Persuasive Preaching contains a valuable discussion of what persuasion really is, what the Bible has to say about it, how it is modeled in the New Testament, and what role persuasion should and should not play in our own preaching in the twenty-first century. The author has provided solid biblical content and practical guidance that will be a powerful resource for preachers and church leaders. He writes with clarity and persuasive power.
That preaching ought to persuade would seem self-evident. However, in a culture that sees any form of persuasion as arrogant, it may be that preachers have lost their nerve. Many retreat to a form of proclamation that seeks only to instruct and not to convict or to inspire. Overstreet intends to help us find a greater confidence. This thorough and detailed exploration of the Bible, makes a convincing case for a more persuasive preaching even in these under-confident times.
—Kenton C. Anderson, President, Northwest Baptist Seminary, Professor of Homiletics, ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University
This is not just another book about preaching. It is a convicting study that deepens the passion to be properly prepared to preach. Too often we preachers have looked into the mirror of God’s call to preach, then, as James put it, ‘have gone our way, straightway forgetting what manner of men we ought to be.’ Overstreet is a careful expositor of the biblical text. This book is truly enlightening because it sets forth a surprising number of scriptural passages on the method of presenting the message of God. A biblical theology of preaching indeed—and it should be part of every preacher’s library and every curriculum that trains preachers!
—Jerry R. Lancaster, Pastor, Starkey Road Baptist Church, Largo, FL
Overstreet gives us a biblical theology of preaching, convincingly demonstrates that persuasion is our goal, and highlights our character as crucial to effectiveness. He then illustrates several ways sermons can be structured for persuasive impact. Helpful resources and websites appear throughout the pages. This is a thorough, informative and valuable book.
—Donald R. Sunukjian, Professor and Chair of the Christian Ministry and Leadership Department, Talbot School of Theology
“Rhetoric is persuasive communication in the service of Truth which should create an informed appetite for the Good.” (Page 13)
“Faith ‘is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true” (Page 47)
“Rhetoric is persuasive communication in the service of Truth which should create an informed appetite for the Good.” (Page 27)
“Modernism sought various ways to find truth. Postmodernism, in contrast, denies absolute truth.” (Page 17)
“postmoderns question all ‘truths,’ including those to which Bible believers adhere” (Page 19)
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