Digital Logos Edition
Although he would never have volunteered for model status, Nehemiah’s life was just that. He probably would have argued that the spotlight should shine on some other more deserving saint, but he would have been wrong.
As you dust off the memoirs of this ordinary man, you will be inspired to serve the faithful God that Nehemiah served so faithfully. You will be in awe of the God who led Nehemiah to attempt extraordinary things for His power and glory, and in deep appreciation for the man who led the people of God, humbly, yet so courageously.
Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of any resource by enabling you to find what you are looking for instantly and with unbelievable precision. As you are reading the Nehemiah: Memoirs of an Ordinary Man, you can easily search and access topics or Scripture references you come across, for example, "restoration" or "Susa."
“So the church of our generation promises that the consumer will be satisfied rather than that God will be satisfied. If this is true, then God is no longer the audience of our worship, the audience has become ‘god.’ And the church is feverishly trying to make this new god happy, comfortable, and satisfied.” (Page 141)
“Worship seeks the pleasure of God above all else. Selfish people want to be noticed by people. Nehemiah wanted to be noticed only by God.” (Page 111)
“we find him approaching his finest hour. So far, the battle has been invisible” (Page 50)
This biography revives the hopes of the C student, the ordinary Christian who can redress wrongs, overcome foes, and become an influence for God.
—Dr. Eugene J. Peterson, Retired Professor, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
Stephen Davey has one eye on the text of Scripture, and the other on us as he brings the story of Nehemiah across the centuries into our lives and hearts.
—Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church
He reminds us that God is the real hero in the book of Nehemiah as He uses garden variety people to produce transformational leaders.
—Dr. James E. Jeffery, President, Baptist Bible College and Seminary
Thoroughly biblical and relevant to a 21st century context, this book will be a great encouragement to all who turn its pages.
—Dr. Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
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