Digital Logos Edition
Adrian Rogers (1931-2005), pastor and Bible teacher for Love Worth Finding Ministries (LWF), is one of the most recognized figures in Southern Baptist history. Serving his first term as president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in 1979, he went on to lead the Conservative Resurgence in the SBC while pastoring Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. Dr. Rogers sermons have touched the lives of millions around the globe through his radio and television programs. Now, in Logos, you can search through decades of Dr. Rogers’ sermons, exploring the meaning of Scripture alongside one of the most beloved preachers of the 20th century.
“Now, here was a troubled woman, but Jesus knew that she was also a thirsty woman” (John 4:1–24)
“Let me spell two words for you: sin—s-i-n; pride—p-r-i-d-e. What is the middle letter in both of those words? I. I is the middle letter in sin and in pride.” (Luke 22:31–34)
“my Father is the husbandman.’ His shear is the Word of God” (John 15:1–7)
“Now, both salt and light have to be applied. When salt is applied, it goes inward and disappears. Light comes from within and always appears. The salt speaks of character; the light speaks of testimony. And, what the world needs is both penetration and illumination, both character and confession.” (Matthew 5:14–16)
“So, John’s purpose is to bring you to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the Gospel of John. Now, in these verses that I’ve just read to you, there are three things that just overwhelm my mind as I look at them.” (John 1:1–3)
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Seibert Taylor Sr
Gregory Kavonius
Xavier Trejo
Josh Franklin
David Chestnutt
Alyson Dardenne