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Products>The Works of A. T. Pierson (42 vols.)

The Works of A. T. Pierson (42 vols.)

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A. T. Pierson's impact as a preacher and writer are wide. He published nearly 50 books in his lifetime and is thought to have preached over 13,000 sermons. He was a guest lecturer at numerous prominent colleges and seminaries, and succeeded his good friend Charles Spurgeon in the pulpit of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London for two years.

The Works of A. T. Pierson brings together 42 volumes—almost 10,000 pages—of Pierson's work:

  • Missionary: over a dozen full works on missions and missionaries, including the four-volume Miracles of Missions series
  • Bible Study and Apologetics: includes Pierson's best-selling works on the Bible, such as Many Infallible Proofs and In Christ Jesus
  • Spiritual Life and Sermons: dozens of sermons and lectures included in this collection
  • Biography: biographies of Charles Spurgeon, James Wright of Bristol, Catharine of Sienna, and William A. B. Johnson
  • Practical works: works on the art of preaching, defeating spiritual sickness, and more!

This is the most complete collection of A. T. Pierson's writings available in print or electronically! What’s more, the Logos edition makes The Works of A. T. Pierson (42 vols.) more widely available and easier to access than ever! From the countless Scripture references linked straight to the biblical text, to the powerful search tools in your digital library, the Logos edition lets you encounter Pierson like never before. Logos also makes navigating lengthy, multi-volume works easier than ever—such as his Miracles of Missions series. The Works of A. T. Pierson (42 vols.) is a must-have for pastors and teachers, and anyone interested in studying the works of one of the most important Evangelical preachers.

Resource Experts
  • Nearly 10,000 pages from A. T. Pierson
  • Includes the four-volume Miracles of Missions series
  • Dozens of sermons and lectures
  • Completely searchable and linked to the other resources in your Logos library
In the front rank of agitators for Foreign Missions.

The Christian Advocate

One of the foremost living homilists.

The Golden Rule

  • Title: The Works of A. T. Pierson
  • Author: Arthur Tappan Pierson
  • Volumes: 42
  • Pages: 9,835

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The Divine Enterprise of Missions

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1891
  • Pages: 333

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Divine Enterprise of Missions consists of a series of lectures A. T. Pierson delivered to the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in America in New Brunswick, NJ in 1891. His topics include the divine thought, plan, work, spirit, force, fruit, and challenge of missions.

Widely read in the literature of the subject, and philosophical in his treatment, he lives his subject above petty details. He seeks the eternal and immutable principles of mission work in the utterances of Jesus.

The Literary World

A good missionary book is a living soul shining through a beautiful face. Such a work is Dr. Pierson's Divine Enterprise of Missions.


Dr. Arthur T. Pierson is easily the foremost writer on missions at the present time. His heart is in all he writes, his spirit enthusiastic, and his themes commanding and inspiring. He unfolds a panorama full of incitement to faith and gratitude. So overbearing is the author's insistence upon the obvious fact of God's hand and presence in missions, that the reader is more than satisfied with the argument, and only longs for more and more narrative incidents.

The Chicago Standard

The Crisis of Missions

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Robert Carter and Brothers
  • Publication Date: 1886
  • Pages: 376

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Crisis of Missions documents the progress of missionary work in the 19th century, but also conveys a looming crisis facing the Christian church's future. A. T. Pierson's call to action is still applicable and inspirational over 100 years after its initial publication.

We do not hesitate to say that this book is the most purposeful, earnest, and intelligent review of the mission work and field which has ever been given to the church.

Christian Statesman

It is remarkable for its skillful presentation of the leading facts in regard to the whole field of missionary effort. Dr. Pierson knows how to sear the salient points and present them in a fresh and vivid manner.

Presbyterian Review

One of the most important books to the cause of foreign missions—and through them to home missions also—which has ever been written. It should be in every library and every household. It should be read, studied, taken to heart, and prayed over.


Surely if the inspiration and the force of this Crisis of Missions were imbibed and felt by the whole sacramental host, there would be a mighty uprising, a grand anointing, and a holy crusade to storm the kingdom of darkness all along the line, and speedily add the crown of each to Christ's many crowns! A bugle-note to students of America to the magnitude of the task and its urgency.

Homiletic Review

A closely compacted array of facts, arranged under distinct heads and welded together by the strong rivets of logic, vivified and made almost a thing of life by the evident present throughout its pages of the guiding power of the Holy Ghost.

—Right Rev. Wm. Bacon Stevens, Bishop of Pennsylvania

The Miracles of Missions, vol. 1

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1891
  • Pages: 257

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson defines "miracles" as "nothing more nor less than a wonder to which God appeals as a sign of divine presence and power." With this definition, each chapter in the four-volume Miracles of Missions provides testimony to miracles from God with in-depth accounts from missionaries all over the globe.

