Digital Logos Edition
In True Christianity, German Lutheran theologian Johann Arndt calls Christians to exhibit a “true, living, and active faith, which manifests itself in genuine godliness and the fruits of righteousness.” Arndt draws attention to Christ’s life in his people, writing that Christians are called to lead both an internal and external Christian life. First published in the early 1600s, this work is regarded by many as the foundation for all subsequent devotional books—both Catholic and Protestant. This edition is an English translation of the four-book German-language True Christianity, originally published in 1609.
The message of this foundational work is as relevant to Christians today as it was for Arndt’s original audience. Add True Christianity to your Logos library today, and learn more about living a life filled with the fruits of the Spirit.
In the Logos edition, True Christianity is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
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“Let them rather be assured, that the guilt of Adam was that of Lucifer, namely, he would be as God: and that it was the same most grievous, heinous, and hateful sin in both.” (Page 4)
“Adam must die, and Christ must live, in us. It is not sufficient to acquire a knowledge of the word of God; it is also our duty to obey it practically, with life and power.” (Page xxxix)
“To teach the reader how to perceive the hidden and connate abomination of Original Sin; to set forth distinctly our misery and helplessness; to teach us to put no trust in ourselves or our ability; to take away everything from ourselves, and to ascribe all to Christ, so that He alone may dwell in us, work all things in us, alone live in us, and create all things in us, because he is the beginning, middle, and end, of our conversion and salvation.” (Page xlii)
“It undoubtedly is the essential property of every image, that it be a just representation of the object which it is intended to express; and as the reflection in a mirror is vivid in a degree proportioned to the clearness of the mirror itself, so the image of God becomes more or less visible, according to the purity of the soul in which it is beheld.” (Page 2)
“REPENTANCE, or true conversion, is the work of the Holy Spirit, under the influence of which, man, through the law, acknowledges his sin, and the wrath of God provoked against it; and earnestly mourns over his offences; and then, understanding, through the Gospel, the grace of God, by faith in Christ Jesus, he obtains the remission of his sins.” (Page 11)
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