Digital Logos Edition
Dr. Paul Harrison has written the commentary on the epistles of the two brothers of the Lord, James and Jude. Robert Picirilli has written on Peter's two letters, having had strong interest in 2 Peter, at least, since the dissertation dealt with some of the exegetical problems in that epistle. Some difficult passages occur in these four books: the apparent conflict between Paul and James on justification by faith, Jude's use of apocryphal literature, 1 Peter's reference to Christ's preaching to the "spirits in prison," and others. Even so, the authors are convinced more than ever that these "general epistles" are very practical for our day and will richly repay careful study.
“‘Casting’ (Greek epiripto) is to throw upon, used elsewhere in the N.T. only in Lk. 19:35 where those accompanying Jesus ‘threw’ their garments ‘on’ the colt He would ride into Jerusalem.” (Page 208)
“God’s deliberate purpose, not merely something He finds agreeable or emotionally desires.” (Page 305)
“The difference is that humility represents a right understanding of oneself, while meekness is the manifestation of humility in relationship to others. Literally, humility is ‘lowli-mindedness,’ the viewing of oneself as lowly, unworthy, before God and others. Humility is the attitude of a servant, and it will manifest itself in subjecting oneself to others to serve them.” (Page 208)
“‘Care’ (Greek merimna) is the kind of anxiety or worry that causes one to feel tense or distraught. ‘All your care’ could also be rendered ‘your every care.’ The reason we are thus invited to put off our anxieties on God is that (literally) ‘it matters (or, makes a difference) to Him about you.’” (Page 208)
“Humble yourselves’ (literally, ‘be humbled’) is yet another ‘decisive’ imperative; thus must be a fixed posture of their minds. To do this means that one recognizes God’s worthiness to do with him or her as He wills and commits himself to Him in that spirit.” (Page 208)
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Paul V. Harrison completed his studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College in 1979. He subsequently earned masters' degrees from Middle Tennessee State University (M.A. in history) and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.). He continued his studies at Mid-America, earning the Th.D. in church history in 1990. While a student there, he taught English and Theological Research and Writing for three years. Dr. Harrison was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1980. In that same year he began duties as Dean of Men at Free Will Baptist Bible College where he served for four years. While serving in that capacity he also taught Bible Doctrines and New Testament Greek at the college. Since June of 1991 he has pastored Cross Timbers Free Will Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
Robert E. Picirilli, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.D., authored the commentary on the books of Ephesians and Philippians in this volume. He has been active in teaching new Testament Greek and Interpretation for more than 25 years at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee. During his tenure there Dr. Picirilli has served as Professor, Registrar, and Academic Dean.