Digital Logos Edition
This book will tell you exactly what to do if you know someone who is involved in Mormonism. How to Rescue Your Loved One from Mormonism will help you:
How to Rescue Your Loved One from Mormonism guides the reader through the process of helping their loved ones leave the Mormon faith. It includes chapters on:
This resource also features a very useful index of theological terms used by Mormons. A large part of reaching out to Mormons is knowing what they believe, and this book certainly fills that need by offering the knowledge of a former member of the Mormon church.
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“To accomplish this, you will have to get the Mormon to look at the lds Church itself. You will need to demonstrate that its leaders have made repeated false prophecies, have changed doctrines and scriptures1 back and forth, and have misled followers to their spiritual harm. In other words, they are not reliable guides to follow. The Mormon may then be forced to think for himself or herself; in effect, the Mormon-colored glasses may be removed. After this has been accomplished, it now becomes possible to enter into an effective verse-by-verse doctrinal discussion.” (Page 32)
“Actually, their Bible reading is diluted by also having to read and study their three additional sacred volumes: the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, one book each year in a four-year cycle. And they base their beliefs not on what they find in the Bible or even in the Book of Mormon but rather on what they are taught in lesson and training books, official speeches, Church newspaper and magazine articles, and books by top leaders.” (Page 32)
“Church leaders prophesied that the United States government would be overthrown in the 1800s, that the Civil War would fail to end black slavery, and that Utah would not gain statehood by abandoning polygamy. They have also reversed their teaching on the resurrection of children, changed their mind on whether God the Father has a body, taken contradictory positions on plural marriage, and even proclaimed the first man Adam to be God the Father.” (Page 55)
“Were it not for our transgression, we should never have had seed.’ This claims that disobedience was necessary for human procreation (Moses 5:11).” (Page 53)
David A. Reed and John R. Farkas are both experts on cult issues, specifically those related to Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses. They have coauthored several books together including and Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors. David A. Reed is a former Jehovah's Witness who has also written several popular books on the Watch Tower including Mormons Answered Verse by Verse, How to Rescue Your Loved One from Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness Literature, and Jehovah's Witnesses: Answered Verse by Verse. John R. Farkas is a former Mormon who has dedicated his life to spreading the true gospel to Mormons.