Praise for The Miracles of Missions Series

In reading it one is intensely interested and perfectly amazed.

Christian Nation

In the countries where God has reached out His hand to unenlightened peoples, providential interpositions are frequent, but the records of conversions and marvels which Dr. Pierson has gathered in these volumes will be surprising even to those who are familiar with mission miracles.

Auburn Seminary Review.

This book tells of some of the signs—the miracles—wrought by the Almighty, testifying His presence in the labors of the consecrated men and women of the mission fields. This book will certainly prove of much interest to all friends of missions.

Baptist Home Mission Monthly

There are few more powerful and effective advocates than the Great American Advocate, who has been so successfully occupying Mr. Spurgeon's pulpit for some time past. It is well that we should be vividly reminded from time to time that the age of miracles is not past. The very power which proved so mightily efficacious after Pentecost still remains with the Church when the Church is faithful as this volume abundantly proves.

The Review of the Churches

In reading it, one is intensely interested and perfectly amazed.

Christian Advocate

The achievements of missionary effort, under the favor of a wonder-working God, deserve the name, The Miracle of Missions. We are convinced that nowhere can Divine truth be better illustrated and homiletical material be found with greater freshness, than in the story of Christian missions.

Missionary Herald at Home and Abroad

It sums up conveniently and even fascinatingly the achievements of modern Missions in their most telling aspects. It is a book for the preacher's study, for local Missionary bands, and is a ready argument to put in the hands of skeptics.

The Apostolic Guide

Christianity proved by its works.

Chicago Herald

It shows clearly God's miracles, working power in conversions in all lands. The book is a glorious witness to the divine power of Christianity.

Gospel in all Lands

It is an instructive and impressive volume.

The Watchman

Every lover of mission work will find it invaluable.

Christian at Work

It is a cheerful recital of Gospel conquests, in fields that to human eyes were unpromising.

Michigan Christian Advocate

The book tells not of things hoped for but of things accomplished. Some of the stories read like tales of enchantment, and cannot fail to kindle enthusiasm anew.

Christian Leader

Dr. A. T. Pierson, in his Miracles of Missions, boldly asserts direct providential manifestations in these days, finding in the history of modern missions many wonderful occurrences equal to those of the apostolic age.

The World

This book takes us away from the centers of civilization, of materialism, of skepticism, of theoretical belief—but actual unbelief—to the heathen world, to godly men and women sacrificing all for the service of Christ.

Christian Standard

It is a genuine addition to the sociological library.


A recital of many remarkable and thrilling experiences of the mission fields.

The Chautauquan

The reader will not go to sleep over this book.


The Miracles of Missions, vol. 2

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1895
  • Pages: 223

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson defines "miracles" as "nothing more nor less than a wonder to which God appeals as a sign of divine presence and power." With this definition, each chapter in the four-volume Miracles of Missions provides testimony to miracles from God with in-depth accounts from missionaries all over the globe.

The Miracles of Missions, vol. 3

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1899
  • Pages: 265

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson defines "miracles" as "nothing more nor less than a wonder to which God appeals as a sign of divine presence and power." With this definition, each chapter in the four-volume Miracles of Missions provides testimony to miracles from God with in-depth accounts from missionaries all over the globe.

The Miracles of Missions, vol. 4

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1901
  • Pages: 257

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson defines "miracles" as "nothing more nor less than a wonder to which God appeals as a sign of divine presence and power." With this definition, each chapter in the four-volume Miracles of Missions provides testimony to miracles from God with in-depth accounts from missionaries all over the globe.

The Modern Missionary Century Viewed as a Cycle of Divine Working

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1901
  • Pages: 517

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The object of The Modern Missionary Century is not so much to give the annals of the century as to find the philosophy of its history—the center about which all its events revolve. It studies the men and women, occurrences and developments, forces and factors of this hundred years, as divinely appointed and adjusted to this work. This volume is the result of Dr. Pierson's 40 years as a religious worker and student of missionary history.

A great body of the most striking and effective incidents in the fields of modern missions has been garnered, in telling form, into this book, and some quotations from writers on missions, from students of the great historic religions, that, of themselves, would be worth more to many pastors than the price of this book. There are many brilliant and just pen pictures by Dr. Pierson himself. Every chapter is a trumpet call to mission work. Get the book, and use it.

Union Seminary Magazine

The chapters on the martyrs of Jesus, the signs and wonders, and miracles of missions, the growth of mission literature, the translations of the Scriptures, the many examples of missionary heroism, are an inspiration to the reader. It is one of the very best that we know in its portrayal and interpretation of the great facts of Christian missions.

