Digital Logos Edition
The stories from the life of the prophet Elisha are well known—his call by Elijah, Naaman’s healing from leprosy, the miraculous provision of oil for a widow and her two sons, and of a son for the Shunammite woman and her husband. But what are we to learn from him and his life? In these studies Jim Winter explores how Elisha was very different in character from Elijah, yet was still used to bring justice and righteousness back to the nation of Israel. He demonstrates how both his life and death point us to the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Called to succeed the great Elijah in ministering to Israel in godless and corrupt times, Elisha faced enormous challenges. Jim Winter brings us face to face with this under-appreciated prophet, reminding us all the while that the God who was sufficient for him is still sufficient. Ministers of the Gospel may find special encouragement for their own challenges by walking with Jim Winter in the footprints of the prophet. The many illustrations makes Jim Winter’s book very readable. The applications make it very helpful. The pictures of Christ make it very valuable, reminding us that in Christ alone we find meaning for this life and hope for the life to come.
—Roger Ellsworth, Minister of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois
All credit to Jim Winter for the way he opens up the life of Elisha. He takes us into the past through the pages of Scripture and brings us face to face with this great prophet. Then he brings Elisha into our present, deftly drawing out the principles that make him relevant to our day. But then he goes one step further. With warmth and biblical sensitivity he brings us to Christ. So here, in handling these passages, Jim Winter does what every true expositor should do: he brings us face to face with Jesus!
—Mark G. Johnston, Minister of Grove Chapel, Camberwell, England
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Jim Winter has been an evangelical pastor in England for over twenty years and has preached and lectured in the UK, USA, and south east Asia. After a long period of ministry in London’s inner city, he now lives and ministers in the south of England. He and his wife, Marie, have two sons. He the author of Opening up Ecclesiastes, available from Logos in the Opening Up Commentary Collection (24 Vols.), Depression: A Rescue Plan, and Travel with William Booth.