Digital Logos Edition
A superb, standard Christian theology text for nearly a quarter century, Daniel Migliore's Faith Seeking Understanding explores all of the major Christian doctrines in freshly contemporary ways. This third edition offers new suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter, a substantial expansion of the glossary, and new material incorporated throughout, including a section on Christians and Muslims.
Further, the three imaginary theological dialogues culminating the book—pointedly playful exchanges that have delighted countless readers—are here joined by a fourth dialogue, between Karl Barth and Friedrich Nietzsche, on atheism. All in all, a new generation of students, pastors, and Christian educators, eager to better understand the rich heritage, central themes, and contemporary challenges of Christian theology, will find both guidance and stimulation in Migliore's updated work.
If you like this resource be sure to check out Eerdmans Biblical Studies (10 vols.).
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“Christian faith is indeed simple, but it is not simplistic.” (Page 8)
“The Nicene Creed contains the familiar words, ‘I believe in … one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.’ For many Christians, the doctrine of the church, or ecclesiology, is perhaps the least interesting and the most irritating topic of Christian theology. ‘Jesus yes, church no’ nicely summarizes the anger and frustration that discussion of the church frequently arouses.” (Page 259)
“Revelation is the disclosure of the character and purpose of God, and when it is received, it radically changes the lives of its recipients.” (Page 23)
“To confess that God is triune is to affirm that the life of the one and only God is incomparably rich and uniquely personal.” (Page 79)
“Biblical theology studies in detail the canonical writings of the Old and New Testaments that are acknowledged by the church as the primary witnesses to the work and word of God. Historical theology traces the many ways in which Christian faith and life have come to expression in different times and places. Philosophical theology employs the resources of philosophical inquiry to examine the meaning and truth of Christian faith in the light of reason and experience. Practical theology explores the meaning and integrity of the basic practices of the church and the specific tasks of ministry such as preaching, educating, pastoral counseling, caring for the poor, and visiting the sick, the dying, and the bereaved.” (Page 10)
A seminary and undergraduate standard.... Migliore has thoroughly recrafted the volume in his lively and accessible style.
—Religious Studies Review
Presents theology in language that can be readily grasped by the theological beginner. Hurrah!
—Theology Today
4 ratings
Fred Anderson
Brian Maag