Methodist Magazine

Few writers upon the subject of missions have presented the great theme in a more interesting light than Arthur T. Pierson. The author's very soul seems to take fire, and it must be a dull heart that does not catch at least some of his enthusiasm. It is the best contribution to missionary literature that has been made in many years.

Christian Work

This book has all the force and vigor of his former works. The men and forces, the occurrences and events of the century, are all shown as combining to work out the divine design.

Auburn Seminary Review

A large personal element in copious illustrations drawn from the experiences of a multitude of men and woman in the mission field imparts peculiar interest to this volume.


The book before us tells the story of this magnificent and converted work with a fervor and exultation that bespeaks the true yet humble enthusiast. It is an able work, thoroughly done.

Sioux City Journal

The Coming of the Lord

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
  • Publication Date: 1896
  • Pages: 86

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson divides his concise study of the second coming of Christ into two parts: "The Doctrinal Center of the Bible" and "The Practical Center of the Bible."

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
  • Publication Date: 1895
  • Pages: 142

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Acts of the Holy Spirit examines the book of Acts with two goals in mind: first, to trace the Lord's unseen but actual continuance of divine teaching and working; and secondly, to trace the active ministry of the Holy Spirit as the abiding presence in the church.

The New Acts of the Apostles or The Marvels of Modern Missions

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: James Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1894
  • Pages: 451

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The New Acts of the Apostles consists of lectures A. T. Pierson delivered to various academic centers in Scotland as part of the "Duff Missionary Lectureship" series. Dr. Pierson treats the age of missionary activity commencing with William Carey as an illustration of the continuity of the "Acts of the Apostles," noting comparisons and contrasts in the following six lectures:

  • "The New Links of Mission History"
  • "The New Apostolic Succession"
  • "The New Visions and Voices"
  • "The New Converts and Martyrs"
  • "New Signs and Wonders"
  • "The New Motives and Incentives"
This New Acts of the Apostles communicates so much of its own fire and fervor to the reader, that if one wished to criticize it he might better do it before he begins to read the book, else even Priam would let fall his dart. The fullness of missionary statements of fact will render this a resource for all missionary workers.

The Missionary Review of the World

These lectures develop in a happy manner the idea that in entering on the work of missions the modern church has returned to the vigor and vitality of the Apostolic Church, and set agoing a religious history in which the Acts of the Apostles are fairly paralleled by the new "Marvels of Modern Missions."

The Cyclopedic Review of Current History

It is a unique and notable contribution to missionary literature.

International Missionary Union

Every line pulsates with a genuine heart-felt enthusiasm.

Mail and Express

The volume contains a connected history of the modern missionary movement, skillfully, graphically, and eloquently presented. It is a notable contribution to missionary literature.

Chicago Advance

Nowhere else in four hundred pages—unless it be in the New Testament—can a pastor, or a leader of monthly concerts and other missionary meetings, find more valuable material in terse and compact form than in this volume.

—Rev. F. F. Ellinwood, Sec. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions

This book is a Thesaurus in the hands of faithful servants of the Lord, second only to the inspired Record, which with zeal and jealousy it honors. The copious and exact index appended will increase the facility with which all students of missions can draw from this most opulent volume the needful information to equip them for active and successful service.

—Rev. Henry M. Parsons

Forward Movements of the Last-Half Century

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1900
  • Pages: 428

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A description of the conspicuous philanthropic, missionary, and spiritual movements between 1850–1900, Forward Movements of the Last-Half Century is intended to be an aid and inspiration for future efforts in the service of God and man.

No other book within our knowledge serves up in so short a space and yet with such fullness and comprehensiveness the many lines of Christian activity and spiritual life that have marked the last half of the 19th century.

Central Methodist

A service to thinkers along the lines of pure spirituality, applied Christianity, and social evolution has been done by presenting to the public Dr. Pierson's Forward Movements of the Last-Half Century. No romance is more fascinating to the student of social and religious life. The reader is borne along by the writer's enthusiasm as down the current of a swift river. The intense earnestness of the man carries the weight of conviction with it. It is an important contribution in the realm of practical and applied Christianity, and a high type of spirituality.

The New York Times Saturday Review

To the cause of practical, progressive religion, it will come as a welcome and helpful contribution.

The Brooklyn Times

This book has a fund of material ready at hand for the busy pastor, or theological student, or Christian worker.

The Presbyterian

One will find in this volume much food for instruction and deep study.

Baltimore Methodist

The Divine Art of Preaching

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1892
  • Pages: 156

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Divine Art of Preaching contains lectures Dr. A. T. Pierson delivered to the students and faculty of Pastor's College, connected with the Metropolitan Tabernacle of London, in the weeks after Pierson took over the pulpit during the illness and death of Charles Spurgeon. In 13 lectures, Pierson presents his advice for creating, writing, and delivering convincing and persuasive sermons.

