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Products>First Love: Joy and Simplicity

First Love: Joy and Simplicity

Digital Logos Edition

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In First Love John MacArthur, Jr. asserts that what's been lost can be found. This book can help you restore the fire and conviction of your first love for Christ by helping you develop a clearer understanding of His character, His glory, and His love for you.

Product Details

  • Title: First Love: Joy and Simplicity
  • Author: John MacArthur
  • Publisher: Victor Books
  • Publication Date: 1996

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Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“If you are to ever regain your first love, it is absolutely necessary for you to acknowledge that Jesus does in fact have first place in everything, including your life. You do not occupy a position of prominence, only He does. The sooner you recognize that the quicker you will begin to reestablish your love for Him.” (Page 26)

“This passage crystallizes the danger of becoming so busy in activity for Christ that one forgets the necessity of maintaining a rich, loving relationship with Him.” (Page 7)

“Divine sovereignty and human responsibility are integral and inseparable realities of salvation—though exactly how they operate together only the infinite mind of God knows.” (Page 37)

“The Christian life is a continual pursuit of a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Because he is committed to Christ, the true Christian will do nothing to dishonor Him. Instead he will look to Him for mercy and grace when he sins. He will seek His strength during times of trial and temptation. And he will desire His wisdom and knowledge to lead him through the maze of life’s confusing circumstances.” (Page 10)

“But the Greek word translated ‘image’ here is eikōn, which refers to a perfect replica, a precise copy, or an exact reproduction, as in a fine sculpture or portrait. Paul was saying that God Himself is fully manifest in the Person of His Son, who is none other than Jesus Christ. He is the exact image of God.” (Page 18)

  • Title: First Love
  • Author: John F. MacArthur
  • Series: MacArthur Study Series
  • Publisher: Victor Books/Scripture Press
  • Print Publication Date: 1995
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Jesus Christ › Person and offices; Jesus Christ › Appreciation
  • Resource ID: LLS:40.40.10
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-10-09T22:36:42Z
John F. MacArthur

John MacArthur (b. 1939) is a Calvinist theologian, author, editor, and teacher. He is a popular conference speaker and the president of both The Master's College and The Master's Seminary. He has also served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. Best known for his expository exegesis of the Bible, Logos has collected more than 3,000 of his sermons in the John MacArthur Sermon Archive and offers the complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary.

MacArthur’s pulpit ministry extends around the globe through his media ministry, Grace to You. In addition to producing daily radio programs for nearly 2,000 English and Spanish radio outlets worldwide, Grace to You distributes books, software, and CDs by John MacArthur. He has written hundreds of books and study guides, including the bestselling John MacArthur Essential Bible Study Library and the MacArthur Study Bible. He is also the author of notable titles like Different by Design and Twelve Ordinary Men.


6 ratings

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  1. Rodney A. Fry

    Rodney A. Fry


  2. Rodney A. Fry

    Rodney A. Fry


  3. kevin lovo

    kevin lovo


    I thank God, who gave us this great man to instruct the body of Christ
  4. Valerie Stanley

    Valerie Stanley


  5. PauljOK1



    Wonderful book to read if the school of hard knocks is getting you down and you need a boost of happiness. Plus it is by MacArthur so you can be sure it is biblically solid.
  6. Richard Forinash
    Well written as usual & understandable



  8. Chris  Hill

    Chris Hill



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