gathercole, Director of Studies, Theology and Religious Studies, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University, Cambridge
What a great book... not only faithful to the text but also full of great illustrations, practical challenges and conetmporary language. This is a great addition to any library!
—Evangelical Times
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Jamie McBride
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Joshua Tan
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Lawrence Lartey
Randall Laase