We believe that any preacher will be greatly helped by reading at least one good work on homiletics every year. To those who wish to begin such a habit this year, we heartily commend Dr. Pierson's The Divine Art of Preaching.

Union Seminary Magazine

There is nothing better in practical homiletics than this.

Record of Christian Work

It contains the freshest thoughts of one of the leading preachers of the world, on a subject of deep interest to ministers everywhere.

Cumberland Presbyterian

God's Living Oracles

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1904
  • Pages: 257

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

God's Living Oracles is a series of lectures delivered in 1903 in London as part of the "Exeter Hall Lectures on the Bible" series. The sole aim of this book is to awaken faith where it does not exist, and to strengthen and confirm it where it does. These lectures cover the science, prophecies, fundamental truths, and unique features of the Bible.

These addresses delivered in Exeter Hall, London, give the concrete facts that bring such conviction that Christ is seen as the revealer of God and the Savior from sin. Send this book to students, ministers, and missionaries.

The Missionary Review

Dr. Pierson appeals to the everyday reader and not to the scholar only.

The Bookman

Most useful lectures. . . . The Doctor has a crisp and telling way of putting things which rivets the attention of hearer and reader. The book abounds with forceful illustrations which help to carry conviction to the reader.

Life of Faith

A popular exposition of Bible themes. There is much deep spiritual teaching in these pages, which may be read with profit by many.


Many weighty arguments expounded and illustrated. . . . The evidence which abundantly establishes the unique glor of the Bible is stated with freshness and force.

Methodist Recorder

The Bible and Spiritual Criticism

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: J. Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1906
  • Pages: 275

The Bible and Spiritual Criticism is the second set of lectures delivered in London by Dr. Pierson as part of the "Exeter Hall Lectures on the Bible" series. There are twelve lectures treating spiritual faculties, methods, organisms, structure, progress, symmetry, types, wisdom, verdicts, and verities.

The Bible and Spiritual Life

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1891
  • Pages: 483

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Bible and Spiritual Life is the third set of lectures delivered in London by Dr. Pierson as part of the "Exeter Hall Lectures on the Bible" series. This volume aims to show and illustrate the fact that, for all the cravings and crises of man's moral and spiritual life, this Book of God is the exact provision, satisfaction and guide, which so anticipates and answers all of these needs.

Knowing the Scriptures: Rules and Methods of Bible Study

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1910
  • Pages: 459

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This book is the result of half a century of Bible study, and was published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of A. T. Pierson's entrance upon the ministry. It presents some 50 rules and methods of study which he has tried and found helpful, illustrated by examples to make the principles easy to follow. This volume will be found instructive in all three departments: homiletics, hermeneutics, and apologetics. It begins with the Bible as a whole and its claims on faith and obedience, then takes up the language and shows various peculiarities of forms of speech, words, phrases, sentences, etc., then passes to the thought and substance of the Divine Book.

All preachers, adult Bible class leaders, Sunday-school teachers, mission workers, and general Christians should at once procure this volume and enjoy the mature results of fifty years of Bible study. It will be found a unique help in all departments of Christian life and work.

Homiletic Review

The proposed work by Dr. Pierson will be, I am sure, one of the richest things given to the Christian public. I anticipate its appearance with eagerness for the sake of my own Bible studies.

C. I. Scofield

The Greatest Work in the World or The Evangelization of All Peoples in the Present Century

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
  • Publication Date: 1891
  • Pages: 62

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Greatest Work in the World is a short treatise on the importance of missionary work, and is a call to action for spreading the Gospel.

Keys to the Word: Help to Bible Study

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company
  • Publication Date: 1887
  • Pages: 148

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume gives 1–2 page summaries for every book of the Bible. In plain language, Pierson delivers definitions of key words and concepts, gives notes on authorship, and highlights important verses within each book.

Lessons in the School of Prayer as Taught By the Lord Jesus Christ Himself

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company.
  • Publication Date: 1895
  • Pages: 151

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson has collated and compared all the words spoken by Jesus on the subject of prayer, and combined them into a consistent and harmonious whole—a body of doctrine, singularly comprehensive, and symmetrically complete.

The One Gospel

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1889
  • Pages: 203

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Without taking the place of the four Gospels, this book will be an aid in their study—a commentary wholly biblical, whereby the reader may, at one view, see the complete and harmonious testimony of the four independent Witnesses.

Dr. Pierson has done his work with excellent judgment and fidelity to the spirit and letter of the evangelists.

Christian Union

To ministers, Sunday-school teachers, and all Bible students it is of great value, presenting, as it does, the gospel story without break, and the events in chronological order.

