Digital Logos Edition
This volume provides verse-by-verse commentary on 1 Peter. First written to the scattered and persecuted church in Asia Minor, it contains timeless encouragement for today’s Christians facing trials and suffering.
“As Christians, our speech is to be different than that of unsaved people. Our language is not to be filthy, sensual, suggestive, deceitful, or blasphemous. What comes out of our mouths reveals what is going on in our hearts. Our speech should reflect the Holy Spirit that lives within us and reveal to people that there is something different about us in a good way.” (Page 4)
“‘Half of what he achieves is achieved by the power of words.’ Words are the swords we use in our battle for success and happiness. How others react toward us depends, in a large measure, upon the words we speak to them. Life is a great whispering gallery that sends back echoes of the words we send out!” (Page 5)
“a stranger, foreigner, or an alien from a foreign country who temporarily resides with people of their country” (Page 4)
“Calvinism makes the mistake of equating foreknowledge with foreordaining and predestination” (Page 12)
“to be calm and collected in spirit; to be sober or clear-minded; to be self-controlled” (Page 345)