Digital Logos Edition
In these essays, prominent scholars address issues such as recent scholarship on the doctrine of Scripture, the limits of harmonization, the impact of the Enlightenment on the doctrine of Scripture, and more. A long-celebrated resource with contributions from scholars such as Douglas J. Moo and Kevin Vanhoozer, Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon will give you clarity on cherished doctrines that are, too often, little understood.
For more by D.A. Carson, see Wipf & Stock D.A. Carson Collection (5 vols.).
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“The second factor is scarcely less important: Evangelicalism is becoming somewhat fragmented.” (Page 6)
“The words of Scripture are viewed as the product of a ‘concursive’ operation whereby the human author freely wrote what he wanted while the divine author at the same time superintended and guided that writing.” (Page 187)
“four deserve brief mention. The first is the growing strength of Evangelicals.” (Page 6)
“S. Lewis Johnson is right: the doctrine of inerrancy ‘requires that the meaning the New Testament author finds in the Old Testament and uses in the New is really in the Old Testament.’” (Page 187)
“The third factor that has helped to raise again the subject of Scripture is the crisis of authority that stamps so much of modern, Western Christianity—especially in academic circles. Children of the Enlightenment, like moths to a light we are drawn to the incandescence of the autonomy of reason. But having destroyed all the pretensions of external authority, we have discovered, somewhat aghast, that reason is corruptible, that one human mind does not often agree in great detail with another human mind, that reason by itself is a rather stumbling criterion of truth, beset as it is by a smorgasbord of values, theories, and predispositions shaped in remarkable independence of reason.” (Page 8)
D.A. Carson (b. 1946) is one of the most respected New Testament scholars in the world. Currently research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and president of The Gospel Coalition, his sermons are featured in the D.A. Carson Sermon Archive (553 sermons). You can find more of Carson’s work in the Baker D.A. Carson Collection (15 vols.) and the D.A. Carson “Love of God” Collection (3 vols.).