Presbyterian Observer

James Wright of Bristol: A Memorial of a Fragrant Life

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: James Nisbet & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1906
  • Pages: 268

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

For more than 40 years, James Wright, son-in-law of George Müller of Bristol, dedicated his life to the Ashley Down Orphanage in Bristol, England. Began by George Müller, the orphanage grew exponentially under director Wright's tireless commitment. A. T. Pierson's biography covers the extraordinary life of one of Christ's greatest servants.

This brief volume is the pen portrait of a remarkable man, a leader among the Brethren of Bristol, and one of the best examples of simple, humble piety, fervent prayer, soundness of doctrine, and Chrstlikeness of character. The book is copiously and beautifully illustrated.

The Missionary Review

Catharine of Siena: An Ancient Lay Preacher

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1898
  • Pages: 68

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The life of Catherine of Siena is one of the most wonderful and fascinating biographies in medieval history. In the midst of ecclesiastical corruption this "daughter of the people" rose to be a tower of strength for purifying the church and ministering to the people. With a faith which swept all before it, her influence swayed cardinals, princes, and popes, and she acted as a mediator between Church and State. The interesting story of her life is told in this volume.

There is an especial fitness in bringing to the front such a woman preacher in the day when godly women are fast coming into real prominence as workers in the mission field at home and abroad, and when the sisterhood of the race seems to be for the first time mounting to the true throne of woman's influence and kingdom.

Southern Star

Her story ought, if widely read, to arouse in the women of today a desire to emulate the virtues of their illustrious sister of the past.

Epworth Herald

How few in our day, even among our high school and college graduates, know anything about this devoted woman.

The Living Church

The story is well told by Dr. Pierson, whose own piety is of the same mystical but evangelical type.

Christian Herald

The modern woman striving for nobler things will be helped by this sketch.

The Boston Times

Its pages are brimful of inspiration, while at the same time they narrate a history most thrilling and ennobling.

Pittsburg Christian Advocate

The book is a new instance of the possibilities and powers of the deeply consecrated life, and will be an inspiration to all who read it.

The Sunday School Times

The life of this remarkable woman, one of the strongest religious characters in history, is singularly inspiring because of her remarkable faith in God—a faith which gave her power to resist the fearful plagues of the fourteenth century—the ability to read character, carry everything before her, and accomplish a vast amount of good among her fellow creatures. Her character is portrayed by Dr. Pierson in a style which will appeal to all classes of readers, regardless of religious creed.

The Arena

This story of sanctified womanhood and power in prayer is retold to inspire like faith in women of modern times.

Christian Advocate

Seven Years in Sierra Leone: The Story of the Work of William A. B. Johnson

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 252

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

William A. B. Johnson was a missionary of the Church Missionary Society in Regent's Town, Sierra Leone, from 1816 to 1823. This is the record of his incredible work in that trying place and time, and it contains original diary entries and letters.

The record of his success in relieving the bodies and restoring the souls of the degraded freed slaves about him is full of encouragement and inspiration to all Christian workers.

New Outlook

While Mr. Johnson's work on earth has long been finished, he still lives, and his work, which was God's work, goes steadily on.

State Normal Monthly

"God's Hand in Missions"

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1884
  • Pages: 25

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This essay by A. T. Pierson celebrates the life of David Brainerd and his missionary work among the Native Americans of North America.

From the Pulpit to the Palm-Branch: A Memorial of C. H. Spurgeon

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: A. C. Armstrong and Son
  • Publication Date: 1892
  • Pages: 266

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume is a brief history of the last chapter in Charles Spurgeon's life. Beginning with his last appearances in his pulpit, the course of his final months, and then his funeral, From the Pulpit to the Palm-Branch also contains five memorial addresses by A. T. Pierson, as well as tributes of affection from various other church leaders and preachers.

It is a fitting tribute to his memory.

The Reformed Quarterly Review

The book has a copy of the last picture of Mr. Spurgeon taken at Mentone a few days before his death, and other illustrations that add greatly to its value as a memorial volume.

Book News Monthly

A just tribute to the most remarkable preacher of the century.

The Presbyterian and Reformed Review

Shall We Continue in Sin? A Vital Question for Believers Answered in the Word of God

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 122

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Shall We Continue in Sin? contains seven addresses delivered by A. T. Pierson in Great Britain and Ireland in 1896. Contents include:

  • Judicial Union with Christ
  • Vital Union with Christ
  • Practical Union with Christ
  • Actual Union with Christ
  • Marital Union with Christ
  • Spiritual Union with Christ
  • Eternal Union with Christ
He is, as usual, direct, vigorous, and practical, and his faculty of happy illustration is as noticeable as ever.


