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Products>From Sabbath to Lord’s Day: A Biblical, Historical and Theological Investigation

From Sabbath to Lord’s Day: A Biblical, Historical and Theological Investigation

ISBN: 9781579103071

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In this essay collection, celebrated New Testament scholar D.A. Carson and six other contributors argue that Sunday is “a new day of worship that was chosen to commemorate the unique, salvation-historical event of the death and resurrection of Christ, rather than merely being another day for celebrating the Sabbath.”

For more by D.A. Carson, see Wipf & Stock D.A. Carson Collection (5 vols.).

Resource Experts
  • Argues that Sunday is a new day for Christian worship
  • Connects the unique, historical death and resurrection of Christ with Sunday as the new Christian day for worship
  • Analysis of the concept of the Sabbath in the Old and New Testaments
  • “The Sabbath in the Old Testament” by Harold H.P. Dressler
  • “A Summary of Sabbath Observance in Judaism at the Beginning of the Christian Era” by Christopher Rowland
  • “Jesus and the Sabbath in the Four Gospels” by D.A. Carson
  • “The Sabbath, Sunday, and the Law in Luke/Acts” by M. Max B. Turner
  • “The Sabbath/Sunday Question and the Law in the Pauline Corpus” by D.R. de Lacey
  • “Sabbath, Rest, and Eschatology in the New Testament” by A.T. Lincoln
  • “The Lord’s Day” by R.J. Bauckham
  • “Sabbath and Sunday in the Post-Apostolic Church” by R.J. Backham
  • “Sabbath and Sunday in the Medieval Church in the West” by R.J. Backham
  • “Sabbath and Sunday in the Protestant Tradition” by R.J. Backham
  • “From Sabbath to the Lord’s Day: A Biblical and Theological Perspective” by A.T. Lincoln

Top Highlights

“In short, the reasons for the Sabbath law are twofold: vertical and horizontal, theological and social.52” (Page 27)

“There is no hint anywhere in the ministry of Jesus that the first day of the week is to take on the character of the Sabbath and replace it.” (Page 85)

“On this question, the evidence is unequivocal; only the ancient Hebrew literature speaks definitely about a seven-day week and a Sabbath.” (Page 23)

“Indeed, if the Old Testament principle were really ‘one day in seven for worship and rest’ instead of ‘the seventh day for worship and rest,’ we might have expected Old Testament legislation to prescribe some other day off for the priests. The lack of such confirms the importance in Old Testament thought of the seventh day, as opposed to the mere one-in-seven principle so greatly relied upon by those who wish to see in Sunday the precise New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament Sabbath.” (Pages 66–67)

“Does the Sabbath belong to those universal institutions referred to as ‘creation ordinances’ so that it implies a one-in-seven scheme decreed by the Creator for the well-being of mankind, or is it rather an Israelite institution based on the heavenly pattern and eschatological in its ultimate purpose and goal?” (Page 27)

D. A. Carson

D.A. Carson (b. 1946) is one of the most respected New Testament scholars in the world. A respected teacher, author, and speaker, he is currently research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and the president of The Gospel Coalition. He has served as pastor of Richmond Baptist Church and as the first dean of the seminary of Northwest Baptist Theological College, now known as Northwest Baptist Seminary. Logos has collected his sermons—including audio—in the D.A. Carson Sermon Archive.

Carson lectures in academic and church settings around the world, and is the author of more than 50 books, including Exegetical Fallacies, Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to John, The Gagging of God, Showing the Spirit: A Theological Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12–14 and the Intolerance of Tolerance. He is the editor of the Pillar New Testament Commentary series, and coedited of the Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament with G.K. Beale, and the Studies in New Testament Greek series with Stanley Porter. You can find more of Carson’s work in the Baker D.A. Carson Collection (15 vols.).


3 ratings

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  1. Meyvis Hawkins
    yikes! if ye love me, keep my commandments.
  2. Slawomir Gromadzki
    It is a very good book although as SD Adventist I don't agree with its following thesis “Sunday is a new day of worship that was chosen to commemorate the unique salvation history, the historical event of the death and resurrection of Christ.” Nevertheless, this book makes some excellent true statements. It admits that the Sabbath cannot apply to any other day than the seventh day. It admits that the Sabbath has a redemptive significance. It admits that the early Christians in the New Testament kept the Sabbath (seventh day), including the Gentiles. Why then the authors do not accept SDA teaching on the Sabbath? Look for pastor Jack Sequeira on youtube preaching on Sabbath as a memorial of salvation by faith.
  3. Dr. Anthony Mazak


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