Digital Logos Edition
For the orthodox Christian who grounds his philosophy of history on the doctrine of creation, the wellspring of that history is God. Time rests on the foundations of eternity, on the eternal decree of God. Time and history, therefore, have meaning because they were created in terms of God’s perfect and comprehensive plan. The humanist faces a meaningless world in which he must strive to create and establish meaning. The Christian embraces a world which is meaningful and in which every event moves in terms of God’s purpose. He submits to God’s meaning and finds his life therein. The Biblical Philosophy of History is an excellent introduction to Rushdoony’s work. Once the reader sees Rushdoony’s emphasis on God’s sovereignty over all time and creation, he will understand his application of the presupposition in various spheres of life and thought.
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“Evolutionary time emerges out of the past, gropes its way blindly into the present, and moves sightlessly into an unknown future. The movement of time is thus from the past to the present into the future. The movement of time, according to the Bible, is from eternity, since it is created by God and moves out of and in terms of His eternal decree. Because time moves in terms of the eternal decree, when its function is finished there shall be time no more (Rev. 10:6). Because time is predestined, and because its beginning and end are already established, time does not develop in evolutionary fashion from past to present to future. Instead, it unfolds from future to present to past.” (Page 9)
“In this perspective, God is not the Creator; instead, He is another creature, although a greater one, who is leading man in the battle against the forces of chaos. He has not created time and history, but rather appears in time and history to give meaning to it by conquering it and reshaping it to fulfill His hopes. As a result, God is the spearhead of revolution in time and history against the chaos and meaninglessness of time and history.” (Page 5)
“Darwinism destroyed this faith in nature. The process of nature was now portrayed not as a perfect working of law, but as a blind, unconscious energy working profligately to express itself.” (Page 7)
“The destiny of covenant-keeping man is to be God’s vicegerent in Christ, to be God’s priest, prophet, and king over creation, to rule, interpret, understand, and dedicate the world in Christ unto God the Father. Man is not passive in his relationship to nature; rather, nature is passive in relationship to man. Nature was passive in receiving the consequences of man’s fall, and nature is passive today as man’s sin lays nature waste.” (Page 11)