Life-Power, or, Character, Culture, and Conduct

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
  • Publication Date: 1895
  • Pages: 214

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Life-Power is a collection of six popular essays by A. T. Pierson on living by Christian principles. Essays include:

  • The Elements and Secrets of Power
  • The Power of a Presiding Purpose
  • The Use and Abuse of Books
  • The Genius of Industry
  • The Ethics of Amusement
  • The Inspiration of Ideals
Those familiar topics are presented in a definite, stimulating way, with a deep moral conviction of the worth of life. The precepts are enforced by many apt anecdotes and quotations.

The Review of Reviews

A Spiritual Clinique: Four Bible Readings Given at Keswick in 1907

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1907
  • Pages: 95

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

During his many years as a missionary and pastor, A. T. Pierson encountered four consistent ailments that Christians suffered from. In these addresses given at Keswick in 1907, Pierson offers practical solutions for dealing with these spiritual diseases: unsubdued sin, unanswered prayer, persistent darkness, and habitual unbelief.

Stumbling Stones Removed from the Word of God

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1891
  • Pages: 82

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A. T. Pierson tackles difficulties of perceived discrepancies found in the Bible, and lays the ground work for making "stumbling stones" into "stepping stones." He divides the work into three parts:

  • The Difficulties Stated—the Causes of Discrepancies
  • General Suggestions—The Laws of Interpretation
  • The Uses of Discrepancies—Conclusion
A little volume worth its weight in gold, in which many of the difficult and obscure passages of Scripture are made clear and easy to be understood.

Christian at Work

This is a small book, but it contains a good deal—helping believers to a better understanding of the Book. Hindrances are changed to helps. It is a valuable, helpful little book, and one to be highly commended.

Presbyterian Observer

By use of clearly defined rules of criticism, the reader is taught to see for himself the causes of so-called contradictions and differences.

The Review of the Churches

A pithy, practical little book that will be of use to all Christian workers. The difficulties in the way of understanding or of faith are pointedly stated, traced to their source, and explained.

Wooster Alumni Bulletin

Godly Self-Control

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1909
  • Pages: 220

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this practical volume on living the Christian life, A. T. Pierson covers regulation of thought, affection, moods, disposition, passions, speech, conduct, manners, reading habits, companionships, nerves, proper entertainment, and more.

"In Christ Jesus", or, The Sphere of the Believer's Life

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1898
  • Pages: 197

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This practical book seeks to demonstrate the boundless range and scope and the numerous applications of the phrase which forms its title. The particular application of this phrase is considered separately as it occurs in Paul's epistles. There are eight illustrative charts.

This is a very spiritual and devotional book, abounding in stimulating and refreshing instruction.

The Presbyterian

The book is written in a devout and helpful spirit, and can not fail to encourage and benefit all classes of Christians.

Herald and Presbyter

Through the Epistles of Paul the phrase is traced, and the significance of its occurrence is commented upon, and the conclusion that the believer finds in Christ a new sphere of life is elaborated in a manner which may prove of interest.

The Boston Journal

The little book by Rev. Arthur T. Pierson is full of inspiration for Christian workers. The meaning of the phrase 'In Christ Jesus' is clearly expressed by a diagram showing a circle within which the faithful find the Savior, and out of which evil spirits, sin, and wickedness press. The author shows with clearness and power the true significance of association with the Holy Spirit. It is a thoughtful gift-book for the devout.

The Boston Times

It is a help to the devotional life and something more. It emphasizes justification, sanctification, fellowship with God, exaltation, compensation for suffering, identification with Christ, and the final glorification of the believer.

The Congregationalist

A very suggestive little doctrinal study on the salvation which is in Christ, illuminated with Dr. Pierson's remarkable power of statement and illustration.

The Advance

Seed Thoughts for Public Speakers

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1900
  • Pages: 361

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume comprises of 600 suggestive and illustrative paragraphs, mostly on religious topics, for the use of preachers and other public speakers.

A fund of material with which to adorn or strengthen a discourse, speech, or article, all conveniently indexed.

Washington Post

Throughout there is a pleasing variety of wit, humor, historical fact, anecdote, and wise sayings.

New York Press

Few men are better qualified than Dr. Pierson to prepare such a book.

The Presbyterian

Dr. Pierson is so well and favorably known in the religious world that the influence of this book is likely to accord with his own individual influence.

The Baptist Union

Those who desire to enforce or beautify an address or a sermon will find a rare fund of material in this book.

Brooklyn Citizen

The book may be commended to all literary workers.

San Francisco Chronicle

Dr. Pierson is no novice.

The International

It is a veritable mine of homiletical wealth which might well be placed on the shelves of every preacher or public speaker.

The Expositor

The Making of a Sermon

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1907
  • Pages: 311

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Making of a Sermon deals with the art of sermonizing, beginning with the basis for all great preaching: the art of Bible study itself. Pierson guides the reader step-by-step through the most important principles which underlie powerful preaching.

