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Products>New Testament, 17 vols. (The Complete Biblical Library | CBL)

New Testament, 17 vols. (The Complete Biblical Library | CBL)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $559.70
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Starting at $43.91/mo at checkout

The Complete Biblical Library was a remarkably ambitious undertaking involving over 500 Bible scholars and researchers. It took over 20 years to produce an exhaustive reference set, unlike any other. The result was a 39-volume library detailing the entire Bible, blending all study tools into one resource.

What makes The Complete Biblical Library such a sought-after work?

CBL’s unique interface of fresh, precision study tools makes it ideal for the Bible scholar and the serious student. This New Testament bundle is a 17-Volume set containing a Study Bible, a Greek-English Dictionary, and a Harmony of the Gospels.

The Study Bible volumes contain an encyclopedic survey of the particular New Testament book being treated. Each survey provides a general outline; discusses matters which may have several opinions; and, provides background information regarding the history, culture, literature, and philosophy of the era covered by the book. Following the overview is a unique Interlinear that contains the Greek text, the grammatical forms, the transliteration, the translation, and the word’s assigned number that is useful for cross-reference study within all volumes of The Complete Biblical Library. A textual apparatus, which lists the various sources for the Greek text, is also included. Verse-by-verse commentary that is useful for a basic understanding of every New Testament verse is then included. Finally, nearly 100 various Bible translations are interspersed throughout, in addition to the complete King James Version text, to show how different phrases have been translated over the years.

The Greek-English Dictionary volumes are fitting companions to the Study Bible volumes. The two are closely linked by a numerical system which identifies each Greek word. The number is placed above the word in the Interlinear and is repeated in the Dictionary which lists the words in alphabetical order. By this system a person may easily go from the Study Bible to an in-depth study in the Dictionary. Such an arrangement makes this Greek dictionary as usable for the layman as for the scholar. Features of the Greek-English Dictionary include:

  • Greek Words of the New Testament
  • Cognate/Synonym Research
  • Septuagint Section
  • Grammatical Forms
  • Greek-English Concordance
  • Word Studies
  • Resource Tools
  • The Word Studies portion of the Dictionary is the real heart of the CBL Dictionary. Most Greek lexicons offer word studies on "key" words. CBL gives you a word study on every Greek word. Every word study follows the same 3 step outline: Classical Greek - CBL tells you how this word was used in classical Greek literature. If a Greek word was used only once or twice in the NT, it will shed new light on the word to see how, for instance, Homer used the same word in the Iliad. Septuagint - The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the OT. Understanding how ancient Hebrew scholars used rare words will give you deeper insight into the particular word or phrase you are studying. New Testament - Finally, each word study takes you on a tour of that word's usage throughout the different books of the NT. Furthermore, each word study also references Strong’s numbers, plus gives you the volume and page number where this word can be accessed in Kittel, Colin Brown, Bauer, Liddell-Scott, and Moulton Milligan.

    The Complete Biblical Library - New Testament Set includes a bonus volume: Harmony of the Gospels - This Harmony is different from any other. Robert Shank (author) is noted for his accurate juxtaposing of the 4 Gospels, story by story, from the birth of Christ through his ascension. All 4 Gospels (in KJV) are laid side by side in parallel columns. What makes this Harmony unique is the 5th column, known as a Diatessaron. This interweaves all 4 Gospels into a single narrative, in modern English. Every verse of all 4 Gospels is accounted for, but no verse is repeated.

    Such a combination of Biblical and theological material has not been produced in any previous work. The Complete Biblical Library is special because it employs a system which is usable by those who have little or no knowledge of Greek, yet will appeal to theologians at the highest level of scholarship. For all who use this work, it will open wider the door to the richness of the original text of the New Testament.

    One of the greatest tools for the serious Bible student to come along in my lifetime is The Complete Biblical Library. It has it all: the original Greek, interlinear, King James Version, practical commentary, and references that make Bible study come to life.

    —Dr. Tim LaHaye, Author, Minister, Educator

    One of the most comprehensive and ambitious editions of the New Testament ever conceived in modern times. I feel I can recommend this set without reservation.

    —Dr. Gleason L. Archer, Former Professor Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

    The Complete Biblical Library is a marvelous example of a thorough Bible study program, introducing the reader to the Bible in its entirety. While one may not agree with every interpretation, the hours of godly scholastic commitment that have gone into this resource work are remarkable indeed.

    —Dr. W.A. Criswell, Former Pastor First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas

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    2 ratings

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    1. Steven Buehler
      I initially discovered the NT series in my bible college's library and it was such a 'lifesaver' in my time as a bible college student that I ordered my own set. I used it as the launching point for all of the other resources that were necessary in completing my academic papers.
    2. Pastor Ron Isam
      I love The Complete Biblical Library. I have owned it for a long time on my library shelves. However, how much easier it is to have it in my Bible Study computer Logos. Originally, with Word Search and now Logos. I really didn't know I had access to on Logos, but what a joy when I found I did. Now, I will save it over in the newer Logos program, because it has been said that it is just easier to work with. What a great resource.


    Collection value: $559.70
    Save $28.71 (5%)
    Starting at $43.91/mo at checkout