Digital Logos Edition
Confessing the Faith explores the implications of the fact that Lutherans have always viewed themselves as “confessional,” and thus “confessing.” The bold confessions serve as a model and an inspiration for all contemporary Christians who likewise want to proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
In the Logos edition of Confessing the Faith, you get easy access to Scripture texts and to a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references links you instantly to the verse you’re looking for, and with Passage Guides, Word Studies, and a wealth of other tools from Logos, you can delve into God’s Word like never before!
“Out of this conviction arose their belief that the faith must be confessed publicly. They believed that the Word continues to exercise its power as believers take the Word from the pages of Scripture to apply and confess it in specific situations.” (Page 134)
“Luther’s scholastic education had trained him to assert ideas publicly and to contrast them with the ideas of others.” (Page 25)
“To be human is to confess,’ Arthur C. Cochrane has commented” (Page 15)
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Glenn Crouch