A sufficient variety of analyses is given to cover every possible form of Scripture presentation.

Homiletic Review

Many Infallible Proofs: A Series of Chapters on the Evidences of Christianity

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: F. H. Revell
  • Publication Date: 1885
  • Pages: 317

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Pierson begins with the Bible, and explores its miracles and prophecies, its scientific accuracy, its moral beauty and sublimity, and then turns to consider the divine person it discloses: his nature, character, and teaching.

Dr. Pierson lays his wide and intelligent commerce with truth under contribution to the cause he has at heart. He marshals his evidences with no little skill, sending his facts, if not in upon the conscience with the force of a Hercules, certainly in upon the intelligence, with the unerring aim of the trained marksman.

New Englander and Yale Review

You will find in this unpretending volume 'many infallible proofs' of the truth of revelation, and many of the ordinary difficulties of Holy Writ able and fairly met.

The Churchman

This is a fresh presentation of the ordinary material of Apologetics, set forth with clearness and vivacity. The argument is skillfully conducted and the whole treatment attractive. The book is well adapted to strengthen believers and to meet the wants of honest doubters.

The Presbyterian Review

Dr. Pierson's work here, as elsewhere, is glowing, eloquent, and measurably convincing. The style is clear, direct, incisive.

New Outlook

The Keswick Movement

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Publication Date: 1903
  • Pages: 124

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A spiritual revival that began in 1875, the Keswick Convention began in a tent on the lawn of St. John's vicarage with the theme "All One in Christ Jesus." The conference grew by the year, attracting such notable speakers as D. L. Moody, and later, Billy Graham. Today, the annual conference attracts over 6,000 attendees each year. A. T. Pierson's The Keswick Movement is an account of its humble beginnings, told through the eyes of one of its earliest participants.

It is an admirable account of a great and blessed movement in the church of God. Dr. Pierson is uniquely qualified to write this book. The volume is marked by equal lucidity, sanity, and spirituality. It will do much to extend the helpful influence of this historic and divine movement in the church.

—Rev. R. S. MacArthur

It is an intesely interesting and clear account of one of the great spiritual tides of the present day by a chief participant in the movement.

Howard Osgood, D. D.

The book will quicken thought, and inspire to Christian living.

The Library Review

It is a sympathetic exposition of this movement toward holier living that is slowly but steadily permeating the whole evangelical world. Dr. Pierson writes in a clear, concise, and forceful style, and many readers who have previously heard little or nothing of this movement will recognize that a similar influence has been at work in their midst.

Methodist Magazine and Review

This little book, written by one who has played a prominent part in its development, traces briefly the history of the movement through the quarter of a century of its growth, gives a history of the origin and development of the Keswick teaching, and endeavors to explain the principles for which 'Keswick' stands. Those who are in doubt about the real character of the movement will do well to read it.

The Auburn Seminary Review

Evangelistic Work in Principle and Practice

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1887
  • Pages: 337

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This book is divided into two parts: one dealing with the principles underlying all true evangelistic work, and the other giving brief accounts of the labors of the more noted Evangelists of his time. The list is a notable one, and includes accounts of Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, Charles Finney, D. L. Moody, and more.

The mere reading of a record of work like that which they performed has a tonic influence on the reader, and cannot fail to stimulate in him all that is wholesome and helpful.

The Presbyterian Review

If our pen could become as fervent as fire, and as fluent as the wave, we could not write wither too warmly or too well of this book. Dr. Pierson has given us a real book—a thunderbolt—a cataract of fire. These flame-flakes ought to fall in showers all over Christendom, and set every house on fire.

Charles Spurgeon

The book tingles with the evangelistic spirit, and is full of arousement without sliding into fanaticism.

Springfield Republican

A stirring trumpet blast to every earnest soul it reaches.

Christian at Work

Every page is filled with the evangelistic spirit. Dr. Pierson is full of facts, arguments, incidents, and pours them over his pages in a molten stream.

N. Y. Evangelist

The Doric Pillar of Michigan: A Memorial Address Commemorative of the Hon. Zachariah Chandler

  • Author: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: O. S. Gulley, Bornman & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1879
  • Pages: 45

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Zachariah Chandler was Mayor of Detroit, a four-term US Senator for the state of Michigan, and Secretary of the Interior under President Ulysses S. Grant. Chandler was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church, and in this address, A. T. Pierson commemorates his service to both God and country.

The Inspired Word: A Series of Papers and Addresses Delivered at the Bible-Inspiration Conference, Philadelphia, 1887

  • Editor: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Anson D. F. Randolph & Co.
  • Publication Date: 1888
  • Pages: 359

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The theme of this great conference, held in Philadelphia in 1887, was "The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures." This volume contains all 18 of the addresses that were delivered, including A. T. Pierson's "The Organic Unity of the Bible."

