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Products>The Works of John Wycliffe (12 vols.)

The Works of John Wycliffe (12 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $122.38
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John Wycliffe was an English scholar, theologian, philosopher, preacher, and Bible translator. An early dissident of the Roman Catholic Church, Wycliffe’s works argued for the Scriptures as the sole authority for doctrine and ecclesial polity. The Works of John Wycliffe (12 vols.) contains Wycliffe’s most important works translated into English, historical works that place his life in context during crucial events of the 14th century, and biographies of the man known as “The Morning Star of the Reformation.” These works include Wycliffe’s writings on the doctrine of transubstantiation, the doctrine of dominion, the priesthood, faith and charity, and more.

This collection connects the doctrines found in Wycliffe’s work with the Reformation of the 16th century. With the Logos edition of the Works of John Wycliffe (12 vols.), you can instantly access important information about dozens of prominent individuals and historical Christian events that have influenced—and continue to influence—the church. The advanced search tools in Logos Bible Software give you instant access to the subjects, topics, and individuals you’re looking for. All Scripture references are also linked directly to the Bibles in your library, making God’s Word instantly accessible.

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  • Contains Wycliffe's most important works
  • Historical works covering the Lollardy movement
  • Includes several important biographies of Wycliffe
  • Title: The Works of John Wycliffe
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 4,900

Select English Works of John Wyclif, vol. 1

  • Editor: Thomas Arnold
  • Publisher: Clarendon Press
  • Publication Date: 1869
  • Pages: 412

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Volume one of the Select English Works of John Wyclif contains 123 sermons divided into three sections: Sermons for the Sunday Gospels, and those for the Commune and Proprium Sanctorum (Common of Saints and Proper of Saints). Thomas Arnold provides the original Latin titles for each sermon, the Scripture passage it is based on, and valuable notes.

Thomas Arnold (1823–1900) was educated at University College, Oxford. He taught English literature at numerous colleges and universities and was the author and editor of numerous works, including A Manual of English Literature: Historical and Critical, Catholic Higher Education in Ireland, Notes on Beowulf, and Passages in a Wandering Life.

Select English Works of John Wyclif, vol. 2

  • Editor: Thomas Arnold
  • Publisher: Clarendon Press
  • Publication Date: 1871
  • Pages: 423

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Volume two of the Select English Works of John Wyclif contains 171 sermons and two tracts: "Vae Octuplex, or Eight Woes Denounced against the Friars" and "Of Ministers in the Church, an Exposition of Matthew XXV." Thomas Arnold provides the original Latin titles for each sermon, the Scripture passage it is based on, and valuable notes.

Thomas Arnold (1823–1900) was educated at University College, Oxford. He taught English literature at numerous colleges and universities and was the author and editor of numerous works, including A Manual of English Literature: Historical and Critical, Catholic Higher Education in Ireland, Notes on Beowulf, and Passages in a Wandering Life.

Select English Works of John Wyclif, vol. 3

  • Editor: Thomas Arnold
  • Publisher: Clarendon Press
  • Publication Date: 1871
  • Pages: 545

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Volume three of the Select English Works of John Wyclif contains thirty-three selections from his miscellaneous English writings which Thomas Arnold divides into three sections: "Exegetical and Didactic Treatises," "Controversial Works," and "Letters and Documents." Arnold provides valuable notes for each selection.

Thomas Arnold (1823–1900) was educated at University College, Oxford. He taught English literature at numerous colleges and universities and was the author and editor of numerous works, including A Manual of English Literature: Historical and Critical, Catholic Higher Education in Ireland, Notes on Beowulf, and Passages in a Wandering Life.

The Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe, vol. 1

  • Author: Robert Vaughan
  • Publisher: Holdsworth and Ball
  • Publication Date: 1831
  • Pages: 438

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The introduction to these volumes consists of three chapters; the first, relating to the rise and character of the Papal System; the second, to the state of the Protestant Doctrine in Europe, from the fall of the empire to the opening of the fourteenth century; and the last, to the Ecclesiastical Establishment, and the state of society in England previous to the appearance of Wycliffe. Vaughan offers valuable observations on the state of the church during the interval between the death of Wycliffe and the appearance of Luther.

Every student of Wycliffe's period must build on Dr. Vaughan's foundation. He remains the great authority upon the subject, and, as Professor Lechler says, his works must always take a foremost place as the basis of all accurate knowledge of Wycliffe.

The British Quarterly Review

A work of great learning, interest, and eloquence, and deserves to be read attentively by every student of modern history.

London Weekly Review

While it will be highly useful to the general reader, it will deserve the attention of the more erudite and curious student. It is much to the author's praise, that he has devoted a very considerable portion of time and labor to the diligent and unceasing study of the Reformer’s writings in their original copies.


