Digital Logos Edition
With the precision of a historian and physician, Luke wrote his gospel to assure those who read it that God had fulfilled His purposes in the life and ministry of Jesus. Dr. Butler shows us how Luke presents a compassionate Jesus, a Messiah concerned with the needy and less fortunate. This gospel, to a mostly Greek-speaking audience, was the result of diligent, firsthand research, written not only in chronological order but in logical order as well.
“Most of all, do we see ourselves as righteous judges called to determine who has the right to approach God? Or do we see ourselves as humble sinners gratefully seeking God’s forgiveness and salvation? These comparisons and questions confront us as we hear the Savior’s call to faith—a call that comes only to sinners who will believe the evidence of his ministry and teaching and trust him for forgiveness and salvation.” (Page 112)
“Our actions show our love and gratitude for Jesus.” (Page 112)
“Nothing proves or disproves this ancient tradition. Ironically as Jesus was ushered into his glory on the mount of crucifixion, two criminals claimed the position on the right and the left, positions over which his disciples had argued so vehemently.” (Page 392)
“The point here is that Jesus trained and used many more than just the twelve disciples. He called for dedicated discipleship from all who would bear their cross in self-denial and gave them an opportunity to join in God’s kingdom mission.” (Page 177)
“Prayer is not one quick session of listing needs and expecting immediate results. Prayer is continuing to talk to God with persistence. Prayer is based on absolute faith in God, so it never gives up, knowing God will answer when and where he chooses. Prayer also knows that God expects us to keep on praying until the answer comes.” (Page 296)