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The Book of Exodus (The Old Testament Library | OTL)

ISBN: 0664229689

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The Old and New Testament Library series offers authoritative commentary on many Old and New Testament books and provides additional theological works that closely examine major aspects of both testaments. This important series contains modern works written by noted authors as well as classic volumes of scholarship. Commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text. Individually, each of these commentaries allow teachers and students to hone in on unique elements present in a stand-alone book of the Bible. Together, the power of these commentaries and theological works provides a plurality of perspectives that together facilitate better interpretation and clarity from the podium, behind the pulpit, and beyond.

Taking a pioneering approach to commentary writing, Brevard Childs gives an entirely original treatment to the book of Exodus. Apart from the philological notes and translation, this commentary includes a form-critical section, looking at the growth of the tradition in its previous stages; a consideration of the meaning of the text in its present form; and a consideration of its meaning in its total Old Testament context.

Resource Experts
  • Contains relevant commentary, exegesis, and literary criticism
  • Observations by some of today’s leading biblical scholars
  • Fresh insights into well-known Old Testament books
  • Introductory: 1:1-7
  • Israel’s Persecution and the Birth of Moses: 1:8-2:10
  • Moses Slays an Egyptian and Flees to Midian: 2:11-25
  • The Call of Moses: 3:1-4:17
  • The Return to Egypt: 4:18-6:1
  • The Renewed Call of Moses: 6:2-7:7
  • The Plagues of Egypt: 7:8-11:10
    • Excursus I: The Hardening of Pharaoh
    • Excursus II: The Despoiling of the Egyptians
  • Passover and Exodus: 12:1-13:16
  • The Deliverance at the Sea: 13:17-14:31
  • The Song of the Sea: 15:1-21
  • Introduction to the Wilderness Wanderings Traditions
  • The Waters of Marah: 15:22-27
  • Manna and Quails: I6:1-36
  • Water at Massah and Meribah: 17:1-7
  • War with the Amalekites: 17:8-16
  • The Visit of Jethro: 18:1-27
  • Introduction to the Sinai Traditions
  • The Theophany at Sinai: 19:1-25; 20:18-21
  • The Decalogue: 20:1-17
  • Statutes and Ordinances ofthe Covenant: 20:22-23:33
  • The Sealing of the Covenant: 24:1-18
  • Directions for the Tabernacle and its Service: 25:1-31:18
  • The Golden Calf: 32:1-35
  • God’s Presence Endangered: 33:1-23
  • The Renewal of the Covenant: 34:1-35
  • Tabernacle Instructions Executed: 35:1-40:38

Top Highlights

“Whatever is thought to have been the original reading, it is clear that the Massoretic Text accepted the first alternative and described the midwives as Hebrew.” (Page 16)

“The grim reality is that even when redemption finally comes, it is accompanied, not by the heroic martyrdom of the brave partisan, but by the senseless murder of children. The salvation promised by God is not greeted by a waiting world, but opposed with the hysterical fanaticism which borders on madness.” (Page 25)

“The clever response serves to highlight the stupidity of the king who would ‘act wisely’. Once again, the frail resources of two women have succeeded in outdoing the crass power of the tyrant.” (Page 17)

“Again, both stories witness to the wonderfully unexpected rescue from a humanly impossible situation.” (Page 25)

“Finally, both stories testify to the suffering of the people which accompanies the redemption.” (Page 25)

  • Title: The Book of Exodus: A Critical, Theological Commentary
  • Author: Brevard Childs
  • Series: The Old Testament Library
  • Publisher: Westminster John Knox
  • Print Publication Date: 2004
  • Logos Release Date: 2017
  • Pages: 688
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Exodus › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 0664229689, 9780664229689
  • Resource ID: LLS:OTL02EX
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-09-24T16:36:01Z

Brevard S. Childs (1923–2007), Old Testament professor at Yale University from 1958 until he retired in 1999. Childs had a significant positive influence in biblical theology by insisting that interpreters should be Christians who view the text as Scripture and regard the final form of the canon as the norm for interpretation. However, he held to many liberal views about Scripture, denying that Moses wrote the Pentateuch and seeing elements of pagan mythology in the Bible.


11 ratings

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  1. Corey DeFrancesco
    Old but good. Could do away with all the documentary hypothesis drivel, but alas...
  2. taewoong um

    taewoong um


  3. Jisung Lee

    Jisung Lee


  4. Avril Russell
  5. Chan Yew Ming

    Chan Yew Ming


  6. Dr. John W. Hatton
  7. Peter Ryan

    Peter Ryan


  8. Reuven Milles
  9. Logosed



  10. Jim Rudolph

    Jim Rudolph



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