Digital Logos Edition
This groundbreaking books presents a system of biblical truth that brings together people,their problems, and the living God. It is founded on three convictions:
In this remarkable volume solid theological foundations of biblical counseling are clearly presented in contrast to humanistic and secular theories of psychological counseling. A practical, proactive, and relevant book for students, church leaders, and lay people. This collection of writers represents some of America's leading biblical teachers and counselors.
“This passage teaches that spiritual maturity is more than what someone knows. It is what they put into practice. Mature Christians are able to discern between good and evil because they have practiced consistent godliness.” (Page 151)
“Some basic reminders might be helpful. For example, Scripture is the only reliable manual for true soul-study. It is so comprehensive in the diagnosis and treatment of every spiritual matter that, energized by the Holy Spirit in the believer, it leads to making one like Jesus Christ. This is the process of biblical sanctification. It is the goal of biblical counseling.” (Page 8)
“In short, it has diminished the church’s confidence in Scripture, prayer, fellowship, and preaching as means through which the Spirit of God works to change lives.” (Page 4)
“The most skilled counselor is the one who most carefully, prayerfully, and faithfully applies the divine spiritual resources to the process of sanctification, shaping another into the image of Jesus Christ.” (Page 9)
“Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology, was an unbelieving humanist who devised psychology as a substitute for religion.” (Page 7)
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Andrew Johnson
Enrique Sarria