Digital Logos Edition
Jehovah's Witnesses are often trained in debating the truths of Christianity, this resource will help you refute the claims of the Watch Tower with an organized and logical defense. This book will help you:
How to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watch Tower guides the reader through the process of helping their loved ones part with the Jehovah's Witnesses. This resource also includes:
This resource also features a very useful index of theological terms used by the Watch Tower. A large part of reaching out to Jehovah's Witnesses is knowing what they believe. This book certainly fills that need by offering the knowledge of a former member of the Watch Tower.
“So the first step in your strategy must be to remove those distorted lenses. To accomplish this, you will have to get the Witness to look at the Watchtower organization itself. You will need to demonstrate that the leaders have made repeated false prophecies, have changed doctrines back and forth, and have misled followers to their harm—that is, they are not a reliable guide to follow. The Witness will then be forced to think for himself or herself; in effect, the Watchtower-colored glasses will be removed.” (Page 29)
“So, there is no alternative other than to conceal the fact that your aim is to get the individual out of the organization. To do otherwise would almost certainly doom your effort to failure.” (Page 34)
“The reason is that this form of attack is based upon a wrong assumption. It assumes that the Jehovah’s Witness believes certain things on account of what he has read in the Bible, and that he will change his beliefs if he is shown other verses as prooftexts for a different doctrinal stance. But anyone making this assumption has already fallen victim to the sect’s propaganda: namely, the claim that Jehovah’s Witnesses are Bible-reading people who rely on Scripture as their highest authority. Actually they do little personal Bible reading aside from looking up isolated verses cited in Watchtower literature. And they base their beliefs, not on what they find in the Bible, but on what their leaders tell them the Bible says.” (Page 27)
“The most effective way is to take advantage of the JW’s training to teach you. If he thinks he is teaching you, a Witness will discuss subjects that would have sent him fleeing if he thought that you were trying to teach him. The key to helping the individual then becomes a matter of asking the right questions.” (Page 36)
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2 ratings
James V Thivierge
Derek Anderson