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Products>The Islamic Invasion

The Islamic Invasion

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Islam—once an obscure Middle Eastern religion—has rapidly grown into the second largest religion in the world. There are now more Muslims than Episcopalians in the United States! What attraction does Islam hold for its followers? What part does it play in shaping the outlook and attitudes of nearly one billion people?

Morey compares the Bible to the Qur'an, Jesus to Muhammad, and God to Allah. He explores the history and customs of Islam, as well as religious freedom and the role of women in Islam. Revised to include appendices on the Hadith and the pagan origins of Islam.

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Top Highlights

“Islam is fueled by a subtle form of racism in which seventh-century Arabian culture in its political expression, family affairs, dietary laws, clothing, religious rites, language, etc. is to be imposed on all other cultures.” (Page 19)

“This causes tremendous problems and confusion. In the Quran one will often find that what is clearly commanded in the first part of the Quran is ‘abrogated,’ that is, contradicted, by something that is written in the latter part of the Quran.” (Page 125)

“Islam is actually the ‘deification’ of seventh-century Arabian culture. In a very profound sense, Islam is more cultural than it is religious.” (Page 16)

“Western people have a difficult time comprehending Islam because they fail to understand that it is a form of cultural imperialism in which the religion and culture of seventh-century Arabia have been raised to the status of divine law.” (Page 15)

“Since the faith of Islam deems it blasphemous to even suggest that the teachings of Muhammad and the Quran find their source in pre-Islamic custom, culture, and religion, Muslims did not do any significant research on what pre-Islamic Arabia was like.” (Page 35)

Here is a book that concisely tells what Islam is...and what it isn't! I found it absorbing, clear and very helpful.

—Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Moody Church

Morey is a careful scholar whose statements we have learned to trust. If you want a reliable, trustworthy study of Islam, this is the book for you. Morey consulted every book in the Library of Congress; he read widely and digested carefully. This volume is the fruit of his labors.

The Biblical Evangelist

  • Title: The Islamic Invasion
  • Author: Robert A. Morey
  • Publisher: Faith Defenders
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Pages: 221

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Robert A. Morey

Robert A. Morey was an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of comparative religions, the cults, and the occult as well as on Islam. He is the author of over 40 books, some of which have been translated into Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Turkish and Farsi. Morey also ran Faith Defenders and was the founder of California Biblical University and Seminary.


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    “Morey compares the Bible to the Qur'an, Jesus to Muhammad, and God to Allah. He explores the history and customs of Islam, as well as religious freedom and the role of women in Islam. Revised to include appendices on the Hadith and the pagan origins of Islam.” There’s so much wrong with this approach it’s astounding. First, the appropriate comparison is not Bible:Quran::Jesus:Muhammad. For one thing, Muslims would say the prophet isn’t considered divine, and so Jesus in the Christian understanding is not like Muhammad. More importantly, Jesus is for Christians the clearest revelation of God, and what is that in Islam? It’s not Muhammad. It’s the Quran. Secondly, pagan origins? Muhammad was actually trying to move the Arabian peninsula away from multiplicity of tribal deities and towards the God of the Jews and the Christians (psst...it says this in the Quran!). He believed the two had misunderstood the Abrahamic God, but he didn’t seek to create something that was pagan. That’s what he wanted to lead people away from. It’s understandable if one wants to defend a Christian view, but do it honestly and accurately. Don’t mischaracterize another religion to serve your own ends. I’m pretty shocked logos even gives this book airtime.


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