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Products>A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy, 3rd Ed. (ICC)

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy, 3rd Ed. (ICC)

, 1895
ISBN: 9780567050038

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Print list price: $115.00
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For over one hundred years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series.

No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text: contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought.

Editors at the Time of Publication: Samuel Rolles Driver, Alfred Plummer, Charles Augustus Briggs

The depth of analysis found in the International Critical Commentary (ICC) Series has yet to be surpassed in any commentary collection. One of the best features of this series is the extensive amount of background information given in each volume's introduction, where all of the analysis is provided before the actual commentary begins. Each volume packs more information into the introduction than you will often find in the body of most commentaries! Also consider that with the electronic versions of each volume, you will never need to leaf through the hundreds of pages in each volume searching for the passage you are studying.

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“one’ is to be understood. Does it express the unity of Jehovah, declaring that He is in His essence indivisible,” (Pages 89–90)

“It is a duty which follows naturally as the grateful response to Jehovah for the many undeserved mercies received at His hands (v. 12, 10:12ff.); it involves the fear and the service of God (v. 13, 10:12, 11:13); it impels those who are filled with it to the conscientious observance of all God’s commands (11:1, 22, 19:9, 30:16): it thus appears as the most inward and the most comprehensive of all religious duties, and as the chief commandment of all (Mk. 12:29f.)’ (Dillm.” (Page 91)

“But the text yields a very suitable sense; and there is no sufficient reason for preferring this reading. Cf. Geiger, Urschrift, p. 294.” (Page 356)

“if the temptation be indulged in, drought and famine may be expected as the consequences.” (Pages 130–131)

“the parallelism of Dt. is both much less frequent, and (where it is present) much less” (Page xi)

Praise for the Print Edition

It is a pleasure to see at last a really critical Old Testament commentary in English upon a portion of the Pentateuch, and especially one of such merit. This I find superior to any other Commentary in any language upon Deuteronomy.

— E. L. Curtis, Yale University

Product Details

  • Title: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy
  • Author: Author: S. R. Driver
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Publisher: T&T Clark
  • Publication Date: 1902
  • Pages: 434

From JewishEncyclopedia.com

Samuel Rolles Driver

English Christian Hebraist; born at Southampton Oct. 2, 1846; regius professor of Hebrew (in succession to Pusey), and canon of Christ Church, Oxford, since 1883; member of the Old Testament Revision Company, 1876-84.

Together with T. K. Cheyne and Robertson Smith, Driver has been one of the foremost champions of Biblical criticism in England. Driver approached it from its linguistic side ("Jour. of Phil." 1882, pp. 201-236). His first contribution, "A Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew" (Oxford, 1874; 3d ed., 1892), has remained the most complete presentation of the subject...In matters of criticism Driver has always taken a conservative view, showing much moderation and sympathy with the orthodox position.


Driver has edited two small rabbinical works: a commentary on Jeremiah and Ezekiel by Moses ben Sheshet, London, 1871, and one on Proverbs, attributed to Abraham ibn Ezra, Oxford, 1880. He has also been a collaborator on the second edition of Smith's "Bible Dictionary," on Hasting's "Dictionary of the Bible," and on Cheyne and Black's "Encyclopædia Biblica," and is coeditor, with Professors Brown and Briggs, of the Clarendon press edition of Gesenius.

by Joseph Jacobs & Richard Gottheil


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