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Systematic Theology

, 2015
ISBN: 9780802872722

Digital Logos Edition

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In this concise, one-volume systematic theology, celebrated scholar Anthony Thiselton covers the spectrum of Christian doctrine with an eye for practical Christian discipleship. Written with students and ministers in mind, this book is readable and accessible. Rather than setting out an abstract system, Thiselton explores theology as a living, organic whole. The book includes biblical foundations, historical thought, contemporary writers, and practical implications. Expertly incorporating biblical exegesis, philosophy, conceptual grammar, and hermeneutics, this work is a succinct multidisciplinary systematic theology.

Resource Experts
  • Covers a wide range of theological topics
  • Offers a systematic theology that is both accessible and practical
  • Method and Truth
  • God: Personhood, Trinity, Holy, Love, and Grace
  • God and the World
  • The Challenge of Atheism: Lessons for Christians
  • The Nonhuman Creation, and Ordinances for Human Welfare
  • Human Potentiality and the Image of God
  • Misdirected Desire and Alienation: A Hermeneutical Comparison of Historical Thinkers
  • Jesus Christ the Mediator
  • Why Consider Historical Theologies of the Atonement? Historical Thought and Hermeneutics
  • A Concise Christology
  • The Holy Spirit: (I) Biblical Doctrine
  • The Holy Spirit: (II) Historical Insights
  • Why the Church? Why Ministry? Why Sacraments?
  • The Return of Christ, the Resurrection, and Related Issues
  • The Last Judgment, Eternity, and the Restoration of All Things

Top Highlights

“Death constitutes an unwelcome intrusion into the daily life of men and women.” (Page 338)

“The Trinity has immediate pastoral relevance because in God the self is not an isolated self-centered being but a self-in-relation to others.” (Page 36)

“It would be wiser and more accurate to use the term ‘suprapersonal.’ For God is more than a person but not less than a person.” (Page 30)

“Augustine and Aquinas deployed what philosophers call ‘the free-will defense argument,’ in which the possibility of evil is bound up with the human will to choose.” (Page 56)

“To suggest a practical point, there is something wrong if our belief system has remained exactly the same over long years. The work of the Holy Spirit, an increased understanding of Scripture, and sometimes even experiences of doubt, critical reflection, and refinement all contribute to growth.” (Page 2)

Practical, devotional, and systematic. . . . A volume grounded in biblical exegesis, interacting with historical figures, and interdisciplinary in orientation. This wide-ranging work throughout will surprise even those familiar with systematic theology.

Wolfgang Vondey, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Regent University School of Divinity

Thiselton has written a wonderfully concise systematic theology that covers all the classic theological topics. . . . From as broad an interdisciplinary perspective as possible, it engages biblical exegesis and major thinkers through the centuries, mindful throughout of practical implications for Christian discipleship and devotion. I highly recommend this book not only for systematic theology courses but also for anyone wanting to understand more fully what lies at the heart of Christian theology.

Lois Malcolm, Luther Seminary

Anthony C. Thiselton was professor of Christian Theology at the University of Nottingham. He held three doctorates (Ph.D, D.D., D.D) and published important works on 1 Corinthians, hermeneutics, and did research on modern theology, philosophy of religion, and the application of philosophy of language to biblical studies.


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