Digital Logos Edition
In this volume, author John Blanchard engages with the so-called “new atheism” promoted by Richard Dawkins in his books The God Delusion and The Greatest Show on Earth. He concisely—but clearly—outlines Dawkins’ views and arguments, deftly demonstrates how shallow and illogical they often are, and provides God-centered alternatives that are altogether superior. Blanchard tackles such subjects as the importance but limitations of science, the origin and significance of morality, and Dawkins’ abysmal ignorance of theology and the Bible. He then goes on to explain the nature of true faith before ending with a clear presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“is that we ourselves are the source of moral authority” (Page 29)
“Amazingly, he even claims that the evidence for evolution is ‘at least as strong as the evidence for the Holocaust, even allowing for eyewitnesses to the Holocaust’” (Page 18)
“Specifically, it says that the Christian faith should be wiped out and that science can explain everything” (Page 41)
“His fellow atheists may enjoy the clever sound bite, but there is no evidence that this is what happened” (Page 51)
“Science is the ongoing process of discovering truth about the natural world.” (Pages 11–12)