Digital Logos Edition
There are few issues as consequential for our personal lives and communities as abortion. It divides people not only on the streets and in workplaces, but also in homes and churches. After all, this issue involves personal decisions about sex, pregnancy, parenting, and our health. So while abortion is difficult to talk about, it’s important to provide accurate information and a context in which that information can be discussed.
In this thoroughly researched and easy-to-read book, author Randy Alcorn examines fifteen major claims of the pro-choice position and shares fact-based, rational responses. If you have mixed feelings about abortion, as many people do, this book can be part of your quest for truth. If you’re pro-choice or pro-life, it can help you think through your position.
If we have any hope of understanding and engaging with each other, let’s move our dialogue beyond bumper stickers, memes, and tweets. Randy encourages readers to listen carefully to arguments on both sides of the abortion debate, and to look at the evidence and weigh it on its own merit.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
“The fact that something is a choice tells us absolutely nothing about whether or not it’s right or should be legal.” (Page 20)
“The argument goes like this: while the unborn child (or slave or Jew) is indeed a living human being (science clearly shows that to be the case), he or she isn’t a ‘person,’ and therefore doesn’t have the right to life.” (Page 11)
“In fact, very similar arguments were used to justify terrible evils like slavery and the Holocaust, as well as the subjugation of women and the dehumanizing treatment of the disabled and mentally ill.” (Page 11)
“They point out that in asserting the man’s right to choose I ignored the harm done to the innocent woman whose rights have been violated.” (Page 20)
“The newly fertilized egg, a distinct and living organism, contains a staggering amount of genetic information, sufficient to control the individual’s growth and development for his or her entire lifetime.” (Page 9)
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Jack Caviness
Scott A. Lindsey