Mr. Vaughan could not easily have chosen a more important or more impressive subject; nor could he have set about his task in a more business-like and effective way.

The Eclectic Review

Robert Vaughan (1795–1868) was chair of history at London University from 1834–1842, then served as President and Professor of Theology at Lancashire Independent College from 1843–1857. During his time at Lancashire, he founded The British Quarterly, which he edited for twenty years. He was a prolific writer and editor, and his works include Causes of the Corruption of Christianity, The History of England under the House of Stuart, Protestant Nonconformity in Its Relation to Learning and Piety, Essays on History, Philosophy, and Theology, and The Modern Pulpit Viewed in Its Relation to the State of Society.

The Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe, vol. 2

  • Author: Robert Vaughan
  • Publisher: Holdsworth and Ball
  • Publication Date: 1831
  • Pages: 439

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Volume two of The Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe contains a critical summary of Wycliffe's writings. Vaughan connects the doctrines found in Wycliffe's work with the Reformation of the sixteenth century.

Robert Vaughan (1795–1868) was chair of history at London University from 1834–1842, then served as President and Professor of Theology at Lancashire Independent College from 1843–1857. During his time at Lancashire, he founded The British Quarterly, which he edited for twenty years. He was a prolific writer and editor, and his works include Causes of the Corruption of Christianity, The History of England under the House of Stuart, Protestant Nonconformity in Its Relation to Learning and Piety, Essays on History, Philosophy, and Theology, and The Modern Pulpit Viewed in Its Relation to the State of Society.

Tracts and Treatises of John de Wycliffe

  • Author: Robert Vaughan
  • Publisher: Blackburn and Pardon
  • Publication Date: 1845
  • Pages: 412

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Robert Vaughan divides the work into three parts, the first of which is biographical. The second part of the volume is analytical, supplying a brief account of the writings of Wycliffe still in manuscript, with numerous extracts, and a translation from the original Latin of the most important chapters of the Trialogus. The third part contains over fifty tracts, treatises, letters, and more.

Robert Vaughan (1795–1868) was chair of history at London University from 1834–1842, then served as President and Professor of Theology at Lancashire Independent College from 1843–1857. During his time at Lancashire, he founded The British Quarterly, which he edited for twenty years. He was a prolific writer and editor, and his works include Causes of the Corruption of Christianity, The History of England under the House of Stuart, Protestant Nonconformity in Its Relation to Learning and Piety, Essays on History, Philosophy, and Theology, and The Modern Pulpit Viewed in Its Relation to the State of Society.

John de Wycliffe, D. D.: A Monograph

  • Author: Robert Vaughan
  • Publisher: Seeleys
  • Publication Date: 1853
  • Pages: 583

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Keeping his eye steadily on Wycliffe and tracing the development of his opinions through his writings, Vaughan weaves biography and history together seamlessly, painting a complete picture of Wycliffe and his works. The Appendix contains a complete Wycliffe bibliography.

The work may rank as perhaps the most successful of professed historical monographs in the language.

North British Review

It is a work honorable alike to the industry, judgment, learning, and good taste of the author, and we believe it will go down to posterity as a classic work in English history—the book to which the men in days to come will have recourse for full and authentic information respecting the character, the opinions, and the doings of the greatest Englishman of the middle ages.

The Eclectic Review

Robert Vaughan (1795–1868) was chair of history at London University from 1834–1842, then served as President and Professor of Theology at Lancashire Independent College from 1843–1857. During his time at Lancashire, he founded The British Quarterly, which he edited for twenty years. He was a prolific writer and editor, and his works include Causes of the Corruption of Christianity, The History of England under the House of Stuart, Protestant Nonconformity in Its Relation to Learning and Piety, Essays on History, Philosophy, and Theology, and The Modern Pulpit Viewed in Its Relation to the State of Society.

The English Works of Wyclif Hitherto Unprinted

  • Editor: F. D. Matthew
  • Publisher: Trubner & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1880
  • Pages: 572

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The English Works of Wyclif Hitherto Unprinted contains twenty-eight tracts, each carefully annotated by F. D. Matthew. These tracts include Wycliffe's opinions on the doctrine of transubstantiation, the doctrine of dominion, the priesthood, faith and charity, and more.

Frederic David Matthew (1838–1918) was a member of the Wyclif Society. He provided translations and notes for various Wycliffe works, including Johannis Wyclif: Tractatus de Postestate Pape, Ionannis Wyclif: Sermones, and Iohannis Wyclif: Tractatvs de Ecclesia.