The Picket Line of Missions: Sketches of the Advanced Guard

  • Editor: A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: Eaton & Mains
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 321

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This is a volume about missionaries, written by missionaries. Eight prominent missionaries give accounts of the missionaries that inspired them by memorializing their work and character. A. T. Pierson's essay is on Ion Keith-Falconer, the "Pioneer in Arabia." Appointed a professor of Arabic at Cambridge, Keith-Falconer's life was cut short while on a mission trip to Aden, Yemen, where he died from malaria at the age of 32. These accounts of the brave men and women who spread the gospel overseas will be an inspiration to all Christians.

How Christ Came to the Church: The Pastor’s Dream

  • Authors: A. J. Gordon, A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: American Baptist Publication Society
  • Publication Date: 1896
  • Pages: 149

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Divided into two parts, the first is A. J. Gordon's autobiography where explains the principles of his spirital life and ministry which he held with the firmest conviction. It was written shortly before his passing. The second section contains Dr. A. T. Pierson's biographical account of Gordon, where he celebrates Gordon's life and teachings.

The Great Value and Success of Foreign Missions

  • Authors: John Liggins, A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: The Baker & Taylor Co.
  • Publication Date: 1888
  • Pages: 237

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A powerful presentation of the successes of foreign missions, this volume contains the testimony of diplomatic ministers, viceroys, governors, military and naval officers, consuls, and missionaries themselves, as to the importance and effectiveness of missions.

The best answer, which could be given to recent as well as former attacks on foreign missionary work. A grand service has been done to the cause of Christian missions, and I am sure the book will accomplish a vast amount of good.

—Rev. S. L. Baldwin, Secretary of the Methodist Missionary Society

The author has performed a service of infinite value. His book will be a revelation to many and an inspiration to all.

Missionary Outlook

By far the most remarkable book on foreign missions yet published.

The Church of Today

I have been profoundly interested. It is one of the most graphic stories I have ever read.

—Bishop Whipple

The book will be found of immense value.

New York Observer

A triumphant demonstration of the success of missions.

Canadian Methodist Magazine

The Coronation Hymnal

  • Editors: A. J. Gordon, A. T. Pierson
  • Publisher: American Baptist Publication Society
  • Publication Date: 1894
  • Pages: 295

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Coronation Hymnal, edited by A. J. Gordon and A. T. Pierson, contains 408 standard hymns and tunes, as well as an ample selection of "Gospel Songs" written by Gordon and Pierson themselves. Special space has been given to missionary hymns.

Its great merit is the admirable association of the best of the popular hymns and tunes with a choice selection of high class but simple and easy music. The fact that its preparation was among the last labors of the lamented Dr. Gordon and that it contains many of his hymns and tunes which appear nowhere beside will give a special value to this hymnal for very many.

Baptist Missionary Magazine

Arthur Tappan Pierson (1837–1911) was born in New York City and named after Arthur Tappan, the famous abolitionist. He graduated from Hamilton College, New York, in 1857, and Union Theological Seminary in 1869. He married Sarah Frances Benedict in 1860, and they had seven children whom all served as missionaries, pastors, or lay leaders.

Pierson's impact as a preacher and writer are wide. He published nearly 50 books in his lifetime, and is thought to have preached over 13,000 sermons. He was a guest lecturer at numerous prominent colleges and seminaries, and succeeded his good friend Charles Spurgeon in the pulpit of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London for two years.

But perhaps Pierson's legacy would mostly be defined for his advocacy of faith-based missionary work. He set it as a personal goal to have missionary workers in every country of the world by the end of his life. His bestselling books were those that demonstrated the effective and inspirational work of missionaries, he was the longtime editor for the Missionary Review of the World, and he was one of the organizers of the famous Student Volunteer Movement. His family had Matthew 28:19 engraved on his headstone, a passage he dedicated his life toward fulfilling.


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  1. Faithlife User
  2. AeliusCicero



  3. Mr. Youngblood
  4. Larry Proffitt (I
  5. RevSarge



  6. Doug



  7. Thomas M. Campbell
    I highly recommend the writings of Arthur Tappan Pierson. Truly, a man of God and a devoted Saint of the Lord Jesus Christ, a very dedicated servant to mankind, he left a lasting legacy of his preaching, writing, and service to all. Read all his books.
  8. Thomas M. Campbell
    I highly recommend the writings of Arthur Tappan Pierson. Truly, a man of God and a devoted Saint of the Lord Jesus Christ, a very dedicated servant to mankind, he left a lasting legacy of his preaching, writing, and service to all. Read all his books.


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