Digital Logos Edition
Ray Summers interprets Revelation in alliance with the historical circumstances Christians encountered in the late first century. Worthy is the Lamb is clearly outlined and carefully documented to offer a balanced, constructive interpretation of Revelation in the context of the whole New Testament and in the context of its historical setting.
Summers removes a lot of the end-time mystery that often confuses the modern reader of Revelation and focuses on what God intended to say to the first-century Christians and what He wanted them to understand. Dr. Summers firmly believes that as the Spirit led John to write for the needs of his first-century Christians, the Spirit can lead contemporary Christians to understand the significance of that writing for all time.
“5. One of the main characteristics of apocalyptic is the use of symbol” (Page 19)
“Examples of this literalism may be noted. In the eleventh chapter the Temple is measured. Futurists hold that this is the Temple in Jerusalem and that it will be rebuilt before the end of the age. In the same chapter we find the symbols of two witnesses. The futurists hold that this is not a symbol but a prophecy concerning two great prophets who will make their appearance near the end of the world.” (Pages 28–29)
“Apocalyptic was always possessed of a historical significance.” (Page 16)
“This method attaches an undue importance to the apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church” (Page 38)
“Most futurists are literalists in their interpretation of Revelation” (Page 28)
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Brenden Ashby
Kenny Bayles