Life and Times of John Wycliffe: The Morning Star of the Reformation

  • Publisher: Religious Tract Society
  • Publication Date: 1884
  • Pages: 160

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Year by year it is better understood that John of Wycliffe was not only one of the greatest men in English history, but the true precursor of the English Reformation. This biography begins with an overview of Christianity in England from its introduction to the 14th century. It then covers Wycliffe's early life, his time at Oxford, his heresy trials and persecution, and his last years and death. The Life and Times of John Wycliffe also explores the impact of Wycliffe as a theologian and Reformer, and the extent and permanency of his legacy.

Wycliffe and the Lollards

  • Author: J. C. Carrick
  • Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
  • Publication Date: 1908
  • Pages: 329

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

An unusually full yet concise account of the great English Reformer, discussing, among other features of his life and work, his early surroundings, student life, his mission to Bruges, his theology and character, Lollardism in England and Scotland, and the results of Wycliffe's teachings within the Roman Church.

This is a scholarly treatment, condensed and highly attractive.

American Journal of Theology

John Charles Carrick (1860–1914) earned his Master of Arts and a Bachelor of Divinity from Edinburgh University. He was the author of numerous works, including The Story of the Burning Bush: A Simple Narrative of the Church of Scotland and The Abbey of S. Mary, Newbottle.

England in the Age of Wycliffe

  • Author: George Macaulay Trevelyan
  • Publisher: Longmans, Green, and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1899
  • Pages: 380

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This is a valuable study of a notable turning point of history on the line separating the medieval from the modern order of thought. Covering the years 1368–1520, Trevelyan shows the influence of Wycliffe and the trajectory of the Lollardy movement down to the time of Henry VIII.

A brilliant and most useful study.

The London Quarterly Review

A substantial addition to historical literature, and claims the attention both of the student of English history and of all who take an interest in the affairs of men.

The Scottish Review

George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876–1962) was Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University and served as Master of Trinity College from 1940–1951, when he retired. Trevelyn was a prolific author whose works include Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic, British History in the Nineteenth Century, The English Revolution, 1688–1698, and English Social History: A Survey of Six Centuries: Chaucer to Queen Victoria.

The Life of John Wickliff

  • Author: P. F. Tytler
  • Publisher: William Whyte and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1826
  • Pages: 207

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Noted historian and biographer Patrick Fraser Tytler presents a highly readable biography of John Wycliffe, covering his early life to his death, and the impact he had on the world. Contains a detailed Appendix and a list of Wycliffe's works.

Patrick Fraser Tytler (1791–1849) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was one of the founders of the Bannatyne Club and the English Historical Society. His numerous works include Lives of Scottish Worthies, Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, Life of Henry VIII, Portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, and the seven-volume History of Scotland.

John Wycliffe (c. 1328–1384) was an English scholar, theologian, philosopher, preacher, and Bible translator. An early dissident of the Roman Catholic Church, Wycliffe's works on reforming the Church spawned a movement known as Lollardy, which is considered the precursor to the Protestant Reformation. Wycliffe was also an early advocate for translating the Bible into the common language, for ". . . it helpeth Christian men to study the Gospel in that tongue in which they know best Christ’s sentence." Wycliffe's tracts and treatises argued for the Scriptures as the sole authority for doctrine and ecclesial polity, and his sharp attacks on the Church caused his works to be banned. Years after his death, he was declared a heretic at the Council of Constance and his body was exhumed and his remains burned.


13 ratings

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  1. Kevin Bratcher
  2. Andrew Lauterbach
  3. joseph didonato
    many of the works are very very slow reading! old english. Would not have purchased it, if I was more careful in checking this out.
  4. Scott Robar

    Scott Robar


    I'm trying to read one of his sermons in volume 2; but it is slow going. I'm sure that what I am reading is English; yet extremely early English. Here's a sample: gospel telliþ how þat Crist savede a womman, and tauȝte his Chirche. Joon seiþ how, Jesus wente into þe hit of Olyvete, and efte in þe grey morewnyng2 he cam aȝen into þe temple. And here we ben tauȝte to preie and þenke on God bifore we prechen. And al þe puple cam to Crist, and he sitting tauȝte hem. And Phariseis and scribis brouȝten a womman, taken in avoutrie, and þei puttiden her in þe myddil, and þei seiden to Crist, Maistir, þis womman is now taken in avoutrie. John Wycliffe, Select English Works of John Wyclif (ed. Thomas Arnold; vol. 2; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1871), 86.
  5. AeliusCicero



  6. Larry Proffitt (I
  7. Prayson Daniel
  8. Bobby Terhune

    Bobby Terhune


  9. Caleb Allen

    Caleb Allen


  10. Caleb Kolstad


Collection value: $122.38
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