Digital Logos Edition
A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage provides a rich collection of readings from original documents that will captivate casual readers and serve as a ready reference for professional historians. In A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage, H. Leon McBeth introduces his readers to the major figures and documents of Baptist history, but he goes beyond leaders and institutions to present the color and character of the Baptist heritage. No other single-volume collection of sources encompasses the kaleidoscope of people, denominations, and nationalities which comprise the Baptist heritage. From these voices from the past, readers can gain insight into the facts of Baptist history, and at the same time understand the events and emotions which motivated ordinary individuals to shape a tradition. Confessions, controversies, and colorful personalities await students—newcomers and professionals—who use this volume to continue their exploration of Baptist heritage.
A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage is the companion volume to Dr. Leon McBeth’s The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness, also included in this collection.
Save more when you purchase this volume as part of the B&H Baptist History Collection (11 Vols.)!
“Some have claimed that America’s founding statesmen, particularly Thomas Jefferson, not only adopted basically these same concepts but may have been directly influenced by Williams.” (Page 83)
“The people who came to be called Baptists earned that nickname through their practice of immersion for professed believers in Christ.” (Page 41)
“imprisoned for almost a year for speaking against infant baptism” (Page 41)
“His financial records were unclear, his reports vague.” (Page 212)
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Dr. Robert Mills
John McDaniel
Gordon Jones
Larry Proffitt (I