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The Forgotten Trinity

ISBN: 9781441264305

Digital Logos Edition

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The Trinity is a basic teaching of the Christian faith. It defines God’s essence and describes how he relates to us. The Forgotten Trinity is a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters. It refutes cultic distortions of God and shows how a grasp of this significant teaching leads to renewed worship and deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Amid today’s emphasis on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, The Forgotten Trinity is a balanced look at all three persons of the Trinity.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

If you like this resource be sure to check out James R. White Collection (12 vols.)

Resource Experts
  • Provides an understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters
  • Discusses the Trinity as a basic teaching of the Christian faith
  • Presents a balanced look at all three persons of the Trinity
  • Why the ‘Forgotten’ Trinity?
  • What Is the Trinity?
  • God: A Brief Introduction
  • A Masterpiece: The Prologue of John
  • Jesus Christ: God in Human Flesh
  • I am He
  • Creator of All Things
  • Carmen Christi: The Hymn to Christ as God
  • Jehovah of Hosts
  • Grieve Not the Holy Spirit
  • Three Persons
  • A Closer Look
  • From the Mists of Time: The Trinity and Church History
  • Does It Really Matter? Christian Devotion and the Trinity

Top Highlights

“Within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” (Page 26)

“Difference in function does not indicate inferiority of nature.” (Page 66)

“upon reflection, we discover that the Trinity is the highest revelation God has made of himself to His people.” (Page 14)

“To know Christ truly is to know the Trinity, for God has not revealed himself in such a way as to allow us to have true and balanced knowledge of the Father outside of such knowledge of the Son, all of which comes to us through the Spirit. A person who wants to ‘know Jesus’ must, due to the nature of God’s revelation, know Him as He is related to the Father and the Spirit. We must know, understand, and love the Trinity to be fully and completely Christian. This is why we say the Trinity is the greatest of God’s revealed truths.” (Page 15)

“The Greeks had used the term logos in their philosophical explanations regarding the functioning of the world. The logos was for them an impersonal ordering force, that which gave harmony to the universe. The logos was not personal in their philosophy, but it was very important.” (Page 50)

James R. White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, an evangelical Reformed Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than 20 books and has engaged in numerous moderated debates. White serves as an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church.


8 ratings

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  1. Craig Bullock

    Craig Bullock


  2. Patrick



    A really great book on the subject. White deals with the subject in a very logical and well formulated order. The writing isn't so over scholarly that it's tough, it's written for anyone to pick up and read (which is the stated purpose of the book). White's writing is always on target and biblical. He gives each topic the serious and hard look it needs and even pulls in logical and historical claims with the understanding they are secondary to the biblical text. Not only does he make his case for the Trinity but also the importance of why it's needed; and this message is carried throughout each of the parts of the book. White also does a great job of tying both Old Testament and New Testament Scripture together and really provides a well rounded discussion on a lot of missed text outside the standard ones known. This book is the book I would recommend anyone to pick up if they are looking to understand, know, or grow deeper in seeing who the trinitarian God of the Bible is. Final Grade - A+
  3. Jacob Smith

    Jacob Smith


  4. Jack Kazanjyan

    Jack Kazanjyan


  5. A Adams

    A Adams


    An excellent introduction to the heartbeat of Christian thinking concerning the nature of God. If you've looking to develop a clear, exegetically-formulated idea of who God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, this is a great resource.
  6. Drew Reynolds

    Drew Reynolds


  7. Into Grace

    Into Grace


    Chapter One, Why the “Forgotten” Trinity? On page 15, Dr. White writes, “we must know, understand, and love the Trinity to be fully and completely Christian.” Without any biblical accreditation (there is none), that one must be a Trinitarian to be saved, Dr. White creates additional biblical revelation. Dr. White might want to add his special revelation to end of the book of Revelation where it is forbidden. Most Christians can’t even recite the doctrine of the Trinity (thankfully). I don’t know of any Trinitarian church that includes this doctrine in their plan of salvation (thankfully). The doctrine of salvation is found in hundreds of verses and God didn’t forget to include the Trinity in His inspired Word. On page 16, he continues, “It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians, when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity.” We are only in the first chapter and have uncovered “double talk.” Now, Dr. White seems to admit that one can be a Christian and not know the Trinity. For the review of five addition chapters, please see my profile for the website. May God bless you as you follow His Son.
  8. Debra W Bouey
