Digital Logos Edition
To preach effectively in today’s world, preachers need cultural intelligence. They must build bridges between listeners who come from various denominations, ethnicities, genders, locations, religious backgrounds, and more. Experienced preacher and teacher Matthew Kim provides a step-by-step template for cross-cultural hermeneutics and homiletics, equipping preachers to reach their varied listeners in the church and beyond. Each chapter includes questions for individual thought or group discussion. The book also includes helpful diagrams and images, a sample sermon, and appendixes for exegeting listeners and for exploring cultural differences.
“Next, how do our listeners view God? For most Christians, their perspective on who God is depends on numerous factors that are often shaped by their lived experiences. Depending on their cultural context, they may tend to emphasize certain characteristics of God as opposed to others: God’s eternality, jealousy, love, wrath, mercy, patience, justice, holiness, power, goodness, sovereignty, faithfulness, and so much more. For some, God bears resemblance to a hovering, impossible-to-please mom, or a doting, pushover grandfather who capitulates to the child’s incessant pleas.” (Page 23)
“To facilitate this self-exploration process, we will divide this chapter into three parts. Part 1 will identify our levels of CQ drive and our attitudes toward other cultures with the goal of moving toward cultural empathy and celebration. Part 2 will serve as an opportunity for preachers to explore their personal and family histories by way of a preacher’s timeline and journal project, which will unearth various repressed areas of life and cultivate greater empathy for Others. In part 3, I will briefly encourage preachers to work through the various cultural markers in the Homiletical Template for themselves before they try to undertake it for their listeners.” (Page 46)
“First, Livermore articulates CQ drive as ‘the motivational dimension of CQ, [which] is the leader’s level of interest, drive, and energy to adapt cross-culturally.’15 CQ drive reflects an inner longing to better understand similar and dissimilar congregants.” (Page 6)
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