Digital Logos Edition
The Book of Samuel contains some of the most memorable accounts of the Bible: Hannah’s prayer for a son and trust in the coming Messiah, God's call to Samuel at night in the tabernacle, the capture of Yahweh’s ark, and the death of the high priest Eli. Narratives tell of the anointing of Saul as Israel’s first king and his subsequent apostasy, the battle of David and Goliath, the messianic promise of the Son of David who will build God’s house, and David’s adultery with Bathsheba followed by his confession and absolution by the prophet Nathan.
The 55 chapters of this single Hebrew book (1 and 2 Samuel in English Bibles) trace Israel’s transition from a tribal confederacy designed to live under God’s rule to a monarchy established and supported by God. When Israel felt it could no longer defend itself against the Philistines, the nation asked for a king “like all the nations” (1 Samuel 8:5). Their vulnerability was not a sign of God’s failure but of Israel’s failure. They had abandoned Yahweh for the worship of the gods of the nations who lived in Canaan, and God, in turn, had given them over to the nations. Yet within this book, there is abundant hope.
Throughout the narrative of David's life, the promise of the Son of David is proclaimed again and again. As the lowly shepherd from Bethlehem is anointed to be king of Israel, we are given a Christological type that foreshadows the life, ministry, and eternal reign of the crucified and risen Jesus. Even David's notorious sins serve to demonstrate the forgiveness God freely bestows on us through David's Son and Lord.
For more titles in this series, check out the rest of the Concordia Commentary (28 vols.) series.
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“Samuel is knit together not by the human characters but by Yahweh. The book’s literary goal is to portray a God who deals patiently and mercifully with sinners—Israel as a whole as well as its leaders: Eli, Samuel, Saul, David, and to a lesser extent Jonathan, Abner, Joab, and others. The skillful literary weaving together of the events of Israel’s history is designed to show the readers that their God is gracious despite human failings, joyful when humans respond to his love in faith and obedience, and long-suffering with human failures and recalcitrance. These divine qualities will be definitively exemplified in David’s Son and Lord (Mt 22:42–45).” (Page 9)
“Yahweh of armies’ (1:3). This title for God is used 259 times in the OT, but this is the first time.32 It emphasizes God as a sovereign who presides over an army.33 Its introduction here subtly prepares readers for God’s later assertion that when Israel asked for a king, it was rejecting God as its king (8:7).” (Pages 52–53)
“Thus, the practice of consulting the dead through mediums is condemned precisely because it is reliance on demons instead of on God.” (Pages 529–530)
“She had poured no alcohol into her mouth; instead, she was ‘pouring out’ (שָׁפַךְ, 1:15) her soul to Yahweh” (Page 55)
“Some of the most memorable accounts from Israel’s history are found in the book of Samuel: Hannah’s prayer for a son, God calling to the boy Samuel at night in the tabernacle, the capture of the ark of the covenant and the death of Eli, the ark causing disease and panic in Philistia, Saul seeking to pin David to the wall of his palace with his spear, David and Goliath, and David and Bathsheba. These incidents are told with skill, allowing readers to feel the tension, pathos, triumphs, and failures of Israel and its kings.” (Page 1)
Interpreters of 1 Samuel will welcome the release of this excellent commentary. It exhibits all of the qualities one has come to expect from Dr. Steinmann and the Concordia Commentary series. The author provides meticulous analysis of the Hebrew text, blended with useful exegetical and theological insights that reflect a deep respect for Holy Scripture as the inspired Word of God.
—Robert B. Chisholm, Jr., chair and senior professor of Old Testament studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
The Book of 1 Samuel poses numerous challenges for readers, concerning, e.g., its text, unity, historicity, theology, and relation to the rest of the Bible. Dr. Steinmann’s commentary offers readers facing such challenges a helpful guide and resource. In particular, Steinmann alerts readers to the textual complexities of the book with its often quite distinct ancient versions and enables them to understand how he went about making the textual and translational decisions that he did. Even more significantly, Steinmann lays out for pastors and all who look to the Bible as God’s Word a robustly theological reading of 1 Samuel in relation to the overall message of both Christian Testaments. Readers of faith will not be left theologically hungry by Steinmann’s work.
—Prof. Christopher Begg, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Whether he is analyzing Samuel’s rhetoric or uncovering the motives of Saul or David, Dr. Steinmann offers a wealth of information and keen insight that prompts further thought, draws attention to intertextual connections, and highlights implications for today. Readers will find that this commentary refreshes their knowledge of Hebrew while assisting them on every page to understand, preach, and teach from 1 Samuel and to appreciate its portrayal of the Lord, “who deals patiently and mercifully with sinners” (p. 9).
—Dorian G. Coover-Cox, associate professor of Old Testament studies and associate editor for Bibliotheca Sacra, Dallas Theological Seminary