Digital Logos Edition
The Spiritual Life consists of 16 lectures that Andrew Murray gave as a guest lecturer at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago during the summer of 1895.
In the Logos edition, all Scripture passages are tagged and appear on mouse-over. For scholarly work or personal Bible study, this makes these texts more powerful and easier to access than ever before. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “holiness” or “John 15:1–2.”
Andrew Murray (1828–1917) was born in Graaff Reinet, South Africa, to Dutch missionary parents. Educated at King’s College, Aberdeen, he then studied theology at the University of Utrecht. Andrew and his older brother John were ordained in the Dutch Reformed Church in 1848. Murray pastored South African churches in Bloemfontein, Worcester, Cape Town, and Wellington. A champion of missionary work, he founded the South African General Mission in 1889. That ministry continued to grow, and today it is part of the SIM (Serving in Mission) organization.
A prolific author and lecturer, Murray authored over 200 books during his lifetime, and he was invited to speak at churches and conferences all over the world. Married for over 60 years and the father of eight children, Murray passed away in January 1917.
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“2nd step is that a man must be made to see and believe that the spiritual life is a possibility.” (Page 10)
“There are two stages in the Christian life: the lower stage under the power of the flesh, and the stage of the true life in the power of the Spirit. Let me direct your attention to a passage in 1 Cor. 3:1–4.” (Page 1)
“Friends, as long as the Christian is carnal don’t give him spiritual truth. You must bring him to the point where he recognizes that he is carnal. The carnal state is incapable of receiving spiritual truth.” (Page 9)
“What are the marks of a babe? One is the babe cannot help himself, he has got to be helped by others. The other, he cannot help anyone else.” (Page 4)
“1. The Christian is a man who walks after the Spirit” (Page 17)