Digital Logos Edition
Is there any useless religion around today? Do we see evidence of people merely going through the motions of religion, professing faith in Christ without any evidence of it showing up in their lives? If so, these are indications that we need the epistle of James today. Written by the half-brother of Jesus, this letter helps us attack stale, humdrum, useless religion. Among the many practical issues that James deals with are: suffering, the gap between hearing and doing, controlling the tongue, and resisting the world. Roger Ellsworth’s studies in this letter draw out the challenges for us as believers in the twenty-first century—here are lessons we badly need to hear today.
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“First, a word about wisdom. What is it? We must not confuse it with knowledge. Knowledge is information; wisdom is application. Knowledge is comprehending facts; wisdom is handling life. Knowledge is theoretical; wisdom is practical.” (Page 27)
“The problem is not with God. Rather it is with a mistaken understanding of faith. Faith is not believing that God will do what we want done. Rather it is believing that God will do what he has promised to do.” (Page 30)
“The trials of life often shake our faith and cause us to let up in service. In other words, hardships and difficulties can diminish the reality of religion. James wrote to help his readers have such reality.” (Pages 18–19)
“The word ‘meekness’ tells us that we are to come to the Word with a soft, gentle, teachable disposition, recognizing the authority of God’s Word and submitting to it.” (Page 58)
“The crucial thing is to remember that such suffering comes from God’s hand. Nothing is clearer in Scripture than the truth that God sends trials and difficulties into the lives of his children because he has certain purposes to achieve.” (Page 21)