Digital Logos Edition
Volumes in the Library of Ancient Israel draw on multiple disciplines—such as archaeology, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, and literary criticism—to illuminate the everyday realities and social subtleties these ancient cultures experienced. This series employs sophisticated methods resulting in original contributions that depict the reality of the people behind the Hebrew Bible and interprets these insights for a wide variety of readers.
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This book is an essential resource for understanding the question of the Bible’s relationship to orality. Susan Niditch offers a strong argument for the continuity of the literature of the Israelites. She helps the modern reader look at the Bible as living words, breathing life into us daily, instead of seeing the text as a foregone artifact.
Susan Niditch is Samuel Green Professor of Religion at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Focusing on Israelite history from the tribal period through the time of Persian domination, Paula McNutt employs a social-scientific perspective to examine recent reconstructions of the social and cultural contexts that nurtured the literature of the Hebrew Bible. She also offers a helpful overview of the components and dynamics of ancient Israelite society.
Paula M. McNutt is Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean of Carroll College in Helena, Montana.
In this first volume of the Library of Ancient Israel series, Joseph Blenkinsopp investigates three forms of biblical Israel’s intellectual and religious leadership: the sage, the priest, and the prophet. The people who occupied these roles were directly responsible for what appears in the Old Testament text. Blenkinsopp looks at the development of these roles and how they functioned in their particular time and place. This investigation will lead to a keener understanding of the literature of the Old Testament and the society in which it evolved.
Joseph Blenkinsopp is John A. O’Brien Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana.
Scribes and Schools is an examination of the processes which led to the canonization of the Hebrew Bible. Philip Davies sheds light on the social reasons for the development of the canon and in so doing presents a clear picture of how the Bible came into being.
Philip R. Davies is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at the University of Sheffield in England. He is the author of numerous influential books and articles on ancient Israelite history and religion.
Niels Peter Lemche focuses on the way Israelites understood themselves at different points in history--before, within, and after the monarchy. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding Israel’s rich history.
Niels Peter Lemche is Professor in the Department for Biblical Exegesis at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. He is the Founding Editor of the Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament and the author of numerous influential works in Old Testament Studies.
In this volume, Norman Gottwald reconstructs the politics of ancient Israel within the larger political environment of the ancient Near East. He questions the prevailing view that the Hebrew Bible, supported by archeological evidence when necessary, should be the primary source to diagram the evolution of Israel’s political history. Along with a thorough and nuanced discussion of the matrix of ancient Near Eastern politics, Gottwald suggests how the monarchies of Israel and Judah developed. With imaginative and masterful insight, Gottwald tackles head-on the problems of religion, power, and politics in the history of ancient Israel.
Norman K. Gottwald is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at New York Theological Seminary in New York City.
Patrich D. Miller investigates the role religion played in the family, village, tribe, and nation-state of ancient Israel. He situates Israel’s religion in context where a variety of social forces affected beliefs, and where popular cults openly competed with the “official” religion. He makes extensive use of both epigraphic and artifactual evidence as he probes the complexities of Iron Age culture and society.
Patrick D. Miller is Charles T. Haley Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. He is the author of numerous books, including Theology Today: Reflections on the Bible and Contemporary Life and The Ten Commandments in the series, Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church, for which he serves as series editor.
Douglas A. Knight is Drucilla Moore Buffington Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Divinity School of Vanderbilt University. He is the general editor of the Library of Ancient Israel.