Digital Logos Edition
The city of Corinth found itself geographically located on a trade route and culturally located at the center of Greco-Roman society during the first century. Art, philosophy, literature, and commerce flourished in this city, but the church there found itself mired in pervasive moral corruption. Paul’s words of advice, encouragement, and reproach are made clear and understandable with Ironside’s commentary on 1 Corinthians, based on the famous sermons he preached from 1934–1935 at Moody Memorial Church in Chicago.
Harry Allen Ironside, one of the twentieth century’s greatest preachers, was born in Toronto, Canada on October 14, 1876. Though his education stopped with grammar school, his fondness for reading and a retentive memory put his learning to use. His scholarship was recognized in academic circles when he received honorary degrees from Wheaton College and Bob Jones University and was invited as frequent lecturer at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Ironside was appointed to the boards of numerous Bible institutes, seminaries, and Christian organizations. He also served as director of the Africa Inland Mission. Ironside preached widely throughout the United States and abroad. He served as pastor of Moody Memorial Church from 1930 to 1948, and during his lifetime, he preached more than 7,000 sermons to over 1.25 million listeners.
“When I was a boy in school, they said that the body changes every seven years. Now they say it changes every three years.” (Page 510)
“We are saved by grace alone, but we are called to walk in holiness, and while we have no ability to do it ourselves, the Holy Spirit has come to dwell in every believer and He is the power of the new life. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit, and we will be enabled thus to honor the Lord Jesus Christ by holy, unworldly, devoted, godly lives.” (Page 176)
“When he finds himself abhorred by men and women who love Christ, when he finds his sin is a stench in the nostrils of Christian people, he may break before God. If, in spite of his sin, he has really been born again, he will break. If he has been a false professor, he will plunger deeper and deeper into evil things.” (Page 170)
“The Church of God is largely afraid to exercise discipline today, but where this is carried out in obedience to the Word of God the Church is kept in a condition where God can work.” (Page 171)
“John Allen, the converted havvy (or section-hand, as we would say in America), one of the first officers of the Salvation Army, exclaimed as he was dying, ‘I deserve to be damned; I deserve to be in hell; but God interfered!’ Yes, and so may each redeemed one say. The sinning was ours, the disobedience was ours, the curse, the wrath, the judgment—all were our desert. The holiness is His, the perfect obedience unto death is His. He became a curse for us, He drained the cup of wrath, He bore the judgment. Thus He has become in very truth our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, and to Him belongs all the glory now and through eternal ages.” (Page 77)
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