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Products>Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

, 2015
ISBN: 9780802866219

Digital Logos Edition

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G. K. Beale’s monumental The Book of Revelation: New International Greek Testament Commentary volume on Revelation has been highly praised since its publication in 1999. This shorter commentary distills the superb grammatical analysis and exegesis from that tome (over 1,300 pages) into a book more accessible and pertinent to preachers, students, and general Christian readers.

As in the original commentary, Beale views Revelation as an integrated whole, as a conscious continuation of the Old Testament prophetic books, and shows that recognizing Revelation’s nearly constant use of Old Testament allusions is key to unlocking its meaning. Interspersed throughout the volume are more than sixty sets of “Suggestions for Reflection” to help readers better grasp the relevance of Revelation to their lives and our world today.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

If you like this resource be sure to check out Eerdmans Commentary Collection (13 vols.).

Resource Experts
  • Provides readers with an abridgment of an acclaimed scholarly commentary
  • Explores a topic pertinent to preachers, students, and general Christian readers
  • Focuses on Revelation as a conscious continuation of the Old Testament prophetic books
  • 1:1-20: Prologue
  • 2:1-3:22: The Letters to the Seven Churches
  • 4:1-5:14: God and Christ are Glorified
  • 6:1-8:5: The Seven Seals
  • 8:6-11:19: The Seven Trumpets
  • 12:1-15:4: Deeper Conflict
  • 15:5-16:21: The Seven Bowl Judgments
  • 17:1-19:21: The Final Judgment of Babylon and the Beast
  • 20:1-15: The Millennium
  • 21:1-22:15: The New Creation and the Church Perfected in Glory
  • 22:6-21: Epilogue

Top Highlights

“The Redemptive-Historical Idealist View. The idealist view sees the entire book as a symbolic presentation of the battle between good and evil. The seals, bowls, and trumpets speak over and over again to the events of human history in every age and give believers of all ages an exhortation to remain faithful in the face of suffering (hence ‘redemptive-historical’). We believe this view is substantially correct but must be modified in light of the fact that parts of Revelation do definitely refer to future end-time events concerning the return of Christ, His final defeat of the enemy, and the establishment of His heavenly kingdom.” (Page 9)

“Our conclusion, therefore, is that the recapitulation position best explains the structure of Revelation. The book consists of a series of parallel visions in which God expresses the same truths in different ways.” (Page 24)

“Revelation combines aspects of three different kinds of writing—apocalyptic, prophecy, and epistle.” (Page 4)

“The significance of the number here is that the seven churches represent the fullness of the church.” (Page 39)

“Though there are many definitions of apocalyptic, it is best to understand apocalyptic as an intensification of prophecy” (Page 4)

This ‘shorter’ commentary (at over 500 pages) dwarfs most others — not so much in size as in substance. Beale's `eclectic redemptive-historical idealist view' opens up Revelation's literary flow, spiritual logic, and eschatological message. At last a commentary that actually explains Revelation rather than compounding its complexity.

Robert W. Yarbrough, professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary

In this volume we are treated to a briefer version of Greg Beale's massive commentary on Revelation, but that work’s exegetical depth and theological profundity are still present in the abbreviated volume. No one can afford to preach, teach, or write on Revelation without reading Beale.

Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

  • Title: Revelation: A Shorter Commentary
  • Authors: G. K. Beale, David H. Campbell
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Print Publication Date: 2015
  • Logos Release Date: 2015
  • Pages: 576
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. Revelation › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9780802866219, 0802866212
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-30T02:50:39Z

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G.K. Beale is Kenneth T. Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies and professor of New Testament at Wheaton College Graduate School. He is the author or editor of several books, including The Right Doctrine from the Wrong Texts?: Essays on the Use of the Old Testament in the New, The Book of Revelation: New International Greek Testament Commentary, and The IVP New Testament Commentary Series: 1-2 Thessalonians.

About David H. Campbell

David H. Campbell is pastor of Trinity Christian Church, Owen Sound, Ontario.


13 ratings

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  1. Larry Arendas
    I have been trying to buy 1 book for a week, but every time I click on it, your site adds it to my previous attempt. There is no way to correct the error on checkout. Could someone please tell me how to get just 1 book?
  2. Matlyn Collins
  3. Zac Owens

    Zac Owens


  4. Richard D. Villanueva Sr.
  5. Ken McClurkin

    Ken McClurkin


  6. jcpetit@shaw.ca



  7. John LeBlanc

    John LeBlanc


  8. Mable Coleman

    Mable Coleman


  9. Wade H Hurst

    Wade H Hurst


  10. Stephen E Moser
