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Products>Randall House Bible Commentary (12 vols.)

Randall House Bible Commentary (12 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $315.88
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The authors of these commentaries are firmly committed to the cardinal Christian doctrines: the classical Trinitarian doctrine; the virgin birth, deity, vicarious atonement, bodily resurrection, and literal second coming of Christ; salvation by grace involving the necessity of the new birth; permanent personal existence in heaven or hell; and so on. They are in the mainstream of the traditional Christian faith and share with many other groups the heritage of Baptists.

These commentaries are not intended to be highly technical. Nor are they meant to be merely devotional. The aim is to steer a course between the two kinds of commentaries, producing volumes that can be understood by the general Christian public and yet that seriously expound the text. Every writer is expected to comment with the Greek text before him, but to do so in a way that the reader who has not had formal instruction in Greek can understand what he says. Inasmuch as possible, technical comments about Greek words or syntax are put in parenthesis so that you may read around those comments if you wish. Greek words are transliterated in English italics. The commentaries are not meant to provide for detailed treatment of problems of textual criticism. In most cases, where significant manuscript differences exist, the variations are given enough attention that the reader will be able to understand what is involved.

  • Includes a summary and "Application: Teaching and Preaching the Passage" in each section of commentary for better understanding
  • Cites a variety of books, reference works, and articles
  • Title: Randall House Bible Commentary
  • Editor: Robert E. Picirilli
  • Publisher: Randall House
  • Volumes: 12
  • Format: Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {A8D44176-77E1-4C45-B9C4-9B25D56B64D5}

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    Collection value: $315.88
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