Digital Logos Edition
The book of Exodus is about a journey: a journey out of Egypt, but more particularly a journey from a land where God's power, sovereignty and continuing interest in his people could be easily questioned, to a place where God dwelt in the midst of his people. Exodus describes God's power, his redemption of his people, his covenant requirements at Sinai, and the rules of his worship.
In this volume, John L. Mackay interacts with other scholars in either text or footnotes. In addition to exploring the meaning of the text, he examines the chronology, authorship, composition, and structure of Exodus. At the end of each section he provides a reflective comment.
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“However, there is much to be said for emphasising that Israel was not so much to be a kingdom with priests, as a kingdom which as a whole was to function in a priestly role vis-à-vis the rest of the world.” (Page 328)
“Again disregard of the need for truth leads to a breakdown in the order of society.” (Page 353)
“More probable is the view that points out that the word translated ‘showed’ in the first part of the verse is closely related to the word ‘law’, which itself basically means ‘instruction’ rather than ‘legal enactment’. What was happening was that there were basic instructions being laid down for them. They were being taught the basic lesson in the life of faith, that trust and obedience are the correct response to divine blessing and the way to enjoy further blessing. That is why it is said there he tested them. They had been divinely brought into a situation which called for them to exercise trust in the Lord. Their faith was being tested. In such difficult times they must rely on the Lord to provide for them. That alone was the way to move successfully forward.” (Page 280)
“‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery’ (20:2). What more need be said? In effect this is a summary of all that Moses has recorded before it, not only in Exodus but Genesis too. The history of the world is the prologue to the Lord’s sovereign demands on his people. He had graciously given his covenant promises to their forefathers, but now he has gone beyond that by providing an even fuller demonstration of his commitment to his people by his powerful deliverance of them from the oppression of Egypt. The Exodus deliverance stood as the ultimate revelation of God’s love until it was eclipsed by the culminating disclosure of his love when he sent his Son.” (Page 342)
Professor Mackay has produced a strong commentary on the Book of Exodus. It is filled with excellent material for the pastor and the serious-minded Bible student. I especially appreciate the work on application that is normally so difficult to draw out of historical literature. I recommend this work highly. It is a valuable tool for the study of this most important period in Israel's history.
—John Currid, Carl McMurray Professor of Old Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
A tour de force of conservative evangelical exposition. Massively researched, painstakingly explained, theologically nuanced, reliably expounded, simply expressed, and sensitively applied. This volume will be of considerable value to all preachers and Bible students. For accessible and scholarly comment, Mackay's work should quickly become the standard evangelical work on the Book of Exodus.
—Stephen Dray, Minister, Ferndale Baptist Church, Southend-on-Sea, England
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George Jensen
Rob Campbell