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Products>The Person of Christ: An Introduction (Short Studies in Systematic Theology)

The Person of Christ: An Introduction (Short Studies in Systematic Theology)

, 2021
ISBN: 9781433569432

Digital Logos Edition

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People are just as interested in discovering who Jesus is today as they were in the first century. Some view Jesus as a great prophet or a wise philosopher; for others, he is an important religious leader or even a revolutionary. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Stephen Wellum examines the divinity and humanity of Christ, focusing on who Jesus is from Scripture and historical theology. He also expounds on why Jesus is utterly unique and how Christians should think about the incarnation—the truth that God the Son took on flesh and became a man. As readers spend time thinking through the glory and majesty of Jesus, they will delight to know and proclaim Christ alone.

This title is included in the following collections

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Resource Experts
  • Focuses on who Jesus is from Scripture and historical theology
  • Explores how Christians should think about the incarnation
  • Examines how historic Christianity has understood the divinity and humanity of Christ
  • Introduction: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Part 1: Biblical Foundations for Understanding the Identity of Christ

  • Approaching Scripture on Its Own Terms to Identify Christ
  • The Identity of Christ from the Bible’s Storyline
  • Who Does Jesus Say That He Is?
  • The New Testament Witness to Christ

Part 2: Theological Formulation: The Establishment of Christological Orthodoxy

  • The Road to the Chalcedonian Definition of Christ
  • Post-Chalcedonian Clarifications Regarding Christ
  • Current Challenges to Christological Orthodoxy

Part 3: Theological Summary: The Orthodox Identity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

  • Jesus as God the Son Incarnate: A Theological Summary
  • Conclusion: Recovering the Centrality of Christ

Top Highlights

“In stark contrast to the diverse views of Jesus in the first century and today, Scripture, along with the creeds of the church, presents a consistent, clear answer to Jesus’s question. Jesus is the divine Son, the second person of the triune Godhead, the Lord of glory, who in time assumed a human nature, so that now and forevermore he is the eternal ‘Word made flesh’ (cf. John 1:1, 14). And he did this because it’s only one individual—God the Son incarnate—who can bring about God’s eternal plan by securing our redemption, executing judgment on sin, and establishing a new creation by the ratification of a new covenant in his life, death, and resurrection.” (Page 14)

“What is crucial to note, however, is that Jesus receives human worship and never rebukes people for giving it (Matt. 14:33; 21:15–16; 28:9, 17; John 20:28).9 But Jesus raises the significance of this veneration a notch. Knowing that his Father has committed all authority to him, Jesus explains why he has done so: ‘that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him’ (John 5:23). Jesus, then, receives the worship that only God is to receive and also demands it, precisely because he self-identifies with God as his Son.” (Page 56)

“The text is divided into two main stanzas (Col. 1:15–16 and 1:18b–20) with a transitional stanza between the two (1:17–18a). In the first main and transitional stanzas, Jesus is presented as God the Son since he is the true image of God, the agent of creation, and the Sustainer of the universe. In the second main stanza, Jesus is presented as the incarnate Son, who, because of his incarnation and cross work, is our only Redeemer. Jesus, then, is supreme over all because he is our Creator and Redeemer.” (Pages 74–75)

Dr. Stephen J. Wellum is Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and editor of Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. He received his PhD from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and he is the author of numerous essays and articles. Dr. Wellum is the co-author with Peter J. Gentry of Kingdom through Covenant, 2nd edition (Crossway, 2012, 2018) and God’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology (Crossway, 2015); the author of God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ (Crossway, 2016) and Christ Alone—The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior (Zondervan, 2017); and the co-author of Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ (Zondervan, 2018). Dr. Wellum was born and raised in Burlington, Ontario. He is married to Karen and